My Diablo 4 Experience - By a D2 Boomer

  • Good Job with the Graphics and Combat Feel.

  • No Random Map Generation for at LEAST Dungeons?
    (Ill take any randomness at this point to make it closer to Diablo 2.)

  • Good Job with the Paragon System. Though we have yet to use it, It seems to be the only system within the game that ‘Seems’ outlandish, over complicated, and a hot mess enough to feel like it’s unbalanced, uncontrolled, and untamed. The Three U’s that made the foundation of Diablo 2’s definition of Fun. I hope it meets my expectations.

  • Level Scaling is too Tight. Having Monsters Scale ‘Almost’ if not "100%’ to your level makes the Game not feel like a Diablo Game. Players want to Farm and they play these types of games to Feel Powerful, not always feel like you are Level 1 again with some nicer items equipped. Maybe I want to farm some mobs that stand no chance. Why should every battle feel like my possible Last? You can have increased Difficulty without needing to use Level Scaling. At least put a max level on older regions? I hope the whole game is not just 100% flat Level Scale.

  • Good Job on the Music. Def not nostalgia, but it kept in the Diablo universe and I love that Violin.

  • Items. I Did get to Experience the feel of “I want to change my build because this Unique has a game changing Affix” Feeling the Devs were talking about. I plain out rerolled my tree just to swap it from Barrage Spamming, to Rapid Shot. Because now, Rapid shot can Ricochet to other nearby units. Giving it the ability to Assist with the Aoe problem that Barrage Solved already. But now I have Rapid shot for Destroying Bosses.

So Good Job Overall. Please don’t let level scaling and Same-o Same-o Repetitive Dungeon layouts be your downfall though in end game.


How are you giving them a thumbs up for a paragon system that was not even in the beta?


Google Diablo 4 Paragon System. Youtube it even.


No. Its a shared open world now. Low level players trying to legitimately play and enjoy early zones don’t need high level players destroying everything in sight before they can touch it.


game mechanics > all u cant bring trash covered with candy paper yes paper is nice but inside is nothing to eat

Just because the game has a paragon system, doesn’t mean the system is good. The paragon system in D3 wasn’t good either, its really just a method to keep people playing season after season, and D4 paragon system feels more like bait with the glaringly obvious cash shop and battle pass that are coming, remember Diablo IV is a live service over previous Diablo games…

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Easy. Do what a lot of other games do. You are phased out and placed in a “Too high” phase where you only belong in the same phase as other high level players. So farming those monsters dont effect anyone who needs them. Party members would just phase into this Phase as well even if they are level 1, assuming at least one member is considered “too high” for that region. Problem solved.

Also yes, Diablo 4 uses phases. Ive seen it numerous times where I would join into someone elses phase mid battle.

Or, they could just do level scaling so everyone can play together regardless of level and still get meaningful xp and loot. Like most major MMOs do now.


Yes and I agree with this. Sadly, most of us know this and that is the true fear we all know is more than likely true.

As for evidence, how level scaling was sort of hidden from being known. They know most people hate the feel of global level scaling. I prefer to meet them half way at least, where its region controlled level scaling or something else.

Nobody likes the feel of Global Level Scaling. It sucks. Well, at least 100% Level Scaling sucks. I have seen some good versions of it out there done right. But Remember Skyrim and Oblivion? Global Level Scaling wasent good in those games either.


Instead you’re doing an event at level 20 and some level 6 comes in and destroys everything in sight.


You mean those single player games? Pointless comparison. Level scaling works great in games like wow, gw2, eso, etc… you know, actual open world multiplayer games

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Scaling is fine. You don’t need to feel powerful as you grind out your levels. Once you hit the cap the scaling stops and you can become more powerful through gear. If you want to farm easymode that is what the difficulty settings are for. Leave them at the lowest level if you want to feel powerful. If you want more of a challenge turn the difficulty up.


Just because Marinara Sauce goes good on Pizza, does not mean people like it on their Hamburgers.

You don’t put the same systems in every game. Some games are great with it, some games cant use it without breaking immersion and the foundation of what makes that type of game “that type”. So in this case, Diablo 4 feels more like a Mobile MMO, than like the way Diablo 2 felt. They broke the connection of what made Diablo game a Diablo game.

Even Clones like ‘The Last Epoch’ are way closer to a true Diablo game experience than D4 is. D4 is just a different beast. But did not give the feeling of Traditional Farming Games like Diablo 2, Torchlight, Last Epoch. ect.

In some MMOs, Level Scaling can work. Some MMOs have Tweaked level scaling to the point where you don’t notice it so much. Diablo 4 does not even try to butter you up, it’s just slam dunk Full Level Scaling like a mobile game.

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The problem is you want d4 to be a hamburger, but its actually the pizza. You just don’t like that.

D2R is right over there for you. D4 doesn’t need to be D2 for those of you who can’t let it go.

The level scaling problem will surely go away in time as power creep increases as the game evolves just as it did in D3. When the game launches and as the seasons go on they want you grinding and struggling all the way to end game as a form of content. If you are getting your *** handed to you by a boss at any point, that is the game telling you need to work on your gear or skills. Would you rather it be like D3 where you can just breeze to max level in about an hour?

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And The Fallout Series was a Turned based game with Dialog, Choice Making, and Required thinking. It’s now a Call of Duty game with no Dialog choices, no consequences , and requires no thinking. It’s just a fps shooter now. The game is an empty shell of its former self. Its two different Category of games.

Are you telling me we should be ok with Diablo 4 being a totally different ‘type’ of game category than it’s predecessors when they knew that most of the Fanbase expected the game to feel like a Diablo game?

What next, Solitaire is now a battle pass MMO? While we are at it, lets add Global Level scaling to every game to make our job super easy as game devs. XD. Its Lazy


Fallout 3 and 4 were pretty big successes. You not enjoying them doesn’t change that.

I’m not saying “we” should be, but I am and so are many other people. If you aren’t, go shake your fist at the sky I guess. Or enjoy the game for what it is without trying to shoehorn it into your little 20 year old D2 box.

Wait until they take one of your favorite genre types, especially that you are a fan of when it comes to Lore, and completely change it into something completely different then what you enjoyed about it from before. You will then understand…

Telling someone to shut up, accept it, or get out, is basically the rudest thing you can tell someone who has been a long time fan… It’s very rude to think they should just ‘accept’ it and ‘move on’.

Can we please stop talking about the “farming” aspect of the game, it’s much better as is tbh

Now I get it, people want to repeat content and get a “targetted” loot but don’t see how scaling is in the way of that tbh… Perhaps the fact that we couldn’t get the mounts made it so that people can’t just “teleport” to wherever they want

The problem isn’t scaling, the problem is GRADIENT scaling IMO… i.e. all monsters scale in the exact same way possible… Not every monster needs to have 2.5x the HP, give some more damage, some resistances to others, some armor to third, heck even some movement speed to some others… I know it would feel “weird” to see bats running around like crazy on higher levels but would add to the diversity of impact on mobs IMO

And yes, if things get too “tricky” for people just can simply “fix” by adding one more damage type that can roll on items (unavoidable/sacred/whatever) and be a certain portion (smaller or larger, depending on the gear/build) on entire damage output of the character (that isn’t affected by resistances or armor)

Think THAT is the greater problem, the scaling not so much though

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Eh, I’d say its just as rude to try and tell a game franchise that it can’t change with the times to appeal to a modern fanbase because some oldschool fans never want it to change.