- Speed of gameplay
- Super happy it isn’t D3 style. I really like the slower but more thoughtfully pacing. I am not just spinning to win.
- For the most part when fighting mobs your level, you were not likely to get one hit by something that isn’t telegraphed. Maybe I am older now but I like having time to make a mistake and then based on skill being able to recover, or not.
- Difficulty
- We have T1 that is easy mode but T2 seems to be, for the most part, easy mode also. Some players like and have fun when being challenged in a game. If I am not challenged I normally move on to another game.
- Amount of Rare/Lego drops
- I am hoping, when it comes to item drops, this is just because it was a beta weekend and this isn’t what launch will be like.
- I was able to get full rare and then shortly after full lego before hitting even level 20. There was way too much rare loot dropping.
- Marking items as Junk
- Great feature!
- The Junk icon covers up the items icon too much. Would be helpful when trying to look through your junk items for any reason if the icon was smaller and in a corner.
- However, it would be very helpful if items would keep their Junk marking when dropped on the ground. Would help people like me with short memories from picking up the same item again when their bags are full.
- Need a Lock feature for items
- I could lock an item in the UI and that would keep me from selling/salvaging/destroying it without unlocking it first.
- Not sure if I am the only one but sometimes I am tired/not thinking and sell or otherwise destroy an item I wanted to keep, or I forget I wanted to keep the item.
- Health Globes
- Either I missed the tutorial explaining that health globes only are used if you are not full charges on your potion. But if I didn’t there needs to be one.
- Ore Nodes (Bug likely)
- When you gather an ore node it breaks down and looks like it has been gathered. However if you run a little ways over, so that it is off the screen, then run back it looks like it hasn’t been gathered yet. But it can’t be gathered again. It should just stay in its broken down state.
- Comparing offhands needs to show the main hand also you have equipped.
- Helps when trying to see if a staff is better than a one hander and offhand.
- Bug likely when comparing Sorc offhands
- Pic:
- Why the +2?
- Pic:
- Other players showing up in the open world
- Don’t like it
- It isn’t fun to be doing an event and have someone jump in and just one hit everything and ruin the experience for you
- Or it isn’t fun to be waiting on a friend to show up, that is in your group, and have some random person show up and start the event before they can get there.
- Not fun to have them train mobs on you
- Not fun to have them just kill everything around you as they run through
- Not fun to have a troll show up and spam stuff at you
- And this times 10 in hardcore
- Upgrading potions was very underwhelming
- I just clicked on Tiny Healing Potion to see what I was upgrading to and without any warning or prompt it just upgraded. I don’t even know what I spent to upgrade it.
- Cellar type dungeons
- Doesn’t feel good to have loading screens just to get into an instance with 10 mobs.
- They are all the same, too much same-ness over all in D4
- Switching up your points in your skill tree should be easier
- I can’t move around basic skills nodes in the tree without refunding everything. Would be helpful if we could swap a node in edit mode, and if we kept all the points in the basic area then it would make the change.
- Messages that pop up on screen need to last longer and have a place we can find them later (news feed?)
- Messages that pop up on the screen while playing go away way too fast. They also can’t be found easily to review because even if you get these while fighting I couldn’t read most of them.
- Things like the messages from the statues of Lilith, whatever the first class unlock was for barb at level 4ish, and so on. Make these stay on the screen longer or put them in an activity journal where we can find these events.
- Buffs location needs to be better
- The UI design for where these are located is terrible.
- The UI design for where these are located is terrible.
- Tooltip info is another issue in the UI.
- Like in the barb skill try on frenzy there is nothing that talks about berserking until you get to battle frenzy. So, does frenzy give you berserking or is this granted by another skill somewhere else in the tree? The game just doesn’t make this easy to figure out.
- And this issue isn’t just with this one skill, there are tons of things in the game that have this issue, and this seems to be an issue with other Blizzard games also. Not sure why they don’t give players the info they need to figure stuff out without having to turn to Google.
- See no option to show player hps and shield amounts without having to hover over them
- Frenzy Barb
- I love frenzy but it just didn’t seem like there was a good core skill to go with it. Every core skill I tried just seemed to break the flow of a frenzy barb. The best one was rend that I found. Would be nice if there was a core skill that fit in with a frenzy barb better or make rend better for it with its addon passives.
- The cracked glass on the health globe can make it hard to tell how much life I have left.
- Strongholds need better alerts or something, didn’t even know I was doing one until the end of it.
- Would be nice to have a fast + or - next to the item power level when comparing two items… Not hard to tell the difference but it would keep me from having to look at the item in my bag’s power level and then at the one I have equipped.
- Better tooltip info. Like what is “Barrier Generation” on a diamond do? The tooltip doesn’t tell me. Does that mean I will generate that much more of a barrier even if I don’t have a barrier skill/passive?
- Gold pickup radius should be a little bit bigger. Many times I break something and run and it doesn’t get the gold.
- DPS Meter and/or Damage Summary for boss fights/instances and/or Target dummies
- DPS Meters
- Would help us understand what skills are doing our damage and how they compare
- Damage Summary
- Would do the same and help us understand our builds better after a boss or instance
- Target Dummies
- Would help us do the same and if we can’t get a DPS meter then this would give us a spot where we wouldn’t be comparing ourselves with others during game play.
- DPS Meters
- Solo Self Found #SSF tag as long as you never group or trade.
- Let us opt in to #SSF and keep the special tag as long as we don’t trade or group.
- UI feels like you made a console game that was super simple and then didn’t even really try to adapt it to PC. Diablo has been a PC game since D1 and you should have made the game the best it could be on PC and then adapted it (with more effort than you didn’t in this case) to console without degrading the PC experience. The UI feels too much like a mobile game.
- Evade needs to go or be reworked. Like Quin69 said, it should be a unique “evade” type skill that fits each classes’ fantasy.
- Builds so far don’t feel like we can make them our own. Everyone will be using the same builds unless something changes.
Definitely agree with a lot of this. I love the ui readability and functionality however the core look is way off. It is not in harmony with the rest of the game. Appreciate your specific and practical advice otherwise given.
There are still multiple difficulty levels planned after these two. In the grand scheme, level 2 should be relatively easy.
Uniques are the old legendaries, legendaries are the old rares, and rares are the old blues. Blue and White are crafting materials, only.
I’ve seen a number of people think legendaries drop too much. If they dropped significantly less the crafting system breaks down. The entire skill system is based around them being relatively abundant. Your skill tree is more of a rough blueprint of your build, the real impact is in the items, so you really need items to drop.
I don’t recall there being one. There are a lot of little details like this that are missing. Things that are pretty obvious for long time players but not obvious to newer players.
Someone else suggested a save button that allowed you to make bulk changes without breaking things (which is why it is done this way). I agree it’s very annoying to need to change every node just because you want to make one adjustment high on the tree.
I don’t know that you need a core skill to go with it. Time will tell on how things get balanced, but with some item affixes focused on basic attacks, it’s possible they can be powerful enough to stand on their own. I’d like that to be the case, because otherwise there seems to be a shortage of real damage dealers for most classes. It would be nice if Barbarian, for instance, could get away with something like Frenzy, Leap, Shouts, Ultimate.
It’s high time this feature were added.
I think that’s kinda what they were going for. It’s very much a console interface, and to be fair, it’s a pretty good one. It needs adjusting like other things in the beta, but I felt the interface worked very well with a controller playing on PC. The fact of the matter is, PC only games are a dying breed and there is really no need for Diablo to be designed as a PC only game. Just be thankful it is designed as a console and not mobile game, because that time is quickly coming.
I didn’t have a problem with it, but that would be cool. Especially since much of the traditional long range movement will be done via mounts. What your class skills need is combat movement. Pretty much everyone took a movement skill in D3 (until higher pushes) so offloading that to the evade skill creates another button and that’s something that would please a lot of people.
I very, very, very much disagree with this. So much of the power comes from items and because you’ll craft most of your items with the imprinting system there will be a lot of variance. It’s not like perfect GG skiller items will just drop from the sky. If they balance the skills well and if, like said above, things like basic attacks can do enough damage, then there should be ample room for different builds amongst each class.
I know we only have a few days over two months until D4 releases, but I do hope they can address some of the issues before then. If they could just address the UI and the same-ness felling that all the dungeons/bosses give I think I would be happy with D4 as a base game.
I had a lot of similar feedback in my feedback post (Diablo 4 Beta Feedback)
Particularly the ‘shared world’ - it really really doesn’t work. It is definitely the biggest ‘con’ in terms of Diablo 4 over other ARPGs. Running into other people randomly is just not a positive diablo experience in any way shape or form.
Even if they are ‘nice’ and save you from enemies that might’ve otherwise killed you… that’s still not a positive. I want that feeling of threat to sometimes be present.
I could stand the shared world if it wasn’t for mob scaling. Just feels bad to have a level 5 to be carrying me a level 25…
You pointed out fundamental things! I’ve mentioned one of your suggestions about the skill tree ux improvement in my technical review.
Link to it so we can take a look?
I can’t probably because I’m a low rank on this forum, so I can’t put any links yet ;( can’t you find it on my profile?
'0 ’ Oh, I can now! I’ll update my technical review post and put the images xD edit: I can’t do it on the topic. For gods sake
Please for the love of all the gods add the option to have a “party only” world. I don’t want other players running around the game breaking the immersion feel. I wouldn’t mind even giving up the world boss events and be able to take the party “online” for the events.
The “cellars” didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Half the time we went in there wasn’t even anything in there to clear.
Even with it being the beta, having a class where you can’t even work on the class quest for the druid seems a bit counter productive seeing as how the melee classes need all the help they can get.
I really hope the skill tree gets some work. I absolutely loved the versatility in D3 for the abilities and the runes augmenting how the skills worked and looked. My group and I would like to see some more customization in the skills over…cosmetics for a character body you cant even see… I’m also hoping with the full release that the final skills “ultimate’s” will receive some work because out of the classes I played they all seemed lack luster. I heard a lot of people talking about needing items to really make the skills work cohesively but I feel like you shouldn’t NEED gear skills/abilities to make your character feel complete but rather boost them up past great. I feel like there just needs to be some gear and skill balances.
The beta map didn’t make a lot of sense in the way of trying to leave the main town and you can’t leave from the eastern exit due to some sort of invisible wall so you have to run alllll the way around to get to to the point just outside of it.
Having the vendors a little closer would be nice also vs having to run all over the place just to get your stuff sold, broken down, gems unsocketed, gems combined and then put in your stash. Speaking of vendors, I feel like the vendors are going to have the same problem as D3 did as to them not really being of much use other than breaking down items for a cosmetic that’s primarily for a collectors preference. Then having separate vendors for armor and weapons. Just seems like a waste of space to separate the 2 vendors and blacksmith. It makes sense from the point of view with the open world/mmo aspect but as someone whose not a fan of that in the first place I would just like to see things condensed down a little bit.
The drop rate is indeed buffed for the beta.