My D4 Open Beta Feedback

  • Tips on the loading screen should also be in an in-game journal somewhere we can find them and look over them. I don’t always pay attention to the loading screens and/or I can’t read it before the game finishes loading…
  • Can we get a vendor all Junk/common/magic/etc like we have on the BS? Instead of the game just assuming that I want to vendor everything marked junk to the vendor?
  • The UI in general but this is focused on the Challenges UI. What does it mean? What does the skulls mean under the icons? There is nothing that tells us. What does the little loot box in the upper right hand corner mean? Please just have a better and more informative UI in general. We shouldn’t have to Google everything and hope someone has guessed right.
  • More keybinds outside of the little wheels, stuff we can use easily in combat
  • Needs to be something on the Occultist screen when extracting/imprinting an aspect that lets you know that once you imprint the aspect it cannot be extracted again.
  • Option to Lock gear that I want to keep. Just in case I accidently right click an item in my inventory while looking over gear and that leads me to salvaging everything (since I didn’t want anything I had in my inventory at that time) and losing an item I was using for my build.
  • Some static hard content at different levels through the difficulty scale that allows us to test ourselves against. This gives us an idea of how good our build/character is outside the scaling. It is nice to see our character overcome a static challenge we were failing against just a week/month before.
  • On PC why can’t I just type in the search field for what I am looking for in the talents???
  • Not killing the World Boss because of the forced grouping with undergeared and/or under level characters isn’t cool. Let me do it solo if no one is around my level or gear level.
  • Shouldn’t be able to trade gold
  • Allow spaces in Clan names
  • Would love to see a breakdown of the damage/healing/etc on the World Boss, instances, boss fights, etc. Would help me see how I stack up against others and just review my build in general even if I am solo.
    • Not a damage meter, just something after the fight/instance is over.
  • On the World boss, give us the option to either join a public group or just fight the boss with a group of friends. Or better yet the option to solo it even if we have to greatly outgear and level it to do so.
  • Without a damage meter or damage overview during or after killing a boss or instance, the numbers on the screen go too fast to give us a good idea of what is happening and if the build is doing better or not.
    • We need some way to get an idea of how well our new builds are stacking up against others and/or our old builds.
  • We can’t see buff or debuff timers. Most of the UI doesn’t show us important info we need. Are we cced for 2 seconds or 20 seconds? Do we have 30 minutes or 20 seconds left on a buff? Should we use a spell to break this extra long cc or is it a short one we can wait out? Show us some info please.
  • A lot of skills have us needing to stay above 80% of health or mana, can we can both percent number and actual numbers on the hp/resource bars?
  • An option to auto repair when visiting a vendor that can repair. I would pay gold to unlock this feature.
    • If not this then please put the repair button on the default tab the vendor opens up to.
  • When I am trying to complete an event with the mastery, if I am really close on the timer, when it completes it doesn’t show me if I completed the mastery in time or not, should be put in an activity journal in the UI somewhere so I can review it, like a lot of other stuff in the game.
  • Skill tree and moving around points
    • Edit Mode
      • This would allow us to move around points freely. Once we are done it would look at what all we moved and charge us the correct amount of gold if we accept the changes.
    • Or if we can’t have edit mode (I would prefer it)
      • Please make it so we can remove points from skills even if doing so would mean we wouldn’t have access to the rest of the tree after that point.
        • Instead just gray out the tree that wouldn’t be available to us without those points. That means we would have to re-add the points before we could access/use the skills/passives in the tree beyond that point also.
  • We still have sets like they are from D3, they just don’t have set names and aren’t colored green. The multipliers needs to be removed
  • WASD movement on keyboard please please
  • Change sorting (or give us options to change how it works)
    • Right now I just sorted my full inventory.
      • Helms.
        • Blue helm first ilvl 281, next yellow glyph plate helm ilvl 280, next yellow glory passage helm ilvl 320
    • Why isn’t it just sorting by item slot and then item level? All helms should be grouped and then go from the helm with the highest item level to the lowest.
    • Not by item slot, then helm type, then item level. I don’t care if it is a glyph plate helm or a glory passage helm, I am looking at ilvl and what it rolled with.
  • Give us item filters for both our inventory and stash
    • Let us type what we want to filter by
      • Like: Ice Shards, barrier, conjuration, frenzy, life, resistance, etc
      • Just let us type it or have an extensive list of every thing that can roll on gear in the game for us to pick from.
  • Give us custom search (not this select a preselected keyword stuff that is limited) everywhere
    • Stash
    • Inventory
    • Skill tree
    • Paragon trees
    • Everywhere that you may want to search


  • There needs to be something in the character panel UI (that is easy to find) that explains the basics. Like what affects just you, what affects just your minions (and what minions), and what affects both you and your minions.
    • Example: Does Amplify Damage just improve your damage or by improving yours is it also improving your minions damage to cursed enemies?
    • Example: Or what about Death’s Embrace does this also increase damage minions do?
    • If D4 is like D3 in this regard then there needs to be something in the UI that lets the player know how attack speed, DoT, thorns, etc affect your minions.
  • Dying to a boss means you have to go out and farm corpses. The healing shrine outside the boss room should also drop 10 corpses or something so we can resummon.
  • When comparing necro offhands the plus x percent main hand damage should show a dps value for that +80% main hand damage vs the off hand item in your bag you are comparing against.
    • Some also may be confused because you can equip and unequip the item with the +x% main hand damage and the damage on your main hand doesn’t change. Your Attack Power does but most would likely look at their main hand damage since that is what the stat stays.
    • Because if it doesn’t and the item in your bag has a dps value than it looks like it is a massive upgrade at quick glance or if you don’t know about the +80% main hand damage stat
  • Shields and other items with +80% main hand damage need to have what that value equals next to the stat. Shouldn’t need to calculate it myself.
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This is well done. Love that the feedback is objective.


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