My Beta Feedback

Story (5/5): I thought what was shown was interesting and I’m certainly looking for more.

Music (5/5): Loved the music and it pairs well with the scenes. You could FEEL certain scenes due to how good the music was.

Art Style/Graphics (5/5): The game looks amazing. The new art direction is much appreciated over the cartoon graphics of the previous title.

Gameplay (4/5): Overall it’s not bad, but I’m knocking you guys a point because Barbarian feels weak as hell compared to Rogue the other class I played. My level 25 Barb was losing to a level 15 Rogue who could output some crazy damage. In the two fights I had trouble with my Rogue tossed them in a blender and one shot em’. Buff the Barbarian a little bit early game and it will be fine. I did notice Barb gets better once you have some Legendaries and I imagine because it has the most weapon slots it will eventually have some over on the other classes due to extra effects. But at this point in the game it feels much weaker.

Anyways my 2 cents. Thanks for the beta overall I had a blast and I’m looking forward to when it’s released.

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