My beta feedback so far

Just sharing a few things about the beta experience that’ve stood out to me so far. PS4 player using blood skill focused necro.

In dungeons or closed spaces in particular, the targeting range for doors needs to be shortened by quite a bit. Had a handful of times where I was fighting mobs, the targeting would pick up on the doors behind the monsters which was pretty annoying to work with. (I imagine this would be a problem for any ranged/caster class)

Had a few instances where after killing some enemies, they would be dead, but their “body” would just be standing and breathing in place, not moving or targetable however.

Had one instance where I couldn’t leave town via the bridge. It was just like running into an invisible wall and kept slingshotting me back. I went and messed with the wardrobe for a few minutes and tried again, then it worked.

I really dislike the gut piles as corpses when playing with necro. The red beam is enough to signify a corpse of a slain monster. I’d really like to see the different enemy types I’ve killed instead of all of them looking the exact same. I understand this would have a purpose when a usable corpse needs to be generated for a skill proc or whatever, but please seperate those two things.

Also, the blood nova and corpse explosion animations are pretty much the same thing. It doesn’t feel like I’m using different skills when I use those.

Wouldn’t mind a transparent map overlay either.

Lastly, as far as the open world things go, monsters regenerate at a fine enough rate, that I haven’t really felt like everything was being taken out from underneath me. It does, however, ruin the illusion that I am the hero of the story.

Enjoying myself so far, and looking forward to launch. Lot’s of great potential here. Thanks.