Must ban the dupers and all who used duped mats

D3 Alert!! Complaining about others and demanding bans for something that has zero affect on anyone in a single player/no leaderboards game


Fair? It’s a single player game. Are you really really really that worried what someone across the globe is doing in a single player game that you demand they get banned. You have to be from the D3 cry for banwaves crowd. Show us on the doll where the pixels hurt you

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if a murderer murders ppl very far away from my home i still hate them even if theyre not gonna murder me personally.

i dont understand the people that think like you. maybe youre a bit of a sociopath :wink:

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Blizzard should flag all the people on this post defending the duping actions because 100% they probably doing it too.


its awesome where people always get these numbers from.

im sorry, but i really dont see people throwing around with percentages here having ever visited a school.

haha yea xD

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i mean really, imagine you took part in that exploit yourself. id never ever think of trying to defend that especially after the pinned post and just stay quiet as a mouse.

guess we should have a look in the post histories once the posts “I got banned for nothing” pop up lol.

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I voted for Merkel…AND Xi.

I don’t think rob himself was actually duping. However he was 110% in groups that was using duped mats to summon the boss. However I have seen rob be a part of a lot of the questionable stuff that happens in d4 so he deserves some sort of punishment and I agree it will never happen. I see it like this in real life if you receive stolen property you can technically be punished because it’s your responsibility to know where things you buy or accept come from. So in my opinion same should happen in d4. It should be your responsibility to know if you are indeed using duped mats. Using material from some random stream watcher or buying them from some discord or other method is shady and if you got duped material you deserve punishment just like the duper.

That makes no sense, the person can easily just lie. What we gotta go to their house and confirm they indeed farmed these materials themselves?
How do you suggest a player even goes about finding this information out?

Play with friends so you know where material come from. It’s simple. Another option is Blizz accepts responsibility and becomes the middle man by having an in game auction house. If they did this and you got duped items they would be responsible.

If I have excess gold, I will definitely buy mats. I don’t care where they came from with how bad the performance is in this game and how you can lose all your helltide progress with 1 crash(which happens often).
Unfortunately I can barely play the game because these so called minimum specs are a lie, even though I have a little bit higher than what the game is asking for.

Here’s the thing: can Blizzard prove the player knew that the person was receiving duped mats?

If not, then banning them is bad legal exposure and I promise you that Blizzard does not want their ToS/EULA being picked apart by Lawyers because it’ll end badly for them (Gotcha clauses put the entire legal document into question and some places like Canada have ruled that if you bury lines of text in the EULA/ToS/Contract that it’s not enforceable).

So from that end alone it’s not wise for them to be going after people they simply suspect, they need hard evidence.

All the ppl that think this doesnt affect them must NEVER do these things:

Never go in a party (potentially watching your teamates wtf pwn a tier 100 with their cheated items)
Never goto a world boss late (IF you are late now and the cheaters are on they insta gibbed boss in .7 seconds and you get nothing.)
Never trade in a ruined economy

What else does cheating and exploiting that goes unpunished do?
Undermines others gameplay and motivation. Why bother doing things real when cheating is allowed and even put on display as ok by streamers that get away with it?
Encourages more cheating and exploiting. Why do it the legit way if you can just cheat and get away with it?
Pits the players against each other. ITs already happening in this thread. The ppl that want a fair game are made fun of. I think we can make some inference about the players making fun of others for wanting a fair game. They could be the ones cheating.
Cast doubt on the future of the game. IF cheating cant or wont be fixed then the future of the game is put in doubt. Its like a child you fail to punish on breaking rules. The child will start to doubt you love them. That you have given up. You dont care.

You need to drop massive hammer on cheating and exploiting. I have watched many games implode due to this.

Putting your head in the sand and pretending this doesnt affect you is a short sighted and wrong view. It absolutely does. Even if u disagree with all my points, you will eventually get affected by cheating and exploiting left untouched in some way be it through friends, loss of players in the world, ect.

Everyone should want a fair game for these reasons. Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.


While you were arguing, a new round of exploits just dropped

Are u kidding me???1!!!1!!!111!!!eleventy1!!!1

This is the second dupe exploit they’ve had. This one falls squarely on the game director. It’s sheer hubris not to have a PTR up for a new season, and certainly in the early stages of a game’s life where things like this are more likely to go live without a PTR than would go with one.


IP and hardware bans dont work. Secondly IP bans have to be the dumbest thing you can do. 99.9999% of the people playing this game get a DHCP public IP. Banning that IP only bans another potential customer who gets that IP after the lease is up. And tbh is not hard to force a public IP to swap outside of going through vpn as well.

Just suspend the accounts that duplicated gear. Or better yet remove the mat cost to do Duriel. 1 to 2 hours to farm up mats to kill a boss that takes legit 10 seconds to kill and drops trash the 6x I have done it so far.

Edit* not asking for anything to be handed to me either. Make uber uniques 1 in 500 or 1 in 1k from uber Duriel or make him a bit more difficult. Right now the hardest part is not falling asleep while farming the mats to go do the boss.

Well it was comfirmed yesterday that he did little over 500 Uber Duriel runs in 3 days.
There is no way without duping…Even if other people did it for him he knew.

Guilty by association


i agree on that its a shame

No punishment can be greater than needing to play helltides.