Mother's Blessing Experience Buff Not Going Live Today


How the frak are they not putting it out on the same day as the anniversary, so dumb!


They never said the XP buff would be the same day as the anniversary/goblins/free cosmetics. The Cosmetics/Goblins were announced for June 6th onwards, the XP buff never had a date, it just says Part 2 XP buff. No other info.

No one foresaw this date coming. It just jumped right out at us.


The Mother can’t return yet. She’s too busy giving her blessing to Inarius atm.

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Actually the official Diablo Youtube page did say XP buff start today in a response to someone yesterday…

Do you have a source for that video?

Who actually gets upset or worries about something so insignificant?

Thank you sir, I thought the Mother’s Blessing Exp & gold buff would be today too. Ah well, goblins aren’t bad for now.

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Sad panda is sad about not getting the XP buff. It’s just a psychological thing where I don’t want to play and work my way up to 100 when there should have been a buff to help me out.

The gold and goblin stuff was nice, but it’s the XP buff that makes the holiday for me, and it’s just not coming right now … so, I’ll probably just pick it back up next season.


If you go to the event page, Section Diablo IV: March of the Goblins, Part 2, it shows the Mother’s Blessing event that includes both March of the Goblins and June 6-13.


Are the cosmetics already redeemable in the shop? Can’t see any to claim.

Will we need to update to get the Goblin event?

So upon logging into the game, it gives a little blurb about each event and some details.

It specifically says:

Mother’s Blessing Returns
Our blessed Mother celebrates one year since her fateful return to Sanctuary. During this anniversary edition of Mother’s Blessing, earn Experience at 25% and Gold at a 50% (multiplicative) increased rates. This boon arrives soon and lasts 10 days in total!

Does have a nice button to claim the anniversary gifts though.

The treasure bag is such a disappointment

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I got a crazy idea. How about if goblin bags had something wacky like LOTS OF GOLD instead of yellow con gear? :smiley:


Right?! they know people need more gold why not at least make event goblins worth it with like 1Million gold each kill


Gotta wait for an indie co to put out a event to copy, then make worse, somehow.

Makes me miss the Boon of the Hoarder gem from D3.

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