Most players here are absolutely clueless

First off: do you people really think this patch is surprising? Like, this basically does not happen with every modern game nowadays? Within two months a huge fix/balance patch comes out, which in most cases also means huge ‘nerfs’. D4 is no different.

We all very well know it was, for example, never intended that someone could oneshot uber Lillith at 100. So, guess what happens? Things get toned down/rebalanced and, since people could do that, toned down by a substantial margin.

I am completely not surprised by the patch, I think it is a good start. You first need to shoot with a cannon, then the actual finetuning begins. This patch is the cannon (and the arguments like ‘they do not know what they are doing’, ‘The game was not finished’, ‘All the fun is now gone’) are completely idiotic.

As I said: every modern game has this now. The reason for this is btw very easy: millions of players know more/find out more than even the people who have made the game. So, you can even say: this patch is not on Blizz, it is on the players, we figured out the exploits, they fixed it. Mad about the patch? Look in the mirror.

That being said, there are a ton of new options, together with the ones that people already used, now in the game:

  • DoT builds (poison all the way for certain classes).
  • Barrier builds (looking at Sorcerers here, did already some theorycrafting, a Barrier/Fi
    re build is looking very interesting). But for all classes Barrier is very interesting.
  • Overpower builds, for example coupled with Barrier, oh boy.
  • Lucky hit build.
  • The builds that already were being used.
  • And so on.

The primary goal from the devs is to increase build variety, it looks like they are actually making progress with this through this patch.

What? My ‘I looked up the strongest build and now it is not that strong anymore boohoohoo!!!’ A small example: a lvl 100 Thorns Barb could kill uber Lillith, but you actually had to be skillfull in the fight itself to do it instead of hitting her twice.

This patch has improved the game for the most part. And yes: there are also things that I disagree with. The now hard lvl 50/70 requirement for T3 and 4 is idiotic. If you can complete the capstone dungeon, that should be enough, no matter the level you are at. Just 1 thing I completely disagree with, same goes for the leave dungeon being increased to 5 seconds, I really do not even…

This game has just started, and again, do not give me the ‘It wasn’t finished’ or whatever crap, every game is the same now. You really think something similar is not going to happen with either PoE3 and/or BG3 and/or Starfield? I still remember the launch of D3, this game, especially with this patch, does not even come close to the complete cluster**** that was.

I am going to enjoy season 1 and the further evolution of this game. I am going to have fun concocting a new build, just as I have now with my weird Chains/Death Blow Barb, which, imo, is awesome and is absolutely viable, also end game.


Sorry but you’re the clueless one, the minority as well. This game’s trash and you are going to rot in it. Think you’re having fun, good for you? We are not. We, as in the actual majority.


No, you are not, this made me laugh, thanks for that.


You are in the minority among players then.

It is bad game design, bad game testing, and just bad game management if after a month the devs/designers feel a need to completely rework the class skills and balance.

Someone didn’t do their job to release the game with properly functioning classes and skills.


There’s no issue if endgame is lower level than before, I don’t think it’s a big deal if you’re farming 60s, 80s or 90s. The big defensive nerf is a problem for tankier builds on whatever content is relevant for your char though, it’s fun to get in there and fight things a bit. At least for me, dying easier just makes the game more cumbersome


The majority think this patch is trash, take a survey on the forums if it isn’t obvious. Patch is bad, game is bad, devs are clueless.


i play video game from 1980 and online from around 1995 , and handdown this patch is one of the worst patch i ever see


Your delusion is noted and apparent


I am going to repeat myself: most games nowadays have this, D4 is no different. The list is endless. The ‘big patch after launch which changes a lot’ is not exactly unique, now is it?


I think people just want Diablo 3-II and not a new game. Or at least that’s what they think they want. :person_shrugging:


Diablo 2-II seems more likely. And considering how much of an improvement that would be, those people aren’t wrong.


True, many games recently are also trash. That’s somehow supposed to justify DIV swindling us?


That is completely unrealistic and the closest thing you’ll ever get to that is Path of Exile.

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At a daily base millions, if not tens of millions of people are playing this game, I do not see millions of new posts here, nor on Reddit, do you? Or are you so arrogant you assume you speak for that majority?


you can only stack barrier as high as you base HP on level 100, all extra life do not count into your barrier.

So it is a incredible bad defensive mechanic, and is only beaten as worst defensive mechanic of the game, the not working “resistance” mechanic.


People think they’re the main character because their opinion on a video game is contrarian :skull_and_crossbones:

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Is it? They caved in and made D2R, and it has far more players than I believe any of us realistically expected it to. If a formula works, sometimes it’s better to modernize that rather than try to reinvent the wheel. I get what they were aiming for with D4, but at the end of the day, what the lion’s share of people want out of a Diablo game is an ARPG experience, not a half-baked MMO.


Making leveling longer and harder is not fun, what is fun is getting new and better items to kill stuff faster. The whole point of Action rpg is moving fast, if you want methodical gameplay, you play turn-based RPG or hardcore.

I think most player would rather do 5 dungeons for 100 items than 1 dungeon for 20 items. Most people will not want to level to 100 if it is too long and it is exactly what will happen with the nerf to XP for mobs that are higher level than you.


Look at how many likes his post got beast.

Then at how many likes your White knight post got.

You are the minority.

Suck it up.


I agree with a lot of what you said, but this is where I have an issue. This is not the time to be like, “oh wow! The way we did this doesn’t really work, we need to scale conditional damage modifiers back!”

That time was during the 6 years of development. This should be tweaking, not figuring out how the game functions at a fundamental level.