Most players here are absolutely clueless

Source on minority. Besides reddit, and twitter which honestly dont count since they are echo chambers

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Iā€™m not arrogant, Iā€™m just not blindly devoted to a video game like you are. Iā€™d say between the two of us, Iā€™m looking at this more objectively than you are. Your original post is an absolute joke, you skew the truth to try to make your incorrect point. White knighting at its finest. The patch absolutely gutted sorc, I know that much for sure since Iā€™m intimately familiar with the class. Others are stating their classes have also been nerfed hard, then thereā€™s you, the single post in a swarm of complaints saying ā€œeverythingā€™s fine, you guys just canā€™t see the big pictureā€ lol yeah ok, whoā€™s the arrogant one again?


Dudeā€¦ They nerfed the weakest class, sorc, into oblivion. What classes do you play? Obviously not sorc


Remember, buffs are comingā€¦ in 2025.


My favorite build Iā€™ve played is bone spear so it does suck to see it nerfed but I have to admit it was too strong.

The problem is they didnā€™t really buff off builds, and they didnā€™t just nerf strong builds. The strongest builds remain very close to the same now they just suck more cause most weak builds were too weak and/or were also nerfed.

Like meteor sorc got hard nerfed seemingly inadvertently and that was a D tier spec at best. Why?

Crit and vuln are still great and still worth chasing over almost everything else for most builds just now its worse. They did so little to raise the stuff no one was using.

Also things like DOT builds are really only buffed for this season with that one specific malignant heart. My firewall sorc still sucks after the patch. They could have made firewall do 3x more damage and it still wouldnā€™t be a great gameplay experience lol.


No, it does not. Not going into the ā€˜Swindlingā€™ part, but at least they make an effort to improve. There are more than enough examples of this swindling, I do not consider D4 one of them.

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Still maintain this patch was to slow peopleā€™s progress toward endgame, and slow their progress at completing endgame content. Because Blizzard doesnā€™t have any additional endgame content ready and needs to stretch out what they have as long as possible.


I have been around long enough to play the original Warcraft when it first came out. I have played more games than I could ever possibly count and especially online games. This is the first time in all my years of playing Blizzard games that I truly question their aptitude.

Iā€™ve never seen a patch quite like this so early in any game that completely guts core mechanics. There is no possible way they have played their own game in all aspects and actually thought these were all good changes. These are kneejerk reactions to issues they donā€™t understand.


Agreed. The game did borrow elements from MMOs, but I would argue that MMO time sinks are very much NOT Diabloā€™s DNA. Iā€™ve been playing Diablo since the first PC release. I find it a nice break from RPGs that eventually become labor.

Diablo is, turn on, kill stuff, pick stuff up, sell stuff, turn off. Thats what made it so great. When the first one came out it was basically, ā€œimagine the best parts of an RPG, then they come so fast and often that your dopamine receptors burn outā€, and there was much rejoicing.

Now? I spent an entire day running around clicking on shrinesā€¦


So by the original posterā€™s logic, they are balancing the core gameplay experience around people that are one shotting Uber Lilith. So, like .1 percent or less?

Also, whenever you are too heavy handed with nerfs, then you have people who have invested a lot of time in there character who will just quit the game. Thatā€™s why itā€™s generally better to be a little cautious with it than just f*** people over and be like ā€œdid you like that?ā€


The problem is the devs nerfing based off what streamers, ā€˜proā€™ players and content creators were doing - the ones intentionally making game breaking builds that the majority of players would never see, use nor encounter. And completely ignoring all the QoL changes that are needed - gem bag, stash space, horse janky as fā€”, etcā€¦ Blizz said they wanted to target a more casual type player base and then just ruined the game for that very demographic.

Tried playing my Wolfnado - total trash now.


There are a lot of build that can still one shot Lilith, they where not addressed, and i bet with your build you cant even do the endgame content you weekend player.

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Yep, I think that is the crux of it, not because they need to balance, it is so seasonal player stick in for longer but I am not sure people will engage with it to start with.

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Was waiting for the ā€˜you are a fanboy and therefore have no right to voice anything positive about the game because I think it sucksā€™.

And indeed, I am, at least trying, to look at the bigger picture. Not 1 big patch.

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The big picture is Blizzard lied to us about the game, and farmed us for 70+ USD


This is the crux for most of the crying after the patch, well said.

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Lol, op thinks barriers on a sorc is gonna keep him from getting one shot.


Beast is a game dev on his burner account


You posted this L take not us. Now live with your bad gaming review. Itā€™s yours.


I bet all the people crying that their 1 shot killing machine character probably never finished a single ā€œSoulsā€ game !!!

Game was far too easy it needed nerfs and it needs to be harder !!!

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