While I’m enjoying the game at present, there is one bone I have to pick - Nightmare Dungeons. All too often I’m getting sigils for the same few dungeons when there are so many dungeons spread across Sanctuary… Please consider varying the Nightmare Sigil drops to include more dungeons than the few that are available at present. It gets old doing the same few Nightmare Dungeons over & over again. Thank you.
Haven’t they pooled dungeons into different seasons, so you will never get certain dungeons this season?
Not that I’m aware of. I’m getting the same sigils over & over again which gets boring… Don’t get me wrong - I’m enjoying the game & the Season 2 content but the one thing that needs improvement are Nightmare Dungeons.
There are 25 nm in the rotation per season. Its feels so repetitive because of it.
I stand corrected. It honestly feels more like 10.
Skar is right. they rotate per season. its even pinned at the top of the forum, its 30 dungeons.
agree’d open up the limiter and even add a “do every dungeon on nightmare challenge”
hah cant disagree with you there ^^ especially since its only a handful i personally “want” to run ^^
Yeah i think this season my fav is still the spider tunnles because of the high density.
Off topic wb in 3 min
I say get rid of the limiter in its entirety & provide sigils for all the dungeons in the game. I repeatedly get the same few sigils for the same few dungeons which gets boring. Again - I’m enjoying the game but Nightmare Dungeons could see some improvements in future patches IMHO.
Only about 5 types of dungeons and bosses anyway. The title doesn’t really matter. I agree some of the mob types are more fun and more exp, but in the end it’s still repetitive.
I like the dense outdoor dungeons myself. Carrion Fields this season is really fun and has spider caves within it, too. I don’t like dungeons with no boss. Feels like lazy development.
any game that ISNT “GAME OVER” after you beat the final boss, is MENT TO BE repetitive. like any MMO…
That was my point. Doesn’t matter if there’s 5 NMDs or 500 NMDs to choose from, as there aren’t many differences between the 5 or so categories of dungeons. The OP wanted more choices, but they’re all going to be the same as every other one in that category, be it cave, hold, field, cathedral, etc.
same could be said about D3. but its more options for a random dungeon layout (in a way that we dont run that same dungeon 100 times a season)
it would be fun to USE 100 % of the game we PAID 100 % for though right ?
They could also keep the current season specific sigils and make a random uber version of any dungeon drop with various mods, like for instance another way besides wb or the uber bosses to target farm a specific type of unique , or increased chance for high ilvl armor of a specific type. You could choose to spend sigil powder on a random uber sigil just like you do the nmd sigils.
they could also add a “favorite” meter to increase the drop chances for people who like to do the same dungeon over and over again ( IE ghoa, cause its the GOAT)
but yeah, doing ALL the NMDs every season would be a fun little cheesmo
Oblivion, Inferno & Sirocco Caverns are my favorite dungeons in the game…
You mean there are more dungeons than Steadfast Barracks and Ghoa Ruins? Coulda fooled me
ghoa the goat? depends on what your doing. if im leveling for xp deserted underpass and sirocco are best. at max level and just glyph xp running belfry zakara. i can run that dungeon in just over 60 secs. even having objectives its so fast
ghoa is a good second for glyph xp running though
I made a post that solves this where dungeons can have modifiers so good you want to run bad dungeons. And yes there is a rotation set for each season.
Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
Ghoa is the best dungeon for glyph xp hands down. SS Tier. You can just run / teleport to boss and its super fast.