Missing Chapter 3 reward Strips and Points Mount Armor

ooh… this makes sense. I didn’t even realized they changed the mount drops to automatically appear at the stable.


Boosting this so they see it :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


I’m having the same issue

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Same issue with me, also bought the blizzard pack and that’s not showing either.

Same here cant find anything online for a fix… Worth mentioning as well I have bought the virtual blizz ticket and I am also getting 2 pink boxes for placeholder items that havent been implemented yet. Not sure if that contributes to the bug

Same problem, also can’t finish Chapter 3 journey Potent Vows.

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i wonder if this fix bugged it somehow

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Just got this bug with the chapter 3 reward. will try again tomorrow and see if the fix propogates out.

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I am missing the same Strips armor, but also the Blizzcon Ticket rewards! Hope this is fixed soon.

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Also having the same bug, but also having the bug with ANY horse armour. I bought the base one for gold from the stable hand and it also is missing from my list of armours

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Still bugged, just claimed and no mount armor

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Same here. Chapter completed but the mount armour. i will send a ticket

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Still bugged, just claimed and no mount armor

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Same issue. Premium pass mount awarded correctly and had a mount armor drop for me since completing chapter 3 which added to the stable correctly, but the journey mount is still missing:(

Same problem, I can’t finish the quest “The battle between fear and faith”

mismo problema aqui, dejar de sacar betas…

Same bug here too, don’t have Strips and Points

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Same bug here i dont recive yet.

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Same thing happened to me.


same issue here its annoying :frowning: