Minion nec too OP so far?

Skeles felt pretty average at lvl 25 vet. There’s some legendries that increase attack speed, damage, or increases the number of skeles you can have so that made them better. But they are great for utility. I use the reapers that give me tons of corpses so i can always boost them with priest, or continue to resummon. I also pair it with corpse explosion. As soon as I got the blood mist CE legendary it got completely absurd. 0 resources used, 100 percent uptime on bloodmist that explodes all the corpses the reapers make and immune to damage, 9 skeles plus golem. put aspects on like increase damage while at 100 percent resource. Its like the next level of sorc ez mode.

its op at everything but real boss fights like buture and world boss then sorc is way better

while its deff better at aoe, ive been destroying any bosses with same skill. The reapers carve off corpses from bosses just like any mobs. so its literally the same minus the actual corpse the packs of the enemies. Same with the world boss.

Around lvl 20 or so I saw exactly how the skeletons were going to go and dramatically changed my build, sacc’d all my skeletons and took the passives to boost the passive gained from sacrifice by 40% (highest we can get in the beta) and started a bone spear build, with a golem to facetank / pull aggro and group everything up.

Skeletons felt super powerful very early on and made early leveling really easy but from 20-25 doing harder content, the cracks start to show, atleast they did for me running a “build test” dungeon loop with several packs of elites that regularly wiped half of / all of my skeletons, even with the passives to boost their HP/DMG.

It’s definitely a “early on when you have no gear and the enemies typically die to a stiff breeze you feel like a god but when the game starts fighting back you have to change what you were doing”

I can see golem+necro being super strong later into the game because of how tanky the golem is and some specific pet legendaries that may help but skeletons themselves…? I don’t know, we’ll have to wait and see, but as far as I’m concerned, on launch day, I’m going to be giving them up fairly early

Go hit up that world boss tell me how you make all your minions never die, thanks

they do seem a bit squishy but boosting damage is all you really need. Im sure there health scales a bit with level. You just need more corpses to resummon and boost there damage/heal them. if you read the summon skele, it summons a priest that boosts damage by 20 percent and heals them for 10 percent. Army of the dead raises all your skeles back up. I think they are strong.

i have and they do die. you just heal/resummon them.

currently running a lazy/dumb build in retaliation to only having 6 skill slots.

i use 5 now. take that blizzard!

bunch-o-passives + inspiring leader with a side of thorns

ezpz time to reroll lol

I loved the Diablo 3 DH pure sentry build before they nuked it. The precise placement of the sentries was so fun. I am still mad they killed it.

I agree with you on the pets though. More fine control would be great.

Dose fortify from blood also apply to minions?

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Well I tell every skill possible to increase their life and headling abilities. And as I said I am lvl 25 and finished act 1. Just to make sure I will go back in now and make sure to clear every possible dungeon to make sure.

I use the generate corpse every second so im not sure. Id say no though.

I finished act1 with that build at lvl 13 and will continue it now but pets were still easier IMO

Just wait. Eventually they start to die faster.

hes level 25. he finished act 1 at lvl 13.

That build is super fun but the build dies once corpse explosion no longer one shots. I have a feeling it dominates at this level and difficulty but once things ramp up it’ll constantly be on cd and never getting the constant resets like I do now.

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stuff doesnt need to die to generate tons of corpses. there are passives that grant 12 percent chance a corpse is created when you damage a enemy. it doubles on bosses. reaper skeles have 15 percent chance to generate corpse on hit. Im literally swimming in corpses.
edit: blood mist generates 3 corpses itself,

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Oh I know, but on bosses I’m constantly corpse starved and usually have to same some for when the boss inevitably kills my minions. Its niche is for sure low level mass aoe. It’s certainly not a single target dominating build.

I’ll say this though, if this build functions anywhere near the way it does at max level as it does low level then I think they need to alter the legendary. I think if you’re using the cd reset legendary then the legendary needs to change blood mist to instead of immunity grant like 35% damage reduction or something. That way we don’t butcher the immunity for people not using that legendary.

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ah. i wonder what we have that’s different. im not corpse starved at all on bosses. might throw in a reap inbetween each blood mist for a pause and 1 extra corpse but its nearly all uptime. You have the aspect on your weapon for nearly 2 sec cooldown per corpse explosion?

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I’ve got 1.7 sec on my neck. My weapon has the double decomp ability on it.

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