Minion and Mendeln Bugs Persisting After Patch

Thorough notes will be appreciated versus the generalization that was “Fixed an issue where the damage from Ring of Mendeln was not properly scaling with all the bonuses that it should.”

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Yesterday, MacroBioBoi uploaded a video to his YouTube channel entitled: “Ring of Mendeln is not fixed”. When it comes to knowledge about the necromancer class, I trust him. Anyway, all you have to do is approach the training dummy, turn on the display of numerical injuries and you can immediately see that something is wrong. The programmers probably forgot to attach legendary aspects to it, so they are not read and the ring does not provide the appropriate bonuses.

Can you also address about druid bug?

  1. Shroud of false death granting -1 to all companions.
  2. Shroud of false death granting unintended ranks to calamity spirit boon
  3. Lacerate not reading Malefic Crescent werewolf critical strike damage

I believe the farming implement youre looking for is “scythe”.
Torch and scythe.

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How is this possible

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Please, PLEASE, tell me you’re not just going to change the tooltip to basically say “this damage is not intended to be augmented by anything we can’t fix.”

Perhaps you could give a rundown of what those “inconsistencies” actually are?


  • No bonus damage from Skeletal Priest.
  • No bonus damage per minion from Kalan’s Edict.
  • Blood Golem does not get bonus damage for being healthy.
  • Bloodmoon Breeches do not get the proper bonus to Hellbent Commander on a masterwork crit.

Why can’t we have this on all major bugs and topics? Acknowledging the problems, setting expectations, establishing a timeline, implementing the fix, and documenting the fixes.

To me, if you have items, skills, and interactions flat out not working - that needs to be a focused topic of discussion.


Idk, maybe we can try asking my werewolves that are stuck in the ground or my ravens that refuse to spawn at all.

Surely one of them has the answer to these questions.

This is the status quo for D4.

The company and developers do nothing, let the game burn to the ground, then wait for someone from the community to do their work for them.

Unfortunately, in this case, it took the community over a year to do their work for them.

Lazy community.


For Barbarian Ancestral Echoes, when it was brought to light (after hundreds of posts) that Ancients had an ICD even when you put the Aspect on a 2H rather than addressing this issue the tooltip was changed to state the ICD was intentional. This completely throttled the Aspect.

I wouldn’t hold out hope.

100% agree. And I hope optimistically this could be the first of many of the positive, virtuous cycle type of interaction. Community makes some noise, streamer helps amplify the visibility, and Community Manager communicates the acknowledgement, expectations, timelines, documentation. And devs get the problem fixed.

Fingers crossed! First Mendelin…next…Bleed Barb??? :rofl:

Yup, congrats you are now fluent in corpspeak.


Side note that the community manager should have more than 198 posts. Its s shame Bliz is holding back the managers from engagement.

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They should call this “Season of the persistent bug” lol


Yup, bring someone in that knows what they are going and stop the “Buddy Hustle” promotions lol. Just sayin

obviously, some senior analysts on the dev team didn’t conduct a thorough impact analysis when implementing new changes, leaving gaps here and there.


Impressive work. Must have taken a huge amount of time and dedication to test all of this.


Continuing the discussion from HOTFIX 1 - February 20, 2025 - 2.1.2:

So even after hotfix, its wont be fixed.

Blizz, for the love of God. Please dont hire intern to write your codes.


at this point, I believe they only have intern working on D4.


or working in a silo-ed way like 20 years ago.

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They employ Chat GPT to write the source code :wink: .

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