Minion and Mendeln Bugs Persisting After Patch

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Yeah let’s ignore the 7 other things they fixed regarding minions. Come on man…

Let me just say. I was made to look like a total FOOL yet again! That Pit 65 video that I did, not knowing that Minions were damn near basically completely broken & yet I’m sitting here strolling along struggling to progress, come to find out the source of my struggle was not b/c I did something wrong or that I didn’t have the right gear. The source of my struggle was because the minions were broken all around me & I had no idea. Crazy!


How about does it right from the start?

Are you defending the need of another fix to the supposed fix?

I tested. Dmg is fine now if you switch off reanimation. Yeah golem crits are lower because of glyph not working but overall dmg is back to season 6 for me (with grandfather)


Agree. Minion Necro feels stronger now. But something strange happened - at the end of the pit I got 2 GA gloves. It was clearly visible when the gloves were on the ground.

At first I was happy about a possible upgrade, but when I looked at the gloves in the city again in the inventory, they were suddenly only 1 GA? Is this a known bug?

Prior to the hotfix I was doing Pit 90, immediately jumped in a 95 to see the difference, which I’d never attempted. Walked through it in 7 minutes with way higher damage. (Iron) Golem was doing 9 billion overpower crits before, now it’s hitting as high as 16 billion. Yellow crits as high as 10 billion popping off now casually. Actually seeing billion hits from skeletons too.

Then leapfrogged to Pit 100 which I never would’ve dreamed of. Once I adjusted to the ridiculous damage jump of the monsters, I beat one with no deaths, even though it took 12 minutes.

When they get Reanimation added to the mix, minions are gonna go crazy.

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Wait, are you saying that reanimation actually actively hurts your damage, or just that it’s better to have something else since it doesn’t do anything for you? What’s worth putting in its place?

Errrr, welcome back sir. Reality and we missed you.

Hey PezRadar, appreciate the fast response this time. I did a few more tests after the hotfix, and was able to verify all the stuff mentioned here are true. Can you please help report the following items not mentioned in that post and still not fixed?

  • Titan’s Fall Passive: elite damage works for minion, does not work for Mendeln
  • Hellbent Commander: works for minion and Mendeln, but the damage increase seems to be lower than expected. I’m only getting about 18% increase with 3 extra points which is supposed to increase damage by 30%. My skeleton normal hit goes from 1900k to 2250k, Mendeln goes from 66.1M to 78.5M

PS: Tested Great Feast and Eliminator Glyph are fixed, even though they weren’t mentioned in the blue post.


In theory, anything - they say they fixed all with the exception of what they mentioned. In practice - “Do you feel lucky, punk?”, or do you feel, like pulling a macrobioboy shift at the dummy? :smiley:

Some thing like Aspect of Frenzied Dead.

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No. But atleast they did something allready. Instead of ignoreing it untill next season.

Getting better. There’s still work to be done on the remaining items reclamation and hellbent Commander, but my necro is definitely hitting harder since the hotfix. :+1:

reanimation works for your minions, it just doesnt work for mendeln. You can absolutely use it, but arguably if there is an alternative multiplier you can use that works for both then it might be worth switching.

Personally I am using it because there are no better options and all I really care about is clearing pit 100, and that was fine even before the hotfix.

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Great feast is fixed, you can use that if you haven’t. Frenzied dead is also a solid alternative, and often times under-appreciated, the fast you hit the more Mendeln proc. Vehement Brawler works on both minions and Mendeln as well

In the original post, it is indicated that fists of fate works with minions and mendeln. However, I was just at the practice dummy, and I can’t see any change between wearing fists and taking them off. Not a great way of testing but I tried hard to see any change in the flashing numbers and there just wasn’t anything.

Edit: I followed this up by testing a few pit runs with Fists of Fate vs ordinary gloves with Vehement Brawler aspect (picked because I cast Soulrift frequently). My 5 minute runs with Fists dropped to about 3.5 minutes with Brawler. Sure seems like Fists don’t work for minions.

Another oddity I observed while testing at the practice dummy. With all effects enabled, I was seeing my damage oscillate about every few seconds between 2 states, one with damage at almost 2x the other state. By elimination, it seems that the aspect Great Feast is causing this. Removing the item with Great feast stops the oscillation. Not sure why Great Feast would do this, unless the minions are affected by presence or absence of resource (which is drained by that aspect).

Edit: I should add that only “summon damage” was showing this oscillation. If the Great Feast multiplier is only effecting that category, then it is much weaker than I imagined. Taking it off does not alter the other much larger damage categories on the stat sheet.

The patch was implemented on the server side. There is an improvement anyway.

i have frenzied dead on my 2h weapon. do you think, great feast is better? maybe i gonna try it. last season or so, streamer kripparian said, great feast is not that good. and i dont see it on any build online.
but who knows… right?