Mid season patch next week

they worked really well in last epoche. I do not want a real money ah though. I do not want a wow token ah just a easy trade system with no 3rd party

LE did have an interesting system but lets be realistic any game with trade will also involve RMT. You wont get rid of it.

no offense, but nothing works well in last epoch, except their skill trees.

k, lets be fair an auction house to conquer rmt?
what would happen, peoples demand for gold would sky rocket
 where would this gold come from? :wink:

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rmt will always be there. with no 3rd party platform to do trades though rmt gold to player would flag more easy like it used to in wow before the token came in. bans would happen more quick. could easy make it where if you buy a item off ah it becomes soul bound and you cant trade gold with players outside of buying from the ah? just ideas. anything to shut down the 3rd party sites

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Noice, i just talked about that yesterday with people in our guild. “should be time for an announcement”, i said. insert “a few hours latör” meme here :smiley:

I hope they dont pander with the “bricking bad,boys”, because it needs to stay that way. Their loot system needs adjustments, but that is all that is needed. For example: If a NMD100 would give a guaranteed 2GA item at completion, and a chance for it to be a 3GA item - that would be awesome. Bricking needs to stay. And no, i am not doing RMT, want other players to be un happy, or something like that. Because

This for example is a very childish assumption.
Some us, and i talk about the people on my Friendslist for example, understood why Blizzard reworked their Loot/Affix-system this way. A game is supposed to be played in various steps. First - the way to create your build. Tempering gave us a lot of options to do that. Yes items are bricking. Boo-Hoo. Use another item. You always find another set of gloves, a helmet or a weapons. The non-GA items dont drop one time and one time only - they drop more usable more often.

Then there is min-maxing for your build.
1GA items - are everywhere. 2 GA items - of course they are rare, but they are supposed to be. 3GAs are very very rare, and the chance to get a usable one are slim to none. But they could fix it in a couple of ways and make them a bit more farmable. (as above mentioned). Not much, but a little chance would be very nice for the gameplay in endgame.

Those are the steps, and the tempering system makes good use of that. Thats it. Tempering needs to stay as is, and it just needs additions in the future (meaning new temper recipes, not adjusting the old ones). This game should not be about - “i got an item, i got what i wanted with tempering, i did a Pit-LvL 100 and now i am bored”.

For the rest of the patch: i hope the focus will not only be on builds and skills, buffs and nerfs. I think they need to make their system more stable at this point, and look into some of the Bugs that have been present for a while now /are reintroduced here and there through patches.

Just my thoughts.
Thanks for the hard work @ the devs, take care!

regarding the Sorc perma flameshield, even if they nerfed it, it’ll still be good even if it has 3-5s downtime in between, unless they’re nerfing it big time. Or remove the Flame shield duration Temper

bricking as it is now is 80% of all the ga items ive got. im literally the last person of my guild that hasnt quit for it. As it stands now it needs a massive rework or removed. its childish to defend something that makes so many players quit. my friends have already said the will not be coming back next season and Im probably going to agree with them and play one of the other good games coming out instead if the devs listen to people like you. Rng needs to happen on step one of the item drop not after 100 hours of farming to finally find a good item and im sorry instant brick try again. screw that

Binding on purchase would solve alot of our issues right now. Flipping is rampant.


agreed. I know a lot of people that made billions off buying low and selling high. binding on the first trade would solve this

Aaaah yes
 Thats what i thought. Somebody behaving childish and spouting nonsense, getting called out for it and immediatly going the “no you’re childish” route haha. Nice one.

Then your 2 friends “allegedly” wont be coming back, so what? Thats not an argument. If I see your behaviour and how you write in this forum - believe me one thing. If you would try to call me a friend: I would leave and come back neither. So at this point i wouldnt say its the game per se. (Just an observation, and not meant to insult you.)

If you dont know how to play the game, And if you dont know what gaming in general is all about - you probably should stop that hobby. Not good for your mental health, since it wont change no matter what game it is. Just sayin. Take care!

a quick check of your history shows that you take the unpopular opinion just to trigger people no matter the subject. Im just ignoring you. go wish for other people to be unhappy and leave the rest of us alone

ignoring dont bother reply wont see it

You can block people in your settings.

a small man behaving like a child is pathetic, a man with significant upper body strength behaving like a child is called a viking

or barbarian

man nice muscle defintion

starts dancing

/tin man

Blocking is a blessing :slight_smile:

Ah yeah a viking that screams at the elderly and steals ice cream from children ^^

he moves like a second string division II running back

Tom Brady probably runs a faster 40


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With the supposed revelation from Rod that S6 will be active when VoH launches, I wonder if they’ll just make S5 another season like S4 but shorter, using it to shore up deficiencies in the core game instead of having a full season theme. That would be pretty nice if you ask me. Then S6 could be some really elaborate theme to coincide with the expansion in a big way. :thinking:

s4 only sucks if you try to push level 250 pits and place on the ladder

all the people playing the game normally are having a grand ol’ time

Druid weak, so buff necro and barb more. :grinning: