Mid season patch next week

Incase anyone skips by the sticky posts at the top. An update on the mid-season update and Season 5 PTR


oh! there will be a new ptr for s5? didnt expect that to be honest.

Typically we host a livestream for our mid-season updates, but we instead will be hosting a separate livestream next week on **Friday (June 21)** to talk about the next season in our Season 5 PTR Campfire Chat. We will have more information on that soon.


lets hope some changes to make core skills good without nerfing our current basic skill builds. lets hope for tempering rework


Good things are coming to D4, complainers form a line to the right.


Im sure they are already in the PTR fourm wondering why its not open to start creating posts to complain and complain about complaining while complaining…


As soon as the notes are posted on Friday the complainers will start. “But you did not do anything for my build.”


They want to get the info out ASAP which to me means massive nerfs are coming. I expect heavy sorc nerfs as immunity permanently cant be allowed to go on. Barb as well needs some nerfs. Bash wont be fixed until S5. Druid needs buffs. Sorc will need buffs as they wont be able to be perma immune and will just suck overall. Necro may see some nerfs. Minions seem too gud now.

I got my complain-a-bot 5000 juicing up and ready to go!


I dont care about buffs and nerfs but I do hope for massive buffs especially with core skills and zero nerfs. the big thing I hope for is more tempering tweaks though and that is what will make or break the game for me


these assumptions are weird. i mean, you know, they dont have to do neither a campfire chat, nor a ptr?

I do tend to skip past the stickies at the top from time to time and not notice when a new one pops up. So thank you for this post.

Looking forward to the patch notes. Rather curious to see what will be changing. I have no doubt it’ll cause some controversy in the forums regardless of the changes. Speaking of I need to restock my :popcorn:


nerfs I say !!! [[[SPECULATION]]]

Im in a bah-humbug mood!


i ate so much sugary popcorn recently, im close to diabetes D:


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I have such bad diabetes recently, Im close to turning corn into popcorn.

you are already crying now!

people have opinions and if Mutiple people have the same results of bad experience you think its cries. how sad your life must be to go after these guys on a discussion


Or the people complaining have helped direct the ‘good things’


People who give good feedback do that. Not the D4 bad, I want a refund, nor the dumpsters fire dimwits.


What what :rofl::joy::rofl:

Most of the time it is alot of :sob:. I assume a lot of it now does come from credit card warriors which really dont like tempering not guaranteeing them BIS rolls.


I don’t think they’ll buff or nerf builds, buff or nerf classes (except maybe the most extreme/broken examples)… I think they’ll buff and nerf Aspects instead

  • Juggernaut
  • Inner Calm
  • Smite

Stuff like that, and then nerf things like:

  • Moonrise
  • Hectic

Perhaps also readjust tempers a bit (all damage is 40-60%, vs CC-ed is 60-80%, vs close is 80-100%, vs ranged is 100-120%, those discrepancies are a tad bit too big (probably) IMO). Ofc, we’ll see though :slight_smile:

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you assume that people that are crying use RMT when in reality its people that do not use RMT that brick items

people that have money will always use it

people that spend money on a 3month season really 2month for items that will just be trashed at the end are more likely Diablo immortal players

and i do not support RMT, but would really like a AH

bricking items effect all players

and more if not most players that actually get a awesome 2-3GA on one item and then brick it will most likely just quit

the amount of time and effort per items for little to no power gain is insane! i spend more time farming gold and doing whispers then actually trying to improve my gear

but as it is now doing pit 100 in 3-5mins is end game and doesn’t require any item to have more then 1GA on them

and some builds Sorc require Luck which is bad game design for them because it cost way to much to play a sorc then it is a barb