Mid season patch next week

I think I will do some lobster and crab legs for this one. :lobster: :crab: All non Karen’s are welcome to come over.

dont sorcs use like 4-5 unique items? id say when it comes to tempering, sorcs got it pretty easy :wink:

i meant on Master working CDR on items for the immunity build

tempering just has to many overpowered affix’s

and once they either get rid of these or just add better options or rearrange some of these tempers to line up better with builds would fix bricking

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Maybe they will finally fix Sorc double cast master work math not being correct.


the only people that support bricking items fall into 3 types. first they just want people to be unhappy like they are with everything else. 2 they rmt buy stuff as a whale and want to stay ahead, or 3 they sell as a rmt seller and want to keep those whales coming back


Doubtful. It tends to be the individual looking for instant gratification. Some posts have even had them complaining they had RMT and lost.

Ah would end up being catastrophic just like in D3. Ppl complain now about how rare 3ga is, imagin if there was an ah.

Thats because gear is easy to come by. This is what occurs when you oversimplify loot to 3 stats on drop. The loop systems are on crafting, masterworking being the most powerful when you think about progression.

True, even off meta can do this but they game does force you to do more then endless greater rifts till your eyes bleed which is good imo.

I play a sorc been fun but yes its easier if you are copying a barb generator build. I do tend to do my own thing and there is a lot of fun as apposed to just copying someone elses build.

Or the ones who enjoy arpgs and dont want another D3 seasonal weekend game.

sad thing is there is a AH on a 3rd party trading site

AH would make more common 1-2 GA items or even 3GA

also, if they are bound when bought it would prevent people from using RMT to buy all the good items and reselling them which they do on the 3rd party trading site!

i mean most people don’t fully copy a build! some have tweaks and different paragon paths, but they play the same

But its not as bad as if it were in game.

Items would just get dupped and gold RMT will be more rampent.

Its unfortunate but gold farmers will always present a negitive impact on any game that has trade but its really bad in blizzard games because of the high volume playerbase.

a in game AH would have better results because the casual player base would get involved

and you talk about dup items like who cares once the AH ingame items are bound when bought!

dup items effect RMT sites aswell

a in game AH would at less make it fair for everyone that does not want to engage in 3rd party sites

if anything you sound like you dup items and sell them on RMT and it will affect you personally


Because drop rates would be lower then they are now. It would be designed so you need to interact with it.

At that point id argue RMT would go up.

How did a mid season patch thread get derailed into an AH thread? :popcorn:

you are just speculating nonsense

the drop rates are already filled with life on hit or life per sec

you are just throwing stuff in the wind

a in game AH would fix a lot of players gold problems and find items that they really need!

I guess you dont remember what the D3 gold and rmah did. It turned diablo into a trade sim.

Im speaking what happened in the past its not some way out there conspiracy.

sorry it just every post that involves RMT lazy is there to defend it like his house payments depend on it

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How am I defending RMT? If anything im fine if they remove trade all together but i certainly dont want to play a trade sim again.

Good god, what kind of mass cringe inducing thread just got created?

You’ve got the whole CJ forum squad here already tossing out preemptive insults to whoever slanders Activisions greatest scam, I mean game.

Very impressive Activision, the Cosby Suite made you some very obedient thralls indeed.

Well played!

your talking about a old Ah SYSTEM that involed buying gold with real money and trading gold for blizzard credit

i said nothing about buying gold off blizzard and that was the main problem with D3 AH

If it isnt blizzard selling gold people will just buy RMT gold and people will complain about inflation or a “bad economy” as they do now.

If you dont think drops wouldnt be tied into an ah your very naive. You cant ignore the past or your doomed to repeat it.

who cares man a in game AH is for buying and selling

it wouldn’t affect anyone if they don’t get involved

its a legit 3month season

It would impact everyone from needing to play AH sim. Id rather find loot on drop.