Microsoft fires 1900 ActiBlizz employees + president Mike Ybarra

If you are being serious, I am now your nemesis. :hamster: :popcorn:

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You should see Microsoftā€™s history for layoffs last year. At the beginning of the year they laid off 10,000+ employees. 1900 with most of them being from Blizzard is just trimming the fat right now. No doubt weā€™ll see a few more trickles of lay offs over the year as they assess what requires a full team and what requires a guy pressing a button to keep the server running for HotS.

Makes me wonder if weā€™ll ever see anything truly new from Blizzard again or if it will just be sequels, expansions and mobile games.

Please, you know I live for the memes.

This place has had some incredibly disgusting threads thoughā€¦

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wow, that is a LOT to unpack.

Cancelling the survival game? Thatā€™s been in the making for almost 10 years?! Man, I grew up dreaming of working in the gaming industry, with all the layoffs and growing pains, seems like a horribly volatile industry.

bet theyā€™ll end up forcing everyone to switch to a microsoft account and use microsoft store instead of blizz launcher :stuck_out_tongue:

thatā€™s certain death.

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Yeah that would truly be awful. Hopefully that never comes to pass.

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Good because I like you,
and somewhere out there still exists a Singularity. :smile_cat:

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LOL They cant fix dup item xD add some small content and call this is new season

1900 employees across Zenimax, Abk and xboxā€¦ not just Blizzard.
that makes 1900 out of 22,000.
so please do not make a storm from a glass of water.

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Itā€™s not entirely clear how many people at Blizzard Entertainment will be affected by this. Although I have to wonder if this is just eliminating redundancies/separating the wheat from the chaff.

A restructuring of various studios under Activision-Blizzard to get them refocused and to move talent where itā€™s needed after so much mismanagement by Bobby Kotick and his goons.

The unannounced survival game has also been cancelled, which according to reports Iā€™m seeing is because it was consuming a lot of resources at Blizzard and going absolutely nowhere.

What do you think this means for Diablo 4? Is this a good or a bad thing?

Probably nothing.

I donā€™t think there will be serious impacts on any development teams, beyond the cancellation of the survival game, which will likely mean some veterans of the studio who were moved from their existing teams to focus on that will go back to where they were. Could mean the D4 team gets more talent, not less.

I would make a shill account called loneye to troll you but Iā€™m playing Darktide right now and itā€™s really fun.

I think Singularity is still out there somewhere, waiting to strikeā€¦

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Iā€™m about to make a hurricane

so you play druid, right?

That game is the best rendition of WH:40k that Iā€™ve ever known. I canā€™t also imagine how the game would feel like without the awesome OST from Jesper Kyd!

:speech_balloon: 1/25/2024

If Diablo IV gets scrapped or disregarded for any reason and Blizzard / Microsoft fail to fix and improve this buggy, broken BETA game, more than likely there will be a major lawsuit against Blizzard / Microsoft and all those responsible.

There has been many mentions of this happening if Blizzard does not get their act together soon, and they would have a hard time justify all of their epic fails to a Judge and Jury, which is all well known publicly. And no matter what anyone says, we all know better, and Blizzard did in fact mislead and scam millions of players who paid for this broken, buggy beta game that was never ready for public release, and I donā€™t think they would risk not correcting the problems and issues Diablo IV has at this point but I could be wrong. If Blizzard fails to address, fix and improve D4 it will not be good for them at all. The game is just awful now, and even season 2 was a million times better than this season 3, which is very boring, buggy and grindy as hell. Itā€™s all very sad and disappointing to say the least.

I truly hope Blizzard / Microsoft get it together and do the right thing for all D4 players who paid for this broken, buggy beta game ā†’ Diablo IV - JJ -


No, but Mike Ybarraā€™s departure, coupled with Allen Adhamā€™s departure and the cancellation of their survival game, tells me that Blizzard was likely hit the hardest in this move. No matter how you swing it, itā€™s still talent lost and will likely affect their games moving forward.

Much like the prime evils he is regenerating and in time he will be strong enough to returnā€¦

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