Metric for gaging how much we're being heard in the forums

Yes, we already heard that you’re as dense as a stone wall.

I’m sure they’ll get right on listening to your inane temper tantrums any day now.

I’d be in complete and utter denial if I paid 140 dollars for two copies of the game, too.
I bet they’re all level 3, 4, mule, mule, mule- I bet you wipe your nose with 5 dollar bills dipped in gold and then sew them together as a shiny expensive golden diaper while you grind chipped gems with your 20 different level 10 characters. OOOOOOoooooOOOoooOOOOO you’re so money money rich man.

I know people who work at Blizzard.

Based on what they have told me, I think the people on the Forums completely do not understand how Blizzard approaches the issues discussed on the Forums.

Blizzard is a data-driven company. Loud voices kvetching here dont impact their decisions much. What people actually DO in the game, and what results they achieve, is what drives their design decisions. This is why Loot 2.0 was deployed in D3. It had nothing to do with all the screaming about the AH on the forums. They saw the actual drops, behavior of the players in game, how stuff sold and concluded there was a problem.

They’re watching thousands of players every day. They watch what drops, what they pick up, what they salvage and what they equip. They watch how fast they kill bosses in NM dungeons and how many times they die to what causes.

They know FAR more about the game than ANYONE on these forums. It’s ridiculous to say they dont know or care. Fixes take time. There are real problems and I’m sure they’re working on real solutions. Unlike the people here who “know” exactly how to fix everything, the Developers have to live in a world with real consequences. It’s easy to break something while fixing something else.


I get what you mean but this is a bit over dramatic. Messing up a patch isn’t going to cause a rocket to explode or kill people.

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People think this is what happened when the Shakos dropped. The game is now ruined forever, and they wasted all that money because another player got an item they didn’t.


The forums require at least 20 text characters before you can hit “reply” on a post. You can’t just post a short answer. That is what /20chars means. It means a person is filling in the extra required text characters to post.

How did you mistake the forum requirements for a second account or game characters?


Blizzard doesn’t read the forums that’s old news. It’s just a place for players to yell at each other.

If you’re on the forums thinking blizzard is reading your post, they’re not.

Or you can skip that requirement by typing <twentycharacters>.

People still post a short reply and then type gibberish after it, so it does not accomplish anything at all to have the requirement.

Sorry your speaking for yourself, you dont represent me. Nor was i aware we elected people to speak on behalf of players.

If your unhappy play a different game.

But isn’t that exactly what happened!? I’ve been bamboozled!

THIS ^^^^^

They do care about feedback they get, but they base a lot of their actual decisions on the collected data. They know how many people are playing, what class, what spec, where their paragon points are, what content they do, how long they do it for, etc. They know how long boss fights take for each class/spec. You name it, if they want metrics on it they can set up collection for that. This is even more true on Alpha, Beta, and PTR servers.

What that kind of approach lacks though is WHY people do content. Just because most players do something, does not mean they think that something is fun. It may feel required and they may find it a horrible chore to do. So the feedback does matter as well.

You are right though - they don’t just look at a thread claiming the sky is falling and react to that. They go look at the actual game data and player actions to get a better picture.


It is a matter of opinion. If you only play seasons, then it does not matter at all.

If you play mostly non-season, then it might affect you somewhat, but right now there there is no competition in the game other than PVP, so as long as you are never fighting another player with one of those 142 Shakos that dropped, then it does not matter at all.

Heck, even if you don’t play seasons it doesn’t matter at all. You wouldn’t know that from some of these forums posts, though.

I generally stay away from the General forums, but this thread seems interesting.

So many people posting in the bug forums that just can’t believe that Blizzard does not respond there.

That would require them to care.
As long as people keep consuming (/spending money), they don’t.

Only to big streamers and people with a platform. I have tweeted most of the development team and gotten zero responses. They also cherry pick things that make their game look good from a PR standpoint. No sense in acknowledging what you don’t want to or plan to work on in the near future. And I’m not being negative with them. It is mostly me trying to get math and proof of bugs across their feed.

I don’t really have sympathy for bad press around blue posts. What is worse than getting berated by neckbeards is losing a large portion of your playerbase because they don’t have the patience to wait two plus weeks to find out if the game will be fixed. But I think that is mainly because they don’t have any communication team.

We all know 90% of salaried positions left when the game was “completed”. Why do you think the devs are using their personal Twitter to advertise hiring? I wouldn’t be surprised to find out actiblizz is a black company which Americans just won’t put up with. Forced overtime, a bad hr department, toxic work culture. Idk, it’s all pretty standard when it comes to the Diablo franchise. They also put the same small team on updates and take months to deliver a development cycle. Diablo 3 was like that.

At this point I don’t think they intend to respond. Diablo 4 feels very much like an attempt to increase the companies value before the acquisition. I wouldn’t risk a PR nightmare before then. I would do what they have been doing and say we are working on two expansions! Make it look like a long lasting product with return on investment. Regardless of the fact that the hiring sheet being posted means they won’t even be able to keep their 4 seasons a year promise.

Me too. I don’t know anyone at Blizzard, but basic deduction and common sense would tell anyone everything you said earlier. Hell, people should be able to infer that just from The Butcher stats they put out a bit ago.

Either way, I’m all for constructive feedback as well, but General Discussion forums are anything but constructive :laughing: .

Let me troll in peace lol

they dont care. because microsoft will buy their company and they get fired anyway. not their problem anymore

It actually happened many years ago, in the Diablo 3 time. When Devs and CMs interacted with the community, they said stupid and/or wrong stuff, and were held accountable for their words with toxic vitriol from the playerbase. They have been hands-off since, leaving the MVPs here to take the brunt of the ire directed at Blizzard, even though they are just regular players, too.

It’s not a new thing by any measure.

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