Metacritic reviews disabled

I’m pretty sure that not only that, they may also have been potentially caught red-handed taking money for amplifying positive reviews in the case of some movies.

Again. I’ve looked up a dozen games that I’ve personally played, and basically agreed with the score on all of them, showing that it would probably be completely ridiculous to fully discredit it.

In the case of massive negative reviews like we’re seeing right now, it doesn’t mean the game is actually a 2 out of 10, however what it shows is that there is potentially an unexpectedly large amount of people who aren’t happy with the game right now, which again, has meaning and cannot be fully discredited.

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I don’t read reviews for anything. I buy it and if I don’t like it, I stop using/playing it. There is something called confirmation bias that is rampant with folks who read review sites. That’s another reason why I refuse to read them or choose what I do and what products I buy based on a LOT of really bad reviews… My experience > randos experience on the internet.

That’s good dude. That’s still not totally discrediting the argument, and plenty of people might find useful to read reviews before buying something first. lmao.

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They’re not necessarily hot trash heap. People aren’t necessarily always going to take the time to write a massive thought-through review. Doesn’t mean they still don’t necessarily agree with the score they are giving regardless fully.

Not really. It’s the woke that probably should deserve hate if anything, depending on what their beliefs and actions are.

What review bombing? The game’s actual user ratings have gradually fallen over the past month as more and more players reached the nonexistent endgame and realized just how barebones the game is. The reviews plummeted after the outrage, or should I say righteous indignation, following the patch from hell that dropped on Tuesday.

The only inaccurate reviews are from the so called “critics” which virtually do not exist in the gaming industry and consist of amateur publications that aren’t even run by genuine journalists. All of their reviews are bought and paid for by the developers. There are countless exposés showing that reviews published by these sites were written by the developers themselves. They literally just email them over and they get printed word for word the next day. They don’t even bother editing or formatting them.


They can definetely be taken into account for helping someone making a decision on buying or not however.

What!! No way??? LOL :joy::joy::joy:

Is that even possible though? if not, that was the point.

Oh Activision, trying to silence the customers. They keep showing us what a class act they are and how much they value us.

Careful about that dude. Someone’s been saying that’s a conspiracy theory on here :clown_face:


No, it’s really not possible using that guy’s own rationale on why a 0/10 is invalid.

I say the same to you. Keep your trash politics to yourself and don’t stifle somebody else’s free speech to say what they believe.

this is the cringiest thing you could say

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No, not really.

Because user experience is 100% subjective.

I’ve played games that users thought were trash and still come away having a fun time.
I’ve also played games that users raved about and thought were fantastic but ended up boring me to tears.

Form your own opinion, don’t rely on others to make one for you and just follow their word because ‘they say so’.

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Gave metacritic user review of 4/10
Good campaign good cutscenes, fun for the first 50 to 60 levels.
Itemization is poor, missing sets, missing runewords, missing uniques, end game is boring and repetitive. Extra tabs for more stash space should be a priority…
Go woke go broke, that’s the correct mantra.

It’s because of people like you that this company ruins the lives of many people and nobody does anything, I have to kill myself in front of everyone for someone to take this seriously.

Huh? Yes. And that’s literally the point of reviews pretty much everywhere.

If someone’s on a budget and they need help making a decision, reading reviews and asking for opinion is totally valid.

Pay attention to critics then.

Because if you’re going to listen to anybody, listen to people who aren’t biased, spiteful turds most of the time when things don’t go their way and instead take the word of someone who approaches a game objectively and gives fair and honest opinions.