Metacritic reviews disabled

Because one cannot be bothered to play it. Is that hard to understand? If the game is so bad that players don’t even want to login, then that means it must be severely deficient in multiple aspects.

Isn’t it strange that only bad games get bad ratings? People claimed Zelda:ToTK was review bombed… it’s sitting at a cool 8.5/10. I guess they think it should be rated even higher!

Uhhm… I did? Is this some kind of weird passive aggressive white knight behavior now?

There was no passive to this, it was a direct response. But your response was sus, probably actually passive aggressive.

All I’m saying is that a 1 - 10 system should be objective and critical. Using 1 as a tool to say this game upset me, completely dumps on that system. The player base is saying “I’m so mad at this game, we don’t care about the system, we do what we want.”

It’s the closest thing internet gamers have to a smash and grab in the store. And at the same time, guys like you are ‘white knighting’ this behavior and saying its okay to misuse the system as long as it is justified by our anger.

Like with youtube downvotes!

A few too many poor adverts that was massively downvoted aaaaand downvotes were removed.

You are getting too hung up on this metacritic user score. If it’s not a big deal, then why bother discussing it? If it is a big deal, then maybe it will wake these devs up and make them FIX THIS GAME. Since you are hung up on scores though:

Diablo 2 - 8.8/10 - It is a game that is regarded by many as the golden standard of the modern ARPG genre

Diablo 3 - 4.2/10 - It is a game that was not well received at launch; many people disliked the direction it went. The game nowadays should be rated more like 6-7/10, but I don’t get my undies in a bunch over a rating:

Diablo:Immoral - 0.3/10 - A P2W mobile game ported to other platforms; widely disliked by the community

D:4 - you already know the story here.

FF16 - 8.2/10 - well received game adored by fans

Do you see a trend?

It’s not “I’m so mad at this game” or whatever you think. The game is so bad that people can’t be bothered to open it. I would gladly receive a refund on it.

Why bother attacking me on just this one thread? You should go into every other thread (there’s hundreds) and tell these people they are disingenuous.

You say as you’re cherry picking metacritic user scores.

But fine, I’ll leave you alone.

I cherry picked scores? What is cherry picking when I chose other Diablo games, and one other game released in the same season/year as this one? That is quite a line to draw in the sand. You’ve got blinders on because for whatever reason, you want to defend this half-baked release instead of demanding it is fixed.

I bid you adieu.

Witcher 3 is a 10/10.
If not an 11/10.

Witcher 3 is an awesome game. 9.1/10 user score. 100% :fire:. Hmm…

Nier Automata is the only perfect game. That android booty reflect a man’s life time work.

From this list, it seems that only a few magazine critics have not been bribed or have a clue about games. :thinking:

It could be that there’s phantom “scriptkiddies” who only mysteriously target this one game that has obvious bad public reception.


You’re a single delusional idiot who can’t cope that public opinion doesn’t agree with you and so creates conspiracy theories to protect your ego.

I’ll go with the latter. lol

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Except rating in this case is not thumbs up or down but is using a scale from 1-10. So which numbers should be removed?? 1-3? 1-5? 1-7? or maybe just keep the 10 or change it to a thumbs up but then it would not be a rating at all. No matter how many numbers u ad or remove to the rating scale the lowest numbers will always be considered trash

Just make it 7-10, that way journalists can rate bad games a 7 and still pretend that it’s good and keep their jobs. Please think of the games journalists.

For the games most of us here enjoy the 1-10 scale just ends up being a 6-10 scale instead, so 1-5 stars works better.

I think the journalist rated the game pretty high, but user ratings is another story

That was the point of my joke, journalists rate everything high. Their baseline starts at a 7 and only the most atrocious slop gets anything lower than that which invalidates the entire 1-10 scale in the first place.

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they delete negative comments from the wow forum a long time ago and always block reviews , i am not surprised at all , blizzard is just being itself

Yeah the star scale works too, nevertheless it still provides the possibility of a terrible rating and review bombing. There really isnt any way of solving a problem like this without removing rating completely and only provide a thumbs up and remove the down vote like youtube did, but then again this would not be a rating at all then

And the removal of ratings makes things easier to exploit from the company/uploaders side.

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:+1: yup there really is no good solution to the problem