May i ask what more is needed?

I have been reading these forums since well D4 started. I stopped posting and reading here because omg not just the negative but the fact that many people didnt or couldnt seem to explain why they are so angry or what they want oh besides they want end game content of SOME SORT not sure what but they do know they want rewards or better rewards oh i mean cosmetics… D4 Ptr/season 4 seems to me that the team is really over hauling things not to SAVE the game but lets say they have listened to all you haters and now i see you are all hating on the new possibilties may i ask what it is you want? I mean i am just confused and not trying to be a dick if at this point you are still upset why are you still playing? There are other games out there. If you arent playing why are you still complaining? I honestly want to know just cause i think the upcomming changes are insane and are intended to make the community happy not SAVE the GAME trust me despite all the 2nd expansion will sell and will be played. There are many people just for the stroy line who will play that. So what is missing still?

Dinosaurs you can tame and ride.
Base Building.

:hamster: :popcorn:


Boby Kotick
:scream: :anger: :popcorn:


People will always be negative. The announced changes have for the most part been widely praised. Of course the proof will be when the PTR launches and we get to actually play the new changes. But anyone who knocks these announced changes before even trying is just a negative nancy with an ax to grind.


Thank you for the smile. May i be the T-rex?

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They are not listening to the haters.

This update has been in development for the better part of this game’s life so far. I fully expect season 5 to last 4 months as well so they can get out another sizable change before the expansion.

D4 was to be released in 2022 but was pushed back to 2023 due to poor management, leadership and internal issues. With so much turnover at the management level, they ended up with a hodge podge of ideas. They rushed out what they had, knowing it wasn’t what they wanted.

Now they are working on fixing it.

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I havent heard that i did not now about setbacks so what is your opinion concerning the upcoming persay i guess Expanssion?

I don’t have an opinion about the expansion at this time. Speculation isn’t my forte.

We’ll learn more probably in November.

Ok thank you though for your response :slight_smile:

Massively larger skill trees would be a good start
More engaging and challenging combat. Enemies that matter.

Oh hell yes!

I’d pay for that craziness!

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From what I have seen these are the different requests. Some I agree with some I don’t.

  • Map overlay.
  • Horses that don’t get stuck on random edges.
  • Larger color pallet.
  • Group finder.
  • Auction house or Global Trade
  • SSF mode
  • Guild management tools
  • Sets/Rune words
  • Infinite Paragon
  • Merc that picks up items

I’ve posted this in a couple other threads, but I’ll just add my list.

  • Skill Tree/Paragon Board Rework
  • Various QoL Features
  • Early to Mid Game activities that are separated from Late Game activities
  • Progression system after level 100 that DOES NOT involve uncapping paragon points
  • NMD rework

Goes into more detail, but basically just fine tuning everything like they’re doing with the itemization changes.


I personally am happy than most with the foundational ideas, so what i give feedback on is mostly things i explore and find to be unfinished, bugged potentially, or just lack rewarding feelings and punch that they should have, based on other aprgs i have played including diablo. So when i play this one i still enjoy it alot, i am levelling a 3rd character this season, as i found new things i want to explore.

I do find my playstyle limits me for things like duriel runs and gauntlet i just cant solo fast enough to make the mats time sink worth lots of runs, and this is only a problem when i am after more common Unique items, locked behind one boss. I kind of miss that chance to find one in a N.M or HT or other boss types. Which i think they are bringing back in S4.

So for me these are the things i talk about not to be negative but to improve them. I think some of the rework is overkill, but reserving further until i play it and test it.
I enjoy the core systems and thing they need polish in parts and execution just to make it more exciting to interesting to engage with.

Boards i think are great, just needs more color and movement some transparent inlayed artwork to add visual appeal to the board so say bonebreaker for example has some inlayed artwork on the board to reflect it , like poe has on there massive board thing, but less opaque, of a barbarian breaking some bones or something to reflect it. And glyphs could have a more gothic representation of the effect it has, so blood feeder for example and rumble stand out and look different, the yellow and blue symbols are a touch bland.

And ofc punchier blue glyhps, more class specific glyphs leg or special glyphs to find etc, new boards with xpac, much you can do. To take it from great and functional to Awesome!

I like re-running and playthroughs more than things to do at high level, i dont understand this mentality, i would rather reach the end and retire the character and make a new one, keep that one if i feel like minmaxing or pushing the pit, but ultimately if there is no new game plus i dont see the point, darksouls has the answer, and i think its the more fun way for high level characters, to embark on a new playthrough with new items, but everything is more powerful and challenging, and this may allow for more paragon points or something, higher gear caps idk.

Hamster wheel infinites are boring imo. That said, i am Happy as is to just retire a maxed adventurer. as job well done, and make a new one, as i feel these games play better that way imo. Much like how the older games would commonly play. each playthrough was different and you pick a new class for more challenge and variety on playstyle.

So yeah idk, its not out of hate for me, i think it’s important because i play the other systems most commonly skipped, i am the player that levels by story, by side quest, by whatever i can thing of, i play with the systems. So i think i can find and offer other perspectives. Plenty of feedback on the commonly run systems.

So that is why i post about it. Sometimes a have a knee jerk reaction and regret it lol. Only human after all.

TLDR-Sorry for the novel prologue, words just spill out of these fingers at times.

We want forum posts with paragraphs.


for me this game is just fine every 3 month’s you start over try something new, can be the same class but different spec but can also be totally new class, so from my perspective the game is never dull but hey that’s me long time Diablo player.

What is needed? Lots of major overhauls, honestly, and some minor ones.

Minor things:
Make Treasure Goblins matter. Make them worth wanting to drop what you are doing and want to chase them into trouble to get what they have. These were great additions to the genre, and need to be improved from what they are.

Make more events, area specific events, and make the events have some randomness to them. Events are fun…the first time you run them. However, they get very old, very quick, as they are always the same. And they never change, from the start of the game to the end of the game. There is never a new experience with them. Having only certain ones in dungeons would help, as it would differentiate them from the ones you find on the overworld.

How about making Shrines actually feel like something you want to go out of your way to get and maintain? Right now, they are just an arcade buff that wears off far too quickly.

Other happenings in the world need to be more randomized. This was more of a problem with D3 as well, but D4 has it too. Let’s say I trigger a spawn of zombies when I walk past a window. It will always be the same amount of zombies, attacking the same way. There should be more variation to the individual mobs you fight (looks and attack options) as well as numbers, so that you never know what to expect.

Opening up items to be usable by all classes is another one, but this also needs to be worked into the skill system to make it worthwhile. As it is, the item limiting mechanics of the game just make items feel more boring and characters feel more pigeon-holed.

Make dungeon bosses better. They need to be more dynamic. Their levels need to be more interesting. It gets very tiring to run into boss X, knowing exactly what they will do at all times, in the same small, enclosed arena. Bosses need a “pool” of actions they can take, having progressively higher difficulties give them access to more of the pool. ie They have 10 to 12 or so actions. At World Tier 1, they choose 3 from those 10 that they could use. World Tier 2, maybe they have access to 4 or 5. World Tier 3, they could have between 5 and 7, and with World Tier 4, they can randomly have between 7 and 10. This way, every time you face the boss, it will come with a variety of attacks that make every fight with it different. Their triggering spots are the same ways, knowing that you always need to get them to x percentage of health for y thing to happen, and every time you face them, this is exactly the same. The arenas they end a dungeon with are in a similar boat. You need more environmental hazards and stuff that makes the fight more dynamic and interesting to play in, which allows different character builds to shine at different times.

Dungeons themselves need a MASSIVE overhaul. From their samey designs, lengths, encounters, everything about them just needs to be corrected. They need more procedural generation to their layouts. More randomness tied to how long and deep the dungeons end up. They need more secrets within them, from bosses to events to treasure rooms; a reason to explore the dungeon. They need to divorce Glyph XP from primarily rushing the boss and completing the dungeon. If instead you got a base amount, but if you completed X tasks with the dungeon (clear the mobs, find the mcguffin, kill the secondary boss, etc), you get more Glyph XP. This would make exploring the dungeon and killing mobs better, as you aren’t focused on just getting to the boss at the end and killing them as fast as possible. Dungeons need to be made better across the game. This would help with the repeated playthroughs that this game desires, and is something the Diablo franchise has lost that set it apart from other games in the genre.

Glyphs need to be reworked. There needs to be more of them. There needs to be ways to modify them. They need less and more impactful levels. Leveling a glyph to gain .5% more damage is just not exciting. And don’t worry! Doing it again at way more experience needed to get… .5% more is just not it. Every level you gain of a glyph should give you something substantial. Period.

The Skill System needs a massive overhaul. From the generator/spender/cool down dichotamy to the lack of meaningful choices to make on your skill progression, to most of the major skill decisions being put as item upgrades instead of character choices is just terrible. Fixing the resource system to open them up to more classes will also allow for more interesting builds. Giving people more skills to choose from, more upgrades within the skills, and more ways to customize the skills will help with player progression.

Having more styles of “horizontal progression” is also needed. My main example is the Barbarian’s Expertise system. It has its weapons that you can raise the levels of in power. You eventually unlock all of them, however you can’t use the effects of all of them at the same time. Gaining in power in one doesn’t really affect your character’s overall growth in power, rather it gives your character options to work with. The issue with it is that it is far too quick to do, as well as far too boring with the upgrades themselves. More systems like this are needed, but deeper. Maybe I have different ways to upgrade my skills, but of course the limited skill bar means that upgrading more skills than the ones I am actively using just gives me more options to choose from later down the line, and gives more to “unlock” and “chase” beyond power upgrades. Yes, at the start there may be some power unlocks, but in the end it just ends up being a completionist thing. The transmog system is another form of this as well, but again, far too small of a system, with far too few unlocks that are unlocked far too quickly within the game.

The Paragon Boards need an overhaul. From the micro-growth stat pathing (which should be instead changed to nodes of “damage on tuesdays” options), to the lack of customization of the boards themselves just make them feel boring. What if there were Node Drops, that you could find and modify existing nodes to change them or make them more powerful? What if there was a way that you could “create your own board”, to allow you a way to customize your path through it. It also needs a cutdown on the many micro-growth spots you get and more meaningful choices with each unlock.

This would be a start to helping to fix the game.

What D4 doing now is fixing the bad things in base game mainly on itemization and some existing content. But it will not solve the lack of end game content issue. In seasonal content we only receive damage buff in various forms and some mini game like the vault and Gauntlet also cosmetics. I think players hate this because they need to spend many hours level up their character and paragon board, and grind the same Uber Unique again even they already have complete set last season. If Blizzard stop separate the Seasonal and Eternal Realm it will reduce the noise. It is better if players have nothing to do 3 weeks after the start of season when they have tried all seasonal mode. Rather than they spent one month to level up their character and find the same gear and Uber again and found there is actually nothing to do 3 weeks later.

Blizzard require season character start from zero without access to the gears they already owned is bad faith, they just intentionally prolong the game progression so they can sell the battlepass. As no one will buy the battlepass if they know they can finish the seasonal content in two weeks by having a lvl 100 character equipped with optimized gear.

I think they need to re-think this seasonal model, if they need funding they can just create more attractive cosmetic without the battle pass, players will purchase them if the quality and price is better than the current one in the shop. Instead of forcing us go through the same boring grind every season to make the season longer to justify the price of battlepass. They can create more quality DLC, new classes also can be sold as DLC or some new game mode like raid as separate DLC.

One week or two for new story , free cosmetics and heirloom mats is a nice option. you can also just say no, and play eternal forever, eventually you will get more things for that one character, but its not a mmo, you should be done and re-rolling at some point and save that character. Tuck them in and put them to bed. Its how these games play.

Who defines how these games should be played? The micro transaction driven ARPG game? It is the players who drive how a game to be played not the MTX companies. We bought D4 because of Diablo heritage, not we want to waste time to re-rolling our characters.

What is the benefit to players to re-roll the character? Any?

Blizzard explanation about it is ah because you may have new friends join late so they would like to progress same pace as you and hope you don’t mind slow down a bit for them to catch up. But this is not my problem as I don’t have new friends play D4 and I always outpace them even I start from fresh due to my experience in leveling. The re-rolling has zero benefit to players and it only feed into Blizzard MTX agenda.