[Main Thread] Xbox - No Valid License error

Can anyone say Class Action? :+1:t3::money_mouth_face:


Here’s my take for all consoles and I truly believe it’s what has happened. So some form of compensation for console users should be in place.

Pretty sure I figured out the issue. Just follow me here guys.

  1. Blizzard releases Early Access but their authentication servers aren’t setup correctly for console users. Prompting a update to the authentication servers like a day later.
  2. update causes connectivity issues prompting a hot fix for all platforms.
  3. hot fix causes authentication servers to go into verification mode. Prompting Bnet account login from Diablo 4 main menu.
  4. because of the original authentication server issue from launch console users where assigned a generic bnet account randomly created by Diablo 4.
  5. Authentication Servers going into verification mode causes console users to link existing or creat new bnet accounts.
  6. bnet accounts do not match previously verified bnet account on launch. Generating a licensing issue inside their authentication servers.
  7. “ Unable to Verify Licensing Information Error Code 315306 “

“ Slow Clap “ way to go Blizzard!


it’s simple that when you first start the game, if you havent linked your console prior, the game auto generates a new bnet account for you, which ties your purchase license.

when you then realize, and try to connect your actual bnet to the psn, the purchase license sticks with the auto-generated bnet, so your actual bnet account doesnt have a license, hence you cant log into the game. Trying to access your auto-generated account afterwards doesnt work for me, as I didnt write down that ID, and have no way of accessing, so now I am stuck.

All could have been avoided if the game when you first access it, ask for your bnet account, but no…must be some rocket science behind this

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I thought it was weird when I didn’t get the prompt to link battle net account at first load in but hey I had D3 linked and all on PS5 so I figured hey , it’s Blizzard they linked the correct bnet account. I’m still laughing about my stupidity.

:cricket:crickets chirping :cricket:

I have updated this post because i caused some confusion:

Thank you. I contacted support, I hope they will help me too. Got exactly the same problem! Whenever you are in Germany, I’ll buy you a drink! :slight_smile:

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This won’t work with my issue. My husband bought a copy on PC that he’s using his battlenet account to play. Because the playstation automatically assigned our PS5 copy under his battlenets acccount we are unable to change it to mine. So my husband is stuck with two licenses on his account. We’ve tried unlinking and linking so many times but nothing will work. Blizzard got back to me and told me that when the purchase was made it locked him into it. I just wish we could have gotten a warning ahead of time.

Create your own Battlenet account, contact Blizzard and ask them to move your game over too your newly created Battlenet account…worth a try.

I bought the Ultimate edition and played for a day or 2 then when I linked my battle net account I apparently don’t own the game anymore. If i buy it one place I shouldn’t have to buy it another. I’d like to play the game I spent $99 on thank you blizzard.

I created this bnet account before we even bought the game because I was worried something like this could happen. I asked Blizzard to move the license yesterday. At this point I didn’t even get early access and that’s whatever. I just hope I can play at 7 tonight.

Well finally got a response from blizzard. Apparently my Battle.net account I used back in the WoW hay day is somehow attached to my PS5. I’m talking like a 20 year old account. Asked for a license transfer. Still awaiting their next response. As long as I can play at 7 tonight I won’t be that upset I guess

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Mine was the same, very old BN account but mine was from playing Diablo 3.

I really don’t understand why when the game got launched for the first time it didn’t ask us to log into our BN account rather than just automatically logging into a pre-installed BN account on the hardware.

I think Blizzard assume we all know our old BN accounts from many many years ago.

So far 3 of my friends have successfully got back into their game by using the method i gave them :love_you_gesture:


problem is I still havent received response from them…

So the only thing I can tell you is that if you suspect it has something to do with the game license being attached to either a false or old account that is unused anymore create a support ticket, due the account, code or key problem, insert your Battle.net ID, Gamertag or PSN ID, and I even included the emails to prove it is the same information for both and formally request the game license for your game and platform to be moved to the current battle.net you are able to access. I have read a bunch of users have gotten their login issues through license error fixed once they did this and resynced everything with the correct battle.net


Let me guess, us little people (paying customers) that keep you criminals in business aren’t worth a response, real answer, OR OUR $$$ back from the crooks on high right? The world is waiting blizz…


Total refund owed $109.24

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Look at this generic answer they sent me.

Thank you kindly for taking the time to reach out to us today. I hope that the day finds you well! •ᴗ•

The development team and our partners have been able to address a known issue for Playstation users who experienced problems with their active Diablo IV license. Invalid License Issues on PlayStation Consoles - #1533 by PezRadar

For Xbox users, this error typically occurs due to using Game Share. For information on how to use Game Share to do couch co-op, see this post. Game sharing during Early Access couch co-op on console

If neither situation applies to you, you will receive this error when no license in found on your account. If you play on Windows, you should:

Confirm that you are logged into the correct Battle.net account.
Your Games & Subscriptions page will display your “Diablo IV” license.
Your Transaction History may also provide you with more information in case of a payment issue.

If you play on console, you should contact your console’s manufacturer for more assistance (Sony or Microsoft) as we cannot access your console’s purchase history.

If you continue to have trouble please submit a bug report. Blizzard Support - Reporting a Bug

Thanks again for your time and giving me the opportunity to address your issue Mario! Have a great day!

Finally works! Yay!!!

Same here, I own the Ultimate Edition, linked my account, and lost everything. I am game sharing, but I’ve been game sharing for years, and it wasn’t til today when I linked my account that everything went downhill. How can this issue be fixed, I don’t care anymore about my character I can rebuild it, but I do want access to my Ultimate Upgrade perks, I feel cheated paying 99.99 and only getting the base game without any perks.

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I tryed this and i still get a coded error