[Main Thread] Texture quality can only go to medium

Same issue. Can only select Low or Medium.

Windows 10

Same issue here with EVGA 3060ti – only have Low texture quality and not other options. Says I need 3gb for medium and 8 for high. If I have shadows on highest, the UI disappears. Even with everything set to low, frames will be empty from time to time, like the escape game menu has invisible background. When you pick a difficulty, selecting veteran, for example, does not highlight with a red overlay to let you know it’s selected.

Textures in game look like 2005, nothing like how they look on streams I see. And these textures don’t change regardless of if the settings are all low or maxed. No visual change at all.

I also have the high texture pack installed. Uninstalling it do nothing, either. Reinstalling it did nothing; same issue.

I’ve also forced V-sync on via the nvidia control panel for the D4 beta program. No change.

I was viewing the cut scene where the old priest was yelling at the villagers about being horrible christians when my card fans kicked in to overdrive. My screens went black and I had to restart my pc to get my 3080ti to chill out and display anything again. Cheers

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Same, but i got the error messages in the first cutscene inside the story, 1,5h waiting all just for fkn nothing

lol unlucky buddy. It’s a beta so giving them the ole benefit of beta game being buggy. On the real though there was no warning for my issue. It just shut down my graphics card.

My Gpu went from 40% usage to max locking the entire computer up. The first time I was able to recover after resetting Pc. The second time it happened it killed my 3080Ti. Both times it happened were in completely different spots of the world. Pc Stats 3080ti i9-11900k 32Gb ddr4 Memory usage never went above 75% according to Streamlabs and Asus Armory charts.


Sorry to ask but after the first time did you try turning down the graphical settings?

Funny. It fried my 3080ti aswell.
Game was running pretty smoothly 130-140frames in 4k on max, powerdraw was kept at 100% sitting at around 350-390W.
Thought it was a overcharge protection that was triggered.
Nope dead GPU.

PSU: Cosair RM850
CPU: Intel i9 9900K
GPU: (was ASUS Strix 12Gb RTX3080ti) RTX2080
RAM: ddr4 32GB G.Skill 3600Mhz


Three times while playing my 3080TI ramped up to max GPU fan and the screen went black. I could sometimes still hear things, but no video. After the third time, computer won’t even POST. Assume fried card like the others here, but don’t feel like swapping out for a backup card to test tonight.

I waited in the queue to get in 6 or 7 times with times ranging from 30 to 75 minutes in queue each time. Twice my power blinked and kicked me out, and the rest were video crashes and disconnects. I got to level 6.

Going to bed feeling beaten, gonna see if I can get life in my desktop in the morning.

Hey All,

Pretty much the same issue for me. I was in a dungeon first time, tower shutdown and pinned the fans on the GPU to max. Never seen this with a GPU before.

Checked my logs and the game instantly pinned the GPU from around 68% to 100% usage.

Fired up the game again, set all settings to medium (was having some minor stuttering as well). Played with the wife until we hit level 12. Was in town looking through my inventory and boom, tower shuts down again and maxes out the fans.

Now the PC won’t start. Checked error message and it was PCI related. Swapped in a vintage 680ti from the collection and works fine.

So looks like the game may have pushed ye olde card off the ledge!

AMD 5950x liquid cooled
Asus dark hero MB
32gb ram
1300w platinum psu
Recent Nvidia drivers
Only playing in 1440p @ 120fps locked.

Pretty choked to be honest. Thats 1k down the drain.


Just came across this. You may want to be aware that 4 of us with 3080ti’s have had the same issue and our cards are now dead.



D4 jumped my ram upto 31GB out of 32GB and it basically slammed my CPU (5800x) into max clocks all cores at 4941Mhz and the temps were hovering at 89-90°C. I don’t even get that temp when I prime95/R23. The GPU was at like 95-100% usage.

Something is seriously wrong with the game not releasing assets.

Hey, thanks for chiming in. Have you had the game crash at all?

What GPU are you running?

I wasn’t monitoring my cpu clocks, so not sure, but it definitely was not a gradual thing.

Hopefully Blizz looks at this. I’m sure lots more will have this issue.

You guys running windows 10 or 11?

I’m on 11.

No crashes, just disconnects from server.
GPU is an Gigabyte Aorus 3070 master.

I run hwinfo64, so I can see when stats get maxed. I don’t like seeing D4 making a few things red in the maximum column, when Prime95 probably the most PC intensive program doesn’t do this.

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Having the same issue on a
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti EAGLE 12G
CPU: 12900k

Not good.

Wish I came here earlier and knew about running the debug blizz stickied, but I had no issues other than the 2 crashes I took for granted as “beta”.

I just found a similar post on the bug report forum. Loads of 3080ti kicking up the fans and locking up the system.

Looks like 2 or 3 more players cards also fried.

This is pretty bad. Possible $10k in video card claimed so far!


My 3080Ti died as well during the closed beta. I RMA’d it and I had no issues until this open beta. PC already crashed once with fans ramping up, but the card didn’t die this time. I’ve resorted to lowering graphics to medium and capping it at 60fps. Hopefully it doesn’t die on me again.

My 3080 ti BRICKED during this exact cutscene. It is dead. Blizzard better announce something about this bc they are killing GPU’s!!!

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Just a dumb question to ask. You shouldn’t have to turn down your “graphical settings” with a 3080ti.