Mad Wolf's Glee

Using a mad wolf’s glee chest on a werenado build and i was wondering does it upset the aspect “Grizzly rage now Shapeshifts you into a Direwolf”? The build guide also asks for a very defensive chest type? is this a better option than mad wolf’s glee?

Nah it doesn’t mess with the Grizzly Rage aspect but yeah its a more offensive option that you’d probably want while pushing GRs. At least that’s how it was pre-season, idk now since they nerfed them a lot.

The guide you’re looking at is probably outdated as a big reason you rarely wanted to use these chests pre-season was one, they had some bugs and didn’t interact with some passives (that got fixed) and both armor and Disobedience aspect were insanely high value, which got nerfed.

So try it out imo you’ll see for yourself pretty quick.

All the extra wolf skills the glee adds to your build screws up your quick slot bar.

Used rage and my bar was replaced with Rabies, blood wolf howl and something else, couldn’t cast my tornado, hurricane armor that used to be on my bar…had to wait for rage to run out before I could access my normal slotted abilities again.

Not sure if there is a way to change the new quick slot bar when in Rage or not…it’d be nice if you could or have that option or at least a way to click on a armor given skill and select ignore.

Thats because if you have dire wolf aspect to be a werewolf during grizzly rage you can only use werewolf skills or skills that get the werewolf tag through aspects while your ultimate is active. Anything that is not is replaced by a wolf tag skill or removed depending on what you had on your bar.

If you want to use storm skills like tornado you must have tempest roar unique helm, which is why so many want it and are upset it’s required for such a build as rng can elude you for ages.


No it does not.

It adds points to skills and gives a move speed bonus, both of which can be nice.

Bottom line, its great for near level play and speed farming. If you feel like you want to try to see what the highest tier of nightmare dungeon you can do a normal chest with high defensive rolls is considered better.

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Using “Mad Wolf’s Glee” chest i am already in werewolf form.
So does this affect those aspects which change me into a werewolf?
The aspect in question is “Dire Wolf’s Aspect”, plus there is another aspect that affects Grizzly Rage duration.
Maybe i should just drop Mad Wolf’s Glee and try to get a full defensive chest as per the guides but Mad Wolf’s just looks so good.

Mad Wolf Glee gives +3 to all werewolf skills, so all the skills that are innately or changed into werewolf skills get their level upped by 3. Since Grizzly Rage is an Ultimate skill, it does not have any level, so you can’t rank it up. Therefore, the Mad Wolf Glee won’t affect it.

It’s important to say that it’s not because “werewolf form is your true form” that all your skills will be treated like werewolf skills. If you use earth spike (without Vasily’s Prayer), for example, your character will turn into human form to use the skill; if you use pulverize, you’ll turn into werebear and so on.

Swapped out mad wolf’s glee for another chest, 16% damage reduction from close, 4 ranks debilitating roar, 31% fortify generation and 1025 life with the Basic skills grant 20% damage reduction for 6 seconds. Loose some nice dps but gain in survivability is big.

I don’t use Basic much so I put on Cyclone Armor apsect. Then somehow reroll +Rank to Cyclone Armor on the chest. A 30% all damage reduction is nice. If only I can find a +Rank to Defensive skills on amulet.