Lvl 97 - no tempest roar... I give up really

Seems some uniques really don’t drop for some players, I’ve dozens of others and wanted to try werenado build before season, hate how this drop rate works - don’t works…


Farm more.

Random is random.

Good luck.

I’m level 85 and finally got mine 2 days ago at 83 from end of NM dungeon reward at tier 22. I almost gave up on it since I leveled post campaign almost exclusively through NM dungeons, even pre-buff. I created this character on launch day and have probably 150-200 hours spent just in NM dungeons. I have gotten multiple mad wolfs glee, bear chests, bear helms, temerity, fists of fate, wolf/bear ring, 3 crohns staves, countless butcher cleavers, 4 mothers rings, but only 1 tempest roar. It’s out there, but just really really rare.

Lvl 95 here. As Barbarian, dropped a single Terimety pants with the worst affix: 40% barrier.

I feel the same. Why does this game have to be so exhausting?
they even has season, why itens has to be so difficult

yup. i feel your pain. For some reason even, I’ve gone 2 days straight of farming uniques in nothing bot NMDs and NO unique has dropped. At all. It feels like dog. The only uniques I’ve gotten for my character that are “useful” are multiple of the 2 chest pieces and the storm wolf pants…

Hello, this is a Diablo game.

I was 93 when I got mine. Focused on cultist and cannibal NM dungeons. Cultist preferrably

Barbarian’s don’t even use Temerity, as you lose way too much defense. Barbarians aren’t reliant on uniques at all. They don’t even use any.

sorry but temerity is actually pretty good, I saw a lot of barbarian in late games using it.
I would like to test to verify

They should turn tempest roar ability to a legendary aspect.

100% it’s totally required to even open the door to try something else.

Just play other build… if you need item for werewolf play as Bear or Bulwark, you will get much more item for werewolf… this work on my Necro very well… play as Bone and got insane amount of item for blood necro (but almost nothing for Bone)… when switch to blood i got insane amount item for bone spear (but almost nothing for blood). My friend play as Bear druid, still don’t have staff BUT got 3x chest for werewolf, 2x 1h axe for teleport werewolf and alot of ancestral with bonus most for werewolf (not only but werewolf got more profit than bear).

Is this helm necessary (or very important) for the Stormclaw build?

Yes, it is. Because with this uniq helmet, your base storm skills also become werewolf skills. Without this helmet and while in grizzly rage, you cant use your basic sklills. This is essential, if you play the build with the uniq 2-hand staff.

After 8 Vasily’s I finally got a Tempest Roar at level 90. At least I got a few levels out of stormwolf to get to 100. It is really annoying how all the best builds are locked out of your options until you get this helmet to drop.


Got mine at 83, which was a few nights ago. Ironically it was the fifth dungeon I did when I was actually trying to get it. Yet, it’s just been sitting in the bank while I continued to level as Pulverize. It’s going to be gone in two weeks anyway. With my luck though, I’ll probably be 100 for weeks before seeing a second one with season one.

Being locked out from “the best builds” doesn’t mean you’re locked out from playing all good builds. You need basically only Vasily’s for Pulverize to work well (chest makes it exceptional), and that helm is somewhat common. I’d argue the Shockwave aspect is rarer than anything else second only to Tempest, and you don’t technically even need it for the build to work. With it, it’s just silly though.

scroll down on the forum i seen one guy state we can get our money back or something lol. id go for that really. only way to make companies listen is their pocket. donno how to go about it, but id join in. the endgame is trash without certain builds. the “get gud” crowd are trolls and 40 year olds living in their mothers basment LOL this game is suppose to be fun outside of responsibilities, yet its so many hours of grinding for shlt u wont ever get.

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thing with temerity is, you dont need them.

But there are certain items that are must have for druid build to work.
and sadly, all druid builds have a must-have unique to work porperly.

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Not every build need unique BUT they give more power and must have for t100 and similar.