Lvl 50 Required for World 3 and 70 for World 4. This is not on patch note!

did you try it after the patch at those levels? much harder now.

Nobody cares about RMT here. This shouldn’t even be a concern. This is just another Blizzard blunder, or Blizzard change to artificially create playtime. All its going to do is create more frustration as the current design already feels slow and bad progression wise.

Why even have the capstone dungeon then? Just have WT3 unlock at 50 and 4 unlock at 70. I got to WT4 at level 54 on my Necro and it was a really fun challenge. I died a lot to the boss and finally overcame it.

At level 70 it would have been ridiculously easy.

You did that BEFORE the patch. I would love to see how low someone can solo the capstone now AFTER the patch. Even at 60, its going to be difficult.

Bad change. If a player is capable of competing in WT4 then just allow them to goto WT4 by completing the capstone. Forced lvl req is very boring/stale way to limit progression.

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Why do that when that could potentially result in the player enjoying themselves?

People aren’t shocked, they’re annoyed that this game is inching more towards lost ark with this update. No one wants to be pigeonholed into playing a one character with limited build diversity, garbage loot, and a slog of a grind.

Who cares if people power level? If you invest time and level your 1st character and want to help a friend catch up, you should be able to do that. Furthermore, I don’t want to have to slow grind every single character I make. If that’s the case, just make the damn game single player and call it a day. They don’t need to make the game a job to keep it persistent.

They want to tout going back to the “roots” of Diablo yet they’re running as fast as they can in the opposite direction right now.


ohh well it takes a couple hrs to hit 50, take a chill pill

I love finding little nuggets like this. Sorta like the tootsie roll center to a tootsie pop.

if all the other nerfs had not happened - this right here would have made me stop playing and just find another game I can play with my more casual friends/family members -

what on earth is the point of not letting us play with other people at the same level and Gasp help them get there by PL’n them - did they nerf PL"n in WoW? nope - they made it easier - so this just makes no sense

does it take a few hours to reach 50-70 if your friend/family member is a casual?

Answer: No

so good luck playing WT4 with that person anytime ever

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Sneaky but totally anecdotal at this point, been playing lvl70 druid + lvl70 rogue, post-patch-1.1.0. Feels like a sneaky ninja cap on loot drops. Been seeing 9:1 ratio Sacred to Ancestral items, versus 5:5 when I was lvlling 65ish to 70.

Reckon I crowd-source to fellow gamers – are you seeing less Ancestral / more Sacred loot drops post-patch for clvl < 80 (below WT 4) … . tsktsk

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Oh wow, I didn’t know they would take progress form players… I understand for newly created, but not preexisting… that sucks!

A lv 90 WB does wreck a lv 52. Not sure what you’re getting at here.

This isn’t an MMO. Max level in a week is fine, max paragon in a few is fine. This allows you to make multiple characters per season to play when you need a break from grinding one class after finding some gear for another.

They’re thinking like an MMO, and they need to get back in the right lane.

With all these shadow nerfs I dont doubt it. If they are too ashamed of their changes to inform the customers then they shouldnt be doing them. A bunch of cowards over there. They dont respect their customers time or enjoyment enough to even tell them when they make massive changes.


Blizzard is ruining ma vidya gaim!!!1!1!1!1!

Unless my memory is wrong, it says “Recommended” not “Required” they’re going to need to change that.

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The devs seem to have completely lost all connection with their player base.

Those millennials (I’m guessing?) that developed D4 have clearly never played D2 back in the day. An important part of the experience was being able to level chars reasonably quickly (a must for hardcore back then, even more of a must now for those short 3 month seasons).

They’re effectively destroying any option to level quickly. That together with lackluster patch notes? I think S1 will be my first and last season at this rate. What went through their minds? “Oh hi, we want you to specifically take this slow road! One character per season, that’s it!” or “you’re not a streamer or unemployed person? ha! screw you! good luck getting to 100 with more than 1 char”.

Thats your opinion. Thats not what blizzard wants. The season journey should take most of the season. Restarting characters will make that more difficult. The problem is, the game that blizzard wants to make and the game you want to play are not the same. And you’re blaming blizzard.