Hi, i’m a level 100 rogue and i’m grinding nightmare dungeon for a week (since lvl 100) probably 10 to 12 hours a day (don’t judge me ok)
I’m playing around twisting blade (or other melee build) and tried everything, from deathtrap to imbuement, hybrid build, smoke, all movement ability…
And my conclusion is just, you can’t play melee rogue right now after 75+ key, and have fun (in solo)
60 to 70 key are easy if you are targeting the right dungeon (without too much ranged mob) but after that you are getting one shot.
Even with a full def build (dark shroud level 10… & others), even if you are dodging a lot of incoming damage you are going to be hit and die. At least 5 time during your run.
The dilema is:
-Too much defense build and you will die due to no shroud / no CC or being CC because of the REALLY long fight against elite
-Too much DPS and you are dead.
I know that we are early in the game, I know that everything as not been discovered about our class but right now I feel HARD stuck.
Even if it’s pretty hard to find 810+ item (95% of looted item are trash under 800 ilvl…) i’ve got good roll on my stats and can’t improve my stuff that much. I also use strong / rare elixir on every dungeon.
PLEASE, tell me i’m doing something wrong and other melee rogue are able to farm higher key (no, doing ONE 80 key is not a proof of a good build).
I’m seeing only nerf about our class when others class have a great time in high keys.
I’m not complaining, I just feel like something is wrong in the character concept of the melee rogue.
Dark shroud IS mandatory and take a slot that would be very useful (and fun) to put a damage / utility skill and make the whole viable.
And no, I don’t want to play ranged rogue !
Just want a skilled and fun melee one.
I would appreciate your takes about it because i’m not going to spend another 100 hours doing 70+ key without feeling any progression.