Hi guys!
Im using a melee build with that skill that heals you when you hit vulnerable targets (dont know the name in english sorry)
Im just level 60 ATM but it was a roller coaster of feeling powerfull and sometimes feeling weak. When i was doing story i did not have some legendaries that enchanced both my main and basic attack and i feel really weak. I could not solo the Canibal King on WT2 but since i got better gear i could do WT2 and then WT3 no problem so far.
Ill keep on progressing and ill inform you when i get 80+ about how survivable is my build.
So far im having lots of fun and playing it with a controler feels like im in a beat em up sometimes.
Have a nice weekend
so not worth playing melee rogue over pretty much anything else atm. You have a delay on TB and even the orbiting blades only up for a short period of time. You have to jump across the screen to kill 1-1 mobs and wait for energy regen while a WW barb just spin through everything killing packs instantly.
I feel like everyone is just playing the same kind of TB rogue build.
Don’t get me wrong TB is great but I’ve been running a flurry/rapid fire shadowfrost build. There is a bit of a trick with a couple overlooked aspects that can push out insane DPS with synergy. I’m not lvl 100 yet ( lvl 87) with many upgrades yet to get, I think my highest clear so far was NM 63 without trying very hard. Shadow step is a must to break pesky CCs.
After reading this I’m anxious to see if I will hit the same ceiling with my build. I’ll keep you posted.
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bc TB is fun, all the others are not. Its that easy. Id rather reroll than giving up on twisting blades.
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I can clear T80… but T91-100 mobs just 1 shot me at the entrance with a random arrow. I don’t think we are meant to clear it.
- Gear has not scaled up since ancestral tier ~ 720-820
- Resistance does not work (it sucks so much it might as well as not work)
Can you share your build ? I’m curious to know what you are playing !
True, I dont understand how Blizz nerf something when they didnt even get the full picture yet,
Playing melee rogue now is painful as hell, You need to chase your enemy, and with these kind of enemy density, and having one at a time scattered around you, and you cant even use your only mob gathering trap (Death Trap) because of long cooldown.
Cooldown reduction got nerf twice, the first time they reduced it more than 50%,
Then they lower mob density, Those death trap cooldown is awful long,
Im getting carpal tunnel playing this class hitting 1 enemy at a time…
And i dont think this cooldown reduction is helping either…
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Poison Cold Flurry Dash Shadowstep.
T60, I can just facetank everything. T65+ I need to start kiting large packs. 2 movement skills allow me fly around and dodge the environmental damage.
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Can i ask your build? are you running a generator?
Flurry is pretty fun also. Problem is flurry needs its damage buffed significantly.
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That’s the biggest problem for me. I pretty much capped my gear at 63 (after I solo’d the 2nd capstone), and have just been min/max’ing ever since. Meanwhile, I have slightly better rares rotting in my stash while I wait for aspects to drop so I can use them.
I can solo stuff a dozen levels above (at level 92), but why bother when the loot isn’t ever going to get any better? At least in D3, running higher rifts would improve your chances of getting a primal. In this? NADA. It actually seems like the drops get worse when you go more than 3 levels above your level.
The required level, drop level and item power should all be directly linked. At the moment I get rubbish drops that can’t even be handed down to an alt or a friend.
Why are level 100’s crying about not being able to powerclear the entire game in 2 weeks?
Seriously, I hope threads like this get laughed at and ignore by Blizzard reps. You are .00000001% of the playerbase and are playing content 99.9999% of people won’t see lol. 12 hours a day? Go grind IRL dawg
I dont really think you are understanding the point to this. I have the same problem and im not asking to be able to power clear anything, i think most people would agree with me when i say i want to be able to have a path to work for and push higher keys. I dont see any way to go to 80+ keys. the gear progression in general is pretty poor imo. When im 100 and i have glyphs maxed what is the point to push higher keys? if you are lucky and in most cases you will be, you will get pretty much perfect stats (ofc these can always be slightly improved) before you even hit 100. Then there is nothing else you can do. After playing around with paragon, skills, gear and playstyles there does not feel like any way for a melee rogue to push high keys (80+) again you could maybe do one if you get the perfect key but that just seems stupid. I agree with others when they say that nerfs for some classes especially the melee rogues have come around with no high end data at the time. However for me the larger problem and fix for this and imo the longevity of the game is gear progression in nm dungs. Again this isnt a problem for the majority of the playerbase atm, but i can tell you it will be. When the sweatiest players are having major problems with this end game content (when they are endgame and min/maxing) you can be absolutley certain the average playerbase will have this issue but way worse.
I’m also 100, my items have perfect rolls (I miss one) and I’m in the same boat like you… Every sigil until 60-63 is doable for me with a bit cringe involved… I’m playing TB/death-trap like wudi’s main and sure, I don’t have same skill but still… I think they nerfed TB to death… and it sucks because how the gameplay felt (not talking about damage), it was the reason I bought the game…
and now… well rip… and no, I don’t change build or start a different class… I already sank too much time into it and I love TB deathtrap too much… every other stuff just bores me.
Its True, You just CANT melee in Nightmare Dungeon.
The enemy will endless CC you to death.
In nightmare dungeon, once they got you on freeze, you die.
Because you will not get out of the CC, havent die yet, you will be frozen again, and again and again until you die.
MY best death time is frozen 3 times. Because my circling blades still comes in during my first freeze, second i while trying to run away after being frozen the first time, Third is no brainer you are death.
Im not saying that the golden time of freezing is 3 time or 2 times.
Even if you are frozen once, you can die from it, you cant even use potion while on Frozen.
I just get lucky (in my record) frozen 2 times and hey i still havent die yet, and the third freeze comes in.
Usualy the momen your char comes in into melee range to hit em, they freeze hits and kills you in seconds.
You can’t expect the rogue to be as good as a melee class such as barb when it is a hybrid…
I guess the question is if this content is doable while utilizing a hyrbid build or a range build. If not then there is a problem. But even for the other classes they have to use very specific builds for High tier dungeons this early into the game’s release.
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I’m playing a similar sort of build, but have been trying different things with it.
e.g. Swapping Frostburn in to freeze everything
Even at 92, doing 40s NM I’m salvaging a lot of different sigils just because they’re too much of a pain to run.
Ones I always skip are:
- Empowered Elites (Suppressor)
- Empowered Elites (Cold Enchanted)
- Death Pulse
- Resource Burn
- Drifting Shade
- Stormbane’s Wrath
Ones I often skip (because they’re not fun) are:
- Lightning Storm
- Monster Cold Damage
- Slowing Projectiles
- Unstoppable Monsters
- Resistance Breakers
- Monster Crowd Control Resist
I’ll still run most in the 2nd group, but only if they’re in a dungeon I like to run.
I’ll run anything with friends, but I’m over 20 levels above everyone else in my clan so it’s at a much lower level when I do that.
I am wondering if I should be focusing on resists a lot more.
if you all skip those there is basically nothing else left lol
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So, the problem is too much CC in endgame dungeons.
Not really a rogue specific issue.
I’m having a lot of fun with the current gameplay mechanics. If they remove all these CC then all players will need to do is upgrade gear and roflstomp every content.
Nightmare dungeons are increasing in difficulty. You will eventually hit a wall. That usually means your gear and build needs improvement. Some classes may have a higher ceiling, but that’s what balancing is about.
What I don’t like at the moment is how some dungeons/monsters are way overtuned compared to the rest. Ex. Wraiths, Cold enchanted. And how resists doesn’t seem to work. They need to look into this.
Serpent Lair is one of my favorite dungeons because it forces me to play alert and displays the epitome of Rogue gameplay IMO. I use Barrage but I consider myself “melee”. I’d be a bit sad if they remove the CCs