Lvl 100 Druid with no Tempest Roar

My first ever unique was a hell hammer in diablo 4. It really killed that first time unique experience.

I don’t agree. I don’t agree any of those. How did you do that ? You’re totally wrong

There is NO reason at all that this should be a suggestion…it should be AUTOMATIC that players get these build defining items very very early on. Make them very weak at low levels but at least let the players make a build. Same goes for aspects, glyphs, etc.

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I don’t care if you agree. I’m not wrong, anyone can go look for themselves. No one is going to agree with you that re-rolling gear is cheap, LoL.

Cheap tho. Rerolling only kills the loot hunter point. It’s good until we get a better loot and more item affixes

Opened T4. Been running NM dungeons to level glyphs and haven’t seen an unique since they patched.
I wasn’t getting a ton of uniques but was seeing them fairly frequently. I’ve even been focusing on NM dungeons that are suppose to have increased druid item drops and still nothing.

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finally @ 71 and running a normal cultist’s refuge a TR dropped from a normal dungeon cultist mob.
My excitement didn’t last long because a frozen elite werewolf 1 shotted me. Same normal dungeon i also died to the Butcher and he constant shield with insane regen. I did mange to get him to 10% before i ran out of potions…

Level 82 Necro Summoner. Still no Ring of Mendeln, Black River, or Blood Artisans Cuirass. Been grinding in particular for the ring since WT3. Thought my chances would go up in WT4, nope. World boss events, Gathering legions, Hell tides, Nightmare dungeons, nothing. On the off chance that I do get a unique it’s something that I’ve already gotten. At this point I believe that I’ll be another person at level 100 without getting those items to drop. There’s no way I will start up another character just to either have the same or worse results.

just curious and not sure if it actually helps but have you looked up which mobs have an increased chance to drop your unique and focused on hunting them?

I saw cultists have an increased chance to drop TR and spent the bulk of my time in cultist’s refuge and Conclave. It was a normal dungeon cultist that finally dropped my helm.

I’ve been lv 100 for 3 weeks now. I haven’t seen a unique helmet drop (Vasily’s Prayer OR Tempest Roar) since lv 98.

I regularly run Steadfast Barracks (dungeon with only Cultists/Cannibals) between sigils in which I prioritize Cannibals and Cultists.

I have still never seen a unique helmet hit the floor from either of these monster types. I’ve been eligible for unique drops for literally hundreds of hours at this point.

Either something is wrong or “target farming” simply does not work for unique drops. I’m inclined to believe the latter.


Adapt and overcome, play other builds. I dont want Diablo 4 to be raining uniques, they need to be special and you need to feel special and powerful when using one.

i don’t see steadfast as being a helm dungeon. List i found shows
Cultist’s refuge - found mine in here
Earthen wound
Seprent’s lair
Guulraan Slums

That list only includes sigil dungeons. There are many other dungeons in the game aside from these. I’ve been running all of the cultist/cannibal ones at some point or another. Grinding sigils gets tedious after hundreds of hours.

i found mine in a normal WT4 run. i ran it on normal when i didn’t have a sigil for it.

Maybe it was just RNG, but a normal cultist in the first part dropped it.

I’ve been steering away from Cultist Refuge because the latter half has werewolves, which don’t offer increased chance to drop helms.

Keep in mind the list or tool you’re using shows those dungeons as being “helm dungeons” because of the type of monsters in them.

true. staff and chest also drop in there.

If you are running normal dungeons then you can either kill the cultists mixed with werewolf in 2nd half, or jump between conclave and refuge by only doing the first half of each

The game already has multiple point systems, paragon being the most obvious. It doesn’t ruin the game - it actually gives you choices.

Blizz even understand this is an issue because the TR (druid must have) and Rainment (Sorc must have) issues are making the game unenjoyable and thankfully recently introduced target farming for uniques in Helltide.

Barbs, Rogues, and Necromancers all have viable end game builds without uniques. they might use ultra rare aspects (e.g. Chieftain for barb, Exposed flesh for necro) but you have more paths to acquire because you can gamble for them.

They removed the target farming for uniques in Helltides after the Shaco fiasco


My wife’s druid is in the 90s and she has gambled every Obol on helmets, opened every heltide helmet chest, gambled pvp items on helmets, triggered every shrine and health shrine hoping to trigger an event for a chest…

She’s done EVERYTHING she can think of for more helmet drops.

No Tempest Roar.

Thus she has never been able to play the build she wanted to play from the first day she made a druid.

This is ridiculous.


And this is the dark side of of Diablo 4’s crappy full out rng system.

For a few rare players it rains everything they need down upon their heads in a few hours of play.

For some it comes in short showers.

Others though…

well let us just say they live in a desert and might not see it rain for a year or possibly more.

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