Lv 70 Check in station

Level 71 on my Necromancer. Would be higher but the urge to make alts was way too strong.

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resist! grind mats, so you can really set your alts up good.

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Too late. I have 71, 51, 31 and 13 Necromancers with different builds as well as one of everything else too.

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The funny thing about this is, Mats stopped picking up for my character recently (im 100). I’m at max capacity I guess.

Same for the nm dungeon sigil dust. I started crafting them just to destroy them again to make space.

Not gonna lie, when I noticed my character stopped sucking up mats on the ground… it felt like a punch in the gut as the wind in my sails had pretty much settled.

I’m on the fence to make an alt now or wait for July season.

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time for alts, unless youre doing what im doing, and saving alts for aspect stashes.

Level 77 been farming uniques for a tempest roar helm so I can finally play the build I want to play… feels bad that I cant even play a stormwolf druid unless I find a extremely rare unique first.

There should be a way to craft uniques maybe if we break down uniques at the blacksmith we get rares mats to create one or something idk.

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That’s pretty hilarious that you think the game is about leveling and grinding. The game is about having fun doing whatever it is you think is fun. For me thats usually pushing leaderboards or looking for that next perfect upgrade, making alts on every class and trying multiple builds. Even World of Warcraft learned that leveling isn’t the end game, it’s just the tutorial.

I don’t play Dragonflight, but when I did play wow I in the top ranks of pvp, M+ IO rating and mythic raiding. Those are real achievements, not spamming basic WT4 dungeons to get to 100. Maybe you prefer non-skill based tasks while others prefer actual achievements and thats cool too. Go roll a few hardcore toons or pick up a Korean MMO, I heard those grinds are forever.

Name a single A/RPG that isnt about leveling and grinding?

I freakin dare you

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Path of Exiles, Last Epoch to just name two recent ones. Diablo 3.

:rofl: Okay now I know you are trolling, dont you have a song to write Mr Gambino

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As a level 100 I can assure you that any gear that rolls or upgrades above 725 can roll all the highest possible affixes.

I have a level 67 staff with 805+25 item power that could have carried me to 100 if I didn’t want the CDR from wand/source

So you jumped into a high T and got gear tuned for it early?

Everyone understands loot is based on difficulty, then level, right?

If it takes you 200 hours to hit max level in POE you don’t know what youre doing. Those games are about the loot grind, not the level grind. Also, doing higher level content = much more experience unlike Diablo 4 where it’s just spam WT4 dungeons. If there was some sort of path to 100 that made sense, i.e. do higher level nightmares then maybe I would retract my statement. However, I want to play out the whole season and enjoy multiple toons in Seasons. No way i’m doing that with the current grind… Maybe WT5 is the answer, so we will see how that changes things when it comes out.

If you enter the max diff at level 60, due scaling gear will be usable, but also be tuned for that higher difficulty. see what im sayin?

Yes, I got a lucky drop at 67. I’m just saying, the grind doesn’t get any better because you get levels. The game feels much more about the journey than the destination.

It seems weird that they would want people to race to 100, when there’s not much difference in gameplay options between 70-100

I see this is a total win for players who progess to endgame at a lower level.

Sure beats sitting on gear you cant equip for 20 levels.

cough immortal cough

It gets worse as you progress partly because the items that drop are your level, so getting loot for alts means your alts had better be as high-level as your main.

Yeah, this is super annoying and makes me never want to make another char of the same class. Rather just pay the ~12 mill to swap builds

there will be experience increases in the free track of the battle pass. what form these will take i don’t know, or just how much they will speed up the leveling process in seasons i don’t know, but they’ll need to be fairly significant i think or only daily hardcores will make it to 100 at a reasonable point in the seasons.

80 and super bored. Really don’t care to grind the EXACT same dungeons/events for 20 levels to find gear that literally doesn’t increase character power. Maybe being able to alter build and reset skills/paragons/legendaries would slightly freshen it up but resetting everything and rerolling stats on items and extracting and imprinting legendaries is going to cost 40mil+ gold. Either spend a stupid amount of gold to reset which would take hours and hours of farming or make a new toon to do the EXACT same content… overall feels really really bad. Overall horrendously disappointed in D4

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