Lv 70 Check in station

Lets tally the numbers.


lvl 70, feel bored now, and ready to quit.


You aint pushing to 100?

Level 81, planning to reach 100 and defeat Lilith.
Starting to feel how the game fails at endgame.
Expecting phase 2 endgame content release at some point.


I have 1 70, It kinda pittered out for me pushing to 70, I cleared Capstone before hitting 70 so…
NM are a joke did about 20 before I got bored.
Working on my 2nd right now at 44… Hopefully more challenging as I’m “Not playing the meta”

why not go to 100 and push to endgame?


so your second char has an even better start.

Because Eternal realm has no reset, so 100 today vs 100 1 year from now. Makes no difference

I’m a season andy waiting for mid July TBH

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the difference is you get more resources at a higher level, which will benefit your new chars progression…

No, worse dungeon and damage system ruin the endgame fun, 2nd/3rd char will feel better.

dinged 70 last night then went to bed.

trying to get over the idea that i got this 3lvl bump to go over now :wink:

i was wrecking everything now its a tad spookier. should be fine once i get over that bump
hardcore keeps it exciting for now.

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Early 80s here, the grind is too much. The experience needs to be nerfed hard. No one is going to play alts. The game should be about pushing Nightmare dungeons, messing with other builds/alts and finding new gear not grinding to level to 100 after 200+ hours of play. I think if there’s not massive changes before season 1 to QoL it’s not going to do well. The drop off is going to be reminiscent of New World. Another game that refused to add QoL enhancements until it was dead.


Does anyone here use Curative elixers? I imagine all you non barbs prob need them eh?

Reached 72 a couple of days ago, didn’t log in since because the endgame is boring.

engame starts at 100 :stuck_out_tongue:

No it doesn’t, the endgame starts at WT4, Level 100 is the same dull and boring experience.
I might never reach the latest capstone Dungeon and i don’t care, it’s that boring.

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that’s the literal end no more game :wink:

I think at lvl 100 we are put on stasis to wait for phase 2 content :cold_face:

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When you hit 100, you will be able to find and equip level 100 gear. If you quit at 100, you will have no gear. Therefor, skipping the endgame.

whats the point of more gear if theres no more progression. ill just hop on another class at that point. its not like d3 with moar paragons after.

hit 100 hardcore, go in the pvp fields , yolo, roll new one. thats gonna be me.

Since ur an expert on lvl 100 gear, what is it like? higher item level or what? :disguised_face:

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