Lv 70 Check in station


Ima be grinding mats, prisms, gold, and aspects, filling up my 16 char slots with TONS of aspects.


It’s better than L70 gear, by about the same margin that 70 gear is better than 40 gear.

What if i told you its exactly the same gear. No power level increase. :nerd_face:

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I’d say your only level 82, and couldnt know that first hand.

I’d be even so bold to say
Endgame starts at level 50
You get Paragon Boards then. (Endgame skills)
You can push NM Dungeons starting then. (Endgame Dungeons)
You start getting Sacred Items/Uniques (Endgame Items)

Yes you can upgrade to Ancestral from Sacred, sure.
And yes there is the “Final Encounter 100 Echo Lilith”
but that feels more “End OF the game” lol


I somewhat agree with that, the game starts to open up at 50, but the actual grind of endgame, endgame is basically character build refinement post story/exploration completion, will not start till your able to equip the highest level gear.

Thats the word. No more bonus item level in gear. Level 100 gets nothing special.

Season 1 comes very soon. This is probably the worst time to push for 100 unless youre just really enjoying the character

There is zero chance level 100 gear has the same stat values at level 70 gear, do you have any credible sources?

ive heard it all stays the same after 90 but no confirmation from me

Even so,

Whats 1% increase to damage, when spears are critting for 20million?

I’m not gonna have problems with damage from 60-100.
Its problems surviving, and even with max rolls on Barrier/Fortify.
Unless you’re stacking armor/res You’re gonna get 1 shot by some random stuff

well after 90 and after 70 are very different things.

Still not great, not terrible, but not great.

LOLOLOLOLOL first diablo game bro? Go back to dragonflight.

Lemme know when you hit 99 on d2 then we can talk about too much XP.

A dude solo hit 100 idk what 7 days after launch. If that’s the case than the XP in this game is a joke.

inb4 30000 baal run grind, followed by 1 death, setting you back 100 runs.

Exactly. The ppl complaining about leveling and XP simply do not understand that point. It’s supposed to be a ridiculous insane grind that most ppl won’t do

Like rank 14 in classic. I swear these ppl want a level every 15 minutes and finish the game like it’s wow

Level 100 is a significant accomplishment…

If they don’t wanna do it then don’t. Hit 80, play another character, or pvp, or play another game. There’s no monthly sub. Who cares?

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65 atm but haven’t played my main all the time and been working on zone completions as well almost done with the lilith hunt 2 more shrines

what they really want is a class based arpg with no levels or loot a party finder and a lobby with no exploration or overworld.

ALL dungeons must be hallways.

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I was honestly upset it wasnt harder (like d2)
I never expected 100 to be so easy :confused:
I was praying to hit like 80 and ‘be done leveling’ personally bc im not a 99 grinder, its just not for me… But here? Looks like I’ll be hitting 100 lol

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Just hit 61. Not sure if I have the will to keep going though.

It’s more fun when there’s a story quest keeping me going.

Now, I’m kinda just looking for non-repetitive stuff to do like side quests I missed.

Whispers and Helltides are wearing me out, especially since I’m not finding many upgrades anymore.

You can tell how many ppl in these forums came from dragonflight and expected the entire game to be a complete joke, a simple grind, everything automated for you, and then quit

It’s staggering.

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not to mention all the people whove been spoon fed endgame gear and 1shotting t16 bosses 3 hours into a season for 10 years on diablo3. filthy casuals. spits they disgust me.