Love the Game. (a couple of QoL suggestions)

First. Kudos to the devs for such a great game.

I do have a couple of quick Quality of Life improvements to suggest.

  1. On the map it is difficult to see ‘your arrow’. Its hard to tell where you are on the big map with all the little arrows, dungeons and other icons. Could you give it a bit of color to stand out?

  2. The stash… Keep the wardrobe in the bedroom, but move the stash to a more convenient place. (the building with vendors and blacksmith perhaps?) It becomes very annoying having to run up the stairs every time. (not to mention, if that is my bedroom why are so many people in there?) Seriously it was the only thing that truly annoyed me while playing. I didn’t care about the queue’s. I expected them. I don’t care about repetitive dungeon mobs, no horse or any of the other things people are complaining about.

  3. The stash: Gems. They take up way to much room in our inventory and bank. Give us a gem tab or move them to consumables.

That is all of the changes I would request. The queue’s and little bugs will get worked out.


+1 for better handling of gems.


Maybe you had a wicked all-night bender and can’t remember them?

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Yes for better storage of gems. Something…a separate tab or some way that they don’t share same space as other items. They are definitely starting to take up too much inventory space and it will start to be be common to have same gem type but different levels of them so needed space starts progressively increasing.

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I’m sure a nice micro transaction could solve those Gems, Create the problem. Sell the solution! oh yeah

Spot-on, I agree with all three of these.

  1. The stash: Gems. They take up way to much room in our inventory and bank. Give us a gem tab or move them to consumables.

Should be in the consumables tab 100%.

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For finding your arrow/location on the map, they really need a hotkey you can press twice and it will dim the screen except for where your cursor is. Like the Windows PowerToys “Find My Cursor” works when I press CTRL twice.

Gem storage is a must! I just wonder how large the stacks can be and how many gems there are because even adding a “Gems” tab to the inventory could fill up quickly.

Allow players to put gems in the aspect tab

After reading all your comments, I think the gems need their own tab. They can’t really fit in with either the potions or the aspects. There will be too many of them.

We will have to stock the lower ones if we want to play alts, because they have level limits.