Lottery system needs to end

I am extremely disappointed with you devs. Making build defining uniques into chase items is ridiculous. To make an ability altering item near unobtainable reliably will make seasonal play in to a game of russian roullette “hopefully i get the one item to optimize my seasonal build or i go bust”. In D2 and D3 this wasn’t a problem, if you wanted to play turbo chicken or a d2 hammerdin no problem the items were obtainable. I understand items like HC shako. . .it doesnt change how abilities function though. GET YOUR $*** together and let us play the D*** game and let us grind for MIN/MAXing.


Thats literally what you are complaining about right now. Wut?

Diablo clearly is not the game for you.


I’ve gotten dupes of every Druid unique and aspect so far.

Keep in mind that some gear is level locked so if you’re not at least 85 you might not get a few things until then.

Diablo is literally about the gear drops. They’ve made it easier to get a build rolling with the codex compared to previous games.

I don’t have an insane amount of hours in the game (not even lvl 85 and I had early-access) and I’ve had 3 Tempest Roar drops, not that I even use them. One was before the patch as well…

Focus on optimizing your CURRENT farm routes. The faster you farm, the faster upgrades come in.

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While true, none of the druid items are in this category.

Edit - Also, OP crying about hunting loot in a loot hunting game.

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Diablo is literally about the gear drops. They’ve made it easier to get a build rolling with the codex compared to previous games.
I don’t have an insane amount of hours in the game (not even lvl 85 and I had early-access) and I’ve had 3 Tempest Roar drops, not that I even use them. One was before the patch as well…
Focus on optimizing your CURRENT farm routes. The faster you farm, the faster upgrades come in.

You hitting the jackpot to receive multiples of an item doesn’t invalidate the fact that the majority of the userbase has yet to receive one, as shown by the numerous examples of users who don’t have your luck with drops.


Majority of those vocalizing on a forum where people who AREN’T ACTIVELY PLAYING say they don’t have it. That’s not the same thing as the majority of the userbase.

Again, instead of whining about the game, look at your current farming routes. Are you clearing NM dungeons in ~5 mins a run? No? Lower the difficulty until you’re 1 tapping mobs.

On top of that, you don’t NEED Tempest Roar. Majority of the player base isn’t going to clear NM 100 with current power ratings even if they had it. Trampleslide will work for the majority of the playerbase and will arguably be more fun for them.

I have half a stash of uniques and I don’t even push high NM. I do optimize my runs. Easy steps/pre-requisites to follow:

  1. One tap mobs
  2. Skip events I can’t clear efficiently
  3. Skip small packs (unless otherwise required)
  4. Run the best build available to me based on gear
  5. Run potions as needed
  6. Avoid NM sigils that counter my build

I’m currently level 84 farming level 90-99 monsters without a single unique.

Stating the “lottery system needs to end” in a game that is designed around a loot hunt is non-sensical.

Now if the complaint was about Druid’s being reliant on a single item to function at all…different story.

But again, there are builds that function without Tempest Roar:

I don’t run any of the above btw.

It’s a loot based game. Nobody is entitled to every drop less than a month into the game. If you think this is bad, build an enigma solo self found in D2R or find a WoH in pre-T7+ D3 lmao.

Show me the clips of the players clearing t100/UL with those.
25+ hours on Necro;
50+ hours on Barb;
125+ hours on Sorc;
130+ hours now on Druid.

The 39 hours I mentioned not listed here are from my HC Barb :headstone:
d4armory .io/?account=EruEllimist-1162
Feel free to check my stats.

[At the risk of repeating myself, since you Shills clearly are willing to do so regularly;
I have all the items I need for the varied Tempest Roar builds, except Tempest Roar.

I cleared multiple t20-t55 Cultist NM dungeons in a row. None of the enemies dropped anything good, but the 1 time I opened a chest it dropped a unique (not hat), when I killed the Butcher a Cleaver & then when I killed a treasure goblin it dropped a unique (not hat). (EDIT: I also mistakenly went and did a World Boss during this run, dropping the Bear Hat & Chest Unique items at the same time)

It’s just not spawning the Wolf hat, & then instantly dropping any other unique once I do anything that spawns other items.

These anecdotal claims of “seeing other players having it” don’t hold anywhere near as much weight as the plethora of user reports on these forums regarding the issue.

They can dismiss & downplay the issue because it doesn’t impact them or they don’t care about the playstyles blocked by the issue, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that there is an issue for a large number of users.](Level 90 and not one Tempest Roar - #27 by EruEllimist-1162)

I have done all the things you suggested, though for reference your assuming I haven’t & telling me to effectively git gud & play better is just a bottom rate attempt at deflection, dismissal & trolling.

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I actually agree with this perspective somewhat.

It would be one thing to hunt for “better” loot. Another to RNG legendaries that drop like candy. I have more uniques for each build than I do the garbage legendaries to power them. Just add everything to codex and the drops can be fore better roles.

“Oh, I wanna play pulverize today” oh I can’t cuz I have all the uniques and i jumped through hoops to farm gold to respec, but…… I guess I need to wait on the legendary aspect, which for some reason isn’t in the codex with the other legendary aspects…

It’s asinine to have a screen full of legendaries and be more excited about getting a specific one than a unique because they are more rare.

What can we expect from devs so out of touch with aarpg genre I guess.

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I’m not deflecting, being dismissive or trolling. However, you are projecting.

I responded to a thread that said “stop the lottery system” in a Diablo game. Are you saying you agree with this?

Show me the clips of the players clearing t100/UL with those

Stoneclaw is the game breaking Innate Earthen Bulwark build that will 100% be nerfed and is literally farming NM 100 right now…It’s THE build (which makes me question the complaints about Tempest Roar even more considering Stoneclaw does not require a single Unique…). Considering you’re such a veteran of D4, I’m sure you know what this build is so I’m not linking it. YT it if you really care.

Complaining about bugged loot tables =/= killing randomized loot drops btw but way to insert yourself into a different conversation. There’s also no reason you need to clear NM 100 but if your life somehow revolves around this achievement, just rune Stoneclaw until it gets nerfed.

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So the only actual example you have, even you admit is an invalid, broken, glitched, exploit that will be fixed. Nice, thanks!

EDIT: My responding & showing how your own answer proves itself invalid != Deflection;
Regardless of whatever mental gymnastics you have going on!

lmao look who’s deflecting now


sigh…I’ll bite one last time.

You asked for another build that clears NM 100. i gave one. If you’re objective is to farm NM 100 rn, you have a solution. You never once spoke on true build diversity. Considering we’re not even in S1 yet, it’s not overly alarming to be unable to clearn NM 100 with multiple builds.

You are deflecting in that complaining about Loot tables is not what the conversation was about and you completely derailed this thread by inserting your own (admittedly valid) gripes about loot tables into a thread that asked Diablo 4 to simplify the entire point of a Diablo game: the loot grind.

OP wants all build defining items to be “readily” accessible and confine the “grind” to item rolls. THAT is what I disagree with. It’s perfectly fine to lock some builds behind a certain item. D2 and D3 still worked this way. Sure, D3 had guaranteed sets for journeys, but that didnt’ eliminate the “lottery” of needing to get the right gear drop, it simply got players to a good starting point for grinding - which is NM/player level so that monsters can drop required end game gear. Builds like that exist already.

Delegating the game to striclty affix randomization caters heavily to hardcore players and diminishes the playtime of the game for casual and softcore players, most of whom are simply pursing a power fantasy instead of a min/maxed build with competitive clear times.

Tempest Roar not dropping shouldn’t even be an issue in a proper ARPG because you should have alternatives. Had the complain been about:

  • broken loot tables
  • lack of end game build diversity

Sure. But asking to remove the “lottery” aspect of Diablo is, again, non-sensical.

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If you really want to go through the mental gymnastics to try and separate item/roll drop rates from the “loot grind” in a game; that’s on you.

I’m not taking that bait.

it’s not mental gymnastics nor am I separating “item/roll drop rates” from the “loot grind”. Literally advocating for the opposite. You’re still deflecting…

OPs request >> gear grind is limited to affix roll or “roll drop rates”

My point >> The “loot grind” has always revolved around “item/roll drop rates” in every Diablo game

Your complaint >> I didn’t get Tempest Roar

Again, had the complaint been about

  • Broken loot tables
    Valid. Still personally disagree. D2 and D2R locked builds behind some very end game drops that almost virtually impossible without trading.
  • Lack of end game build diversity
    TR is desirable because it is required for one of two builds that Druid has too effectively clear NM 100.

Either of the above would be valid. Except it was “limit the grind to affixes”. Stop deflecting and go complain on one of the million “I don’t have a TR” thread that exists already.

False, you are misquoting & misrepresenting my statements out of context to suit your false narrative.

Had you actually bothered to read the discourse I quoted, referenced & linked;
You would have seen the issue & discussion is about the drop-tables/loot-seeding algorithm - that my post isn’t just me complaining because I didn’t get a piece of gear like you fraudulently misrepresented it as.

Also for reference, either in that thread or another regarding item drop rate issues I do also touch on the lack of end game build diversity.

Nice try at actual deflection though.

EDIT: Nah, keep your 0/10 bait troll. I’m done.
You can attempt to blame me for bringing up a relevant (both to the OP & your statement) issue in response to your mentioning the topic involved first, claiming I derailed the thread all you want - that doesn’t make it so, it just shows you have sociopathic tendencies like the majority of forum trolls & or Shills around here.

Dude what? You’re literally validating my point when I say that you’re projecting your issue into a different thread. Read the OP and my post again…

  1. This thread wants to end the lottery of item drops in diablo.
  2. I said no and mentioned I had multiple TRs to support the benefits of optimized farm routes.
  3. You focused on my mention of TR and derailed this into a TR drop rate discussion.

I don’t care if the balance/fix TR drop rates to match Vasily or whatever (not reading the other thread). Just don’t eliminate the item component from the loot grind. That’s it. Literally L2R dude.

As a former sorc main, I completely disagree. With the sorc there is very few (2) uniques that are actually useful in end game. And both of those are mostly just defensive, they also don’t change your gameplay in anyway. With the druid, I could find an item that alone could enable a build. That is exciting, in a game like this you need the gear chase. People are also very dramatic with these items being totally needed, I have made versions of builds that didn’t have the items and they worked fine. You have to adjust the talents, but they can work

The issue at hand is that the build enabling items are currently dropping for some users, but not dropping at all (regardless of playtime invested) for others.

The issue isn’t so much that there are exciting, build enabling uniques; but that there are numerous players reporting varied amounts of time played where they see multiples of effectively all or next to all other available unique items for a class (& some of the class generic ones) without seeing a specific item drop - thereby preventing them from experiencing that portion of the build & gameplay.

Regardless of if the issue points to an anomaly with a specific item or series of items drop rate(s), or some character based, account based, or other loot seeding algorithm - clearly there is an imbalance impacting a large number of users or there wouldn’t be so many of us coming to the forums to express our concerns.

With no qualifier regarding what tier of content, that isn’t a very helpful measure;
Are you talking about being able to push/clear t100/UL?
Are you just concerned with pushing content with enemies at or a few levels above your characters level?

I am currently using a (self adjusted) cookie cutter pulverize build, regularly clearing & farming t55NM’s, while optimizing my current gear to push t60+ with the setup I have available.

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Sounds like it’s working as intended! Now pardon me while I go shill shill shill!

Edit - Okay, yes, I’m trolling at the moment.

This really sounds like a confirmation bias. Do you have data to support your claim outside of you saw a few other people complaining about the same thing? I am not saying it is impossible, but to suggest ‘other people got items, why not me??!!’ without actual evidence, is just whining.

I only popped into the forums to talk with people about builds. This whole forum is just people crying endlessly. I love the game, it has sold ALOT of copies and reviewed well - so others feel the same. Blizzard is responding to feedback, so I look l forward to the patch where unique drop rate is tripled and getting a drop is no longer exciting because of crying mega phones on the forums. I want gear to be rare and special, so I do not agree they should be handed out like candy.