Looks like the Devs learned nothing from Diablo 3's failure

Diablo 3 was garbage.
The Auction House really set the bar low for Diablo after that and rekt any potential it might have had…
Diablo 4 isnt perfect but it’s leaps and bounds better than 3.

Not a fan of dumbing down a game with automation. Might as well run a filter for combat too. Press your defence button at x percent of hp, etc etc.

Be a gamer not a script runner. But I’m old skool. We mastered games, instead of automating them.

And mobile gaming is making money hand over fist. Does that make these games automatically good?

You’d better hope Blizzard devs don’t feel that way - Or you’re in for a real treat.

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That would be against the terms of service to do so.

Anybody with half a brain knows that a software engineer can easily code software to read information and parse it.

The only thing you’ve mastered is expelling diarrhea of the mouth.

By the way, the necessity of loot filtering in this game actually hints at a much larger problem: the bad itemization.

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So you can’t provide proof of your claims. What a shocker.

Botters will get banned, because a bad thing exists does not mean we want to encourage more lazy bot scripts in game.

More troubling is that Activision has already published stats that Blizzard games aren’t generating a comparable revenue compared to their main cash cows.

Wow - you are an absolute gem of -100% intelligence. What part of violation to ToS don’t you understand? Do you not understand this:

:skull: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :man_facepalming:

You can return to riding your bugged horse around empty landscapes now while the adults have a discussion.

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So you purport, that there is a bot out in the wild, that can read the attributes of items you do not even pick up.

Yet provide zero evidence of this miraculous scripting.

You dare have the audacity to comment on someone else’s intelligence, banding this notion about, unsubstantiated?

Do me a favour… :clown_face:

Buddy, bots have been doing this for decades. Welcome to my ignore list. You have repeatedly shown that you are completely ignorant of computer technology, incapable of doing a google search, and willing to ask people to violate the terms of service because you are too lazy to open a new browser tab.

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So no proof. :+1:

Of course. :roll_eyes:

Please ignore me. We are discussing in-game mechanics not botting.

A filter takes away another element of looting. That’s a simple enough concept, I hope, you can understand.

I’ve looked into Diablo 2 gameplay and i can say right now i’d never trade diablo 4 for diablo 2, combat suck, graphic suck, d4 is a good game in general

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in D2, when a rare dropped, it was worth looking at. in D3, D4, I only picked those up to sell if i needed gold. lol.

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It’s annoying when you’re in a fight and you loot a gem while trying to dodge an attack, and then you gotta throw it out of your inventory to get rid of it. Lol.

Y’all gotta start backing these statements up before posting them. Calling a game that sold 30 million a failure is hilarious.

This is a great and underrated post.

Don’t you know Top Gun Maverick was a failure cuz it didn’t make 100 billion at the box office?


You read my mind. Feel exactly the same.

I’m hoping it’s done the first one proud. I do mean to watch it at some point. I’ll make sure i buy it lol.

No, that’s not correct. How about 2/20 amulets or 2/20 gloves or triflecta boots? Maybe 2/20 fcr diadems, double leech rings and 450 Ed weapons or 2/4/40 javelins? There are a lot very good and exorbitant valuable rares in d2.

You’re confusing tedium with difficulty. There’s nothing challenging about looking through all of your rares for good affixes. The only challenge would be recognizing what is good and what isn’t. And you can just set that up in your loot filter. That’s all the challenge there is and it would still exist.

Look, if you want to scan all your items, go for it. It seems to me the overwhelming majority of players find the task entirely boring. I personally dread going to town to look through my items because it’s just so boring.


I would say that honor goes to Grim Dawn.