Looks like the Devs learned nothing from Diablo 3's failure

So, to be clear, you are saying Candy Crush was a failure. If so, do yourself a favor and never go into business for yourself. At least not until you take a few classes in business.

You didn’t seriously just ask a facetious question indirectly implying someone was incorrect while avoiding any attempt at rebuttal with facts, did you?

Don’t you need gold?

To Activision, anything without some kind of subscription model is currently a failure.

There is nothing remotely competitive about D3, by far the easiest game Blizzard has ever created, and one of the easiest games of all time in any genre. You don’t even have to pay attention to your screen when you play. It’s a mixture between a race care simulator and a pinball game throwing cartoonish, flashing lights at you and flashing “High score! High Score!”

Is that why all the D3 carebears constantly cry about how difficult and complicated D4 is? D2 was far more competitive. You could attack anyone at any point and engage in PVP. Real competition is direct competition.

All Diablo players play the latest and greatest, lol. So what? And the D3 players are the ones constantly whining about everything being too complicated or how they’re too soft-hearted for PVP.

D3 was made for children.

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As usual, every “point” you made is wrong. You have zero comprehension skills.

The “competitive” play is against yourself or others, not the game AI. Who in the world would think the AI is what you would compete against? Oh yeh, D2 players that’s all they do.

Given that they completely gutted all the good social features of D3, yeah, I’d say you are actually right for once.

My friends list of 128 bnet players with only 8 people playing D4 says different. They just stopped playing blizz games in general.

Oh, I take it you’ve cleared GR150s and made it onto that leaderboard?

That’s better than a snail simulator with an unappealing, dull, poorly lit bunch of skills flashing “Vulnerable! Vulnerable! Vulnerable! Walk this 2nd box back through empty dungeon to the pedestal.”

Again with the name calling, holy schmokes. Who said this game is difficult and complicated? You seem to have misspelled “boring” and “convoluted”.

What are you talking about lil bro, i like diablo 4 you cornball. Im not going back to d2. But i dont have to, to know d3 was a pile of garbage. Again, theres a reason it sold 30m+ and has less than 5k players. Its because its still trash.

No, I said it wasn’t a good game.

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Greater rifts??? Couldnt be that hard. Top 100 players EVERY season are bots :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Oh yeah the bots. So thats even less than the 5k players it says. Most ofem arent real

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That you think what you said is true, demonstrates you probably had at least 9 hits too many.

Obviously they do socialize some, but not like back in the D2 and earlier days. Even in savage type PvP games like Ultima Online there was much more social interaction.

You have yet to explain the player count? Why is it so low? Why was it extremely low before d4 came out?

Then why the thousands of threads from D3 players complaining about how extremely complicated and difficult D4 is? Why all the threads from D3 players saying they just wished things were simpler?

“Carebear” is a common term the rest of the world uses to refer to D3 players, lol. I know you’ve heard it for the past ten years. Stop pretending like it’s some shocking, huge deal. The only reason you even find it offensive is because you’ve been called a carebear by other ARPG gamers for the past decade. The term exists because D3 was entirely too easy, required no skill, required no thought in its builds, and didn’t have PVP.

D4 is already infinitely better than D3. The problem is that D3 was so horrible, being infinitely better still has room for major blunders, like copy/pasting D3’s hilariously bad end game loop of simply mindlessly grinding.

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It’s a funny post. I remember in D3 all the players from D2 whining about having to clear the GR 70 to get an item. They weren’t used to actually having to test themself. Just strut in the lobby and go trade your Artic Bow and Saigon shield.

Where did you get the player count number? You must have hacked blizzard because they don’t release the player count

That literally never happened. You keep making this bologna up. You also said you heard people crying about D2 in 1.08 and when I asked you what they complained about 4-5 times, you just refused to answer.

Stop lying to everyone, carebear.

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It’s ok, it’s fairly understood. D2 players = story time and share time, don’t make me actually have to use all these items tho, I’m sure I’d be awesome, but don’t test me.

You can find player counts for many of the older games online.

playercounter dot com/diablo-3/

Replace the diablo-3 with D2R and look at how many more players are on D2R. Hell, even D2 LoD has more players than D3.

How are you old enough to have played D3 and fallen in love with it, but so extremely inarticulate? You’re also a terrible liar, lol.

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This is so asinine that it is ridiculous. Can you even link ONE thread that anybody says it is “complicated and difficult”?

Gotcha, so you think game is easy but you can’t even beat the hardest difficulty. I see how it is. Maybe you should return to your named-hobby.

These guys keep spouting random :poop: and when asked for any proof, they can’t back it up =X