List of things I haven't see people ask for or mention as QOL improvements (maybe I've missed them?)

…Please add yours…Or criticize mine.

-Would love to see the range on damage or bonuses for items when I press CTRL - maybe I missed this? (able to do this in D3, would love to see range to know where my item ranks and whether I should shoot for a better version of it)

-The ability to know which dungeons are for your class (that is, your class aspect) by hovering over the entrance in game without having to go to the map to find out

-Scale the upgrade and reroll (enchanting) costs at lower levels (1-25). Gold was very hard to accumulate and easy to blow through early on - same with resources like ore and leather.

-Make item purchases from vendor scale as well. Lower costs at lower levels. Couldn’t buy anything without breaking the bank - and then removed any ability todo upgrade or rerolling items I had.

-Since transmogs are tied to items, and can only be liberated by salvaging - this means that if you want to extract the aspect from a legendary, I assume this means that you don’t get the transmog? (didn’t test this). If true, please make it so that when you extract an aspect from a legendary rather than salvaging it, please give us the transmog.

-Restore the ability of TP to the person from drop down when clicking on their icon. As it stands now, have to TP to town (in Kyovoshad only correct?) and then take a TP to them. If I’m in dungeon, then I have to TP out, then TP to town, then TP to them? (could be wrong about this…) Wouldn’t it be easier to just TP to them directly like we used to?

-Seems odd (or maybe off?) that the jeweler is the one who can add sockets to not only jewelry but also weapons and armor. By design? Shouldn’t an armorer or weapons dealer or blacksmith do that socketing? Just trying to keep the fantasy, dontcha know.

-Improve quest rewards. Don’t know about y’all, but I find 2 veiled crystals pretty underwhelming.

-Make quest rewards class-specific, where possible. My barb can’t use no knife.

-Reduce the number of stumps, bodies, caches, rocks, etc in the world and increase the rewards from those that remain. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like finding 20 gold or ore or items here and there - its just that they are EVERYWHERE. I would rather come upon a hidden cache or rock or whatever that spawns 20 baddies that I have to overcome to get the sick and significant and relevant loot that awaits me.


Thanks for this thread. I will add my suggestions here if that’s ok:

  • Cellars rooms are stingy - you kill some elite mob and nothing drops. Even a chest with some gold, a couple pots and 1 obol or a blue/yellow item drop is better than getting nothing. Treat it like a mini world event but you’re solo, give us that mini dopamine hit.

  • Let me see the full stats of a dropped item on the ground with a key modifier (sorry if this already exists in the options)

  • Loot filters (look at Last Epoch’s excellent implementation). We don’t need some super-complex filter but it’s so nice to have a JSON-formatted file I can just create/drop in. Coupling this with the current loot sound filters which is already excellent will make this a godly QoL feature.

  • Custom-color emote-specific actions. ‘Give thanks to this shrine’ , where thanks is colored. Saves time instead of standing around like an idiot wondering what we need to do. We know this is copied from Lost Ark (let’s be real) but you can help inform the player into doing your emote interaction if you insist on keeping this MMO-specific stuff.

  • Have a ‘mechanics’ document we can refer to with the various effects. You might say, oh just use the skill tree, but I want to be able to just have a document with a search bar where I can search for any affix, buff/debuff definition also. Keep the searching in skill tree as well, doesn’t hurt to have multiple sources to provide information.

  • Ability to set more than one pin/custom waypoint on the map, let us color-code the pins and the relevant paths. If I want to set a farming route/multiple points for me/my party this will help greatly. Even limiting it to 4 or 5 max pins is fine.

  • Make team members easier to see on map (accessibility on/off option)

  • Make elites a bit more obvious to look at (yes takes away from dark tone, but again make it an on/off accessibility option), if I want yellow/blue tint on elite mobs like in D3 it should be my choice and only apply to me client-side for myself (not for my team).

  • Let us salvage the ‘special’ quest reward gear. Can only sell for 1 gold wut?

  • Let us ‘lock’ items to not be sold or salvaged (again other games have this)

  • Minimum level requirement for world bosses/block low-levels from tagging and getting loot from world bosses. Worst feeling is having some lvl 7 grifters take up space in your layer/instance hanging around for a carry to grab the loot. If boss is lvl 25, minimum lvl should be 25 imo.


Agreed, bosses and world-bosses should require minimum level so that not a lvl14 guy gets in there dragging everyone else down

One more thing I remembered reading - just make all vendors being able to sell to, I mean, hey I’m at the jeweler socketting aaaand, ah yes, to sell gear I have to go to the other guy on the other side of the town lol

Not sure about TP out of dungeons but kinda feels a bit cheesy to me tbh, would much rather have the player play it out or start over… Now I get it people want to empty the inventory before fighting a boss but still, don’t think this should happen tbh (it’s fine in small-ish dungeons per se, but don’t think should be available in general)

About loot filters I’d advice not to implement that, just reduce and tune down drop rates, if items start flying all over the place (pardon, dropping) then there’s a quite possibly a bigger problem… Noticed there is the Consumables bar in inventory so that’s good, not everything that drops need to be an item, so if a nice portion of stuff that drops (say around 30%) are Consumables then might not be a bad idea too… :thinking:

Hey so about the loot filters, I am basing on the fact that best-in-slot is going to be a yellow item with the affixes you want (maybe you re-roll one property) and then slot a legendary aspect into. This means that we will always be filling up inventory with yellow item candidates for this process which becomes tedious without loot filters. I don’t think they will nerf the drop rates of yellow items (maybe?) but probably will for legendaries so I feel like it will still be tedious.

i dont agree with the leveled gear and not get any loot, just make the loot lower level with less stats for that certain level

Other than agreeing with many of the things listed here I also would like to see a change to the colour palette for quest tracking. Currently the colour and font used makes it very hard for me to read on many of the backgrounds in game. I would like to see either a change in text colour or the addition of a black background to it where you can change the opacity of the background.

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I think most of what your asking is doable, and really would be QOL Improvements, the dungeons I dont mind so much, because those are account based unlocks. I will eventually play all classes except rogue.

The knife quest I know exactly what youre talking about, I have no reward but take this knife? B***h I just killed the demon that corrupted your husband at least give me an axe. Not the used knife, that was used to flay your husband.

want to disable every combat text…i dont want to get immune and dodge on my screen …or hp health bar for elite too. i dont want this too! only complaint i got so far! :slight_smile:

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There are 2 settings that can change this. Turn on Advanced tooltips and other other tool tip one (don’t remember the name)

I agree with this. Cellars should give you something. I think a couple of Obols would be nice. They are (after all) much the same as finding some of the smaller world events.

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I would say make even my own arrow easier to see on the map. Its hard with all the other little arrows and icons to see your own arrow on the large map.

I think they are more rare than world events. World events pop on a loop timer and always on the same place. Cellars and Graves were at least to me in my playthrough a lot less prevalent.

In my whole weekend I was only able to go into one grave, and about four cellars. While world events I was doing very often.

This was suggested by many. It ruined the world boss for many people. I agree.


While we are talking about quest tracking.

I would like to track more than one quest on my screen. Especially if they are all in the same area.

Also, I would like the journal to reflect in some way that it is ready for ‘turn in’ without having to click each quest and read that I should return to the quest giver.


It is actually a settings things which is weird as it should just be a default built in feature like in D3.

That would make things quicker. Its a small QoL improvement. Sure. I could get on board with that.

Idk I felt like they were fine. True I found myself without gold a few times but it was easy enough to replace. I would say that the gold costs/sinks are fine as it is. D3 made gold irrelevant which shouldn’t have happened. Gold should matter in these kinds of games.

I will say the buy value of items from vendors was way too high. The buy value should equal the sell value and not triple the sell value or whatever it was. Is it realistic to have marked up items? Sure but this is a game. Mark it up by 10 gold not thousands. The gear wasnt even that good to be marked up as high as it was either. It was more of a short term bandaid piece of gear.

I 1000% can get on board with getting the transmog from extracting a legendary aspect. At the moment, yes, you only get the transmog if you salvage a piece of gear which is a shame.

I 100% agree. There is no reason we have to go to the main city to teleport to our group members. Just give us an option wherever we are at to teleport to them.

I am fairly certain a Jeweler was needed to put jewels into anything. Adding a socket to armor isn’t like reforging it but adding hot medal over the existing piece and shaping it into a socket. From there they add the Jewel. The medal used by jewelers is softer and easier to mould to how they need it. In the terms of in game mechanics, it makes sense to have the jewel crafter add sockets to everything.

It is underwhelming until you realize how precious veiled crystals in D4 compared to D3. D4 you may use 1 in a 3rd tier armor upgrade and like 4 in a 4th and final armor upgrade. Salvaging a rare item has a chance to give you no veiled crystals. I think the rewards maybe smaller in D4 but they are more meaningful.

They have smart loot in place. 90% of the time you will only see loot that drops for your class. The rest of the time you will see junk your class won’t need which makes it an easy decision on whether you salvage or sell it as you wont use it.

I did notice that they increased the amount of these things from D3 but I assume it was because other players would be tagging them also so they put more in the world.

For Wold Bosses I prefer how PSO2:NGS did their Gigantix. If the player is lower level than the boss, they do only 1 points of damage and get no loot from the kill. Plus the boss scaling doesn’t use the low level players. This will discourage players to leech but also allow those curious to try out the encounter.