Lightning sorc feedback

I played a pure lightning sorc. No fire or frost abilities at all. This is how I would play a sorc. I do not want fire or frost abilities at all.

Overall: very disappointed, always oom and getting chased around while waiting for mana. Base skills suck, too few other options for damage.

Sparks: slow animation to cast. Its free and does decent damage but the animation to cast it slows you down too much to use it while kiting and its single target so its useless while getting swarmed. Should have some kind of explosion attached at the end of its skill tree.

Arc lash: hits decently hard but its basically a melee attack and the last thing i want is to be doing melee damage as a sorc. Need to double the range for me to even consider it.

Charged bolts: i realized this is a diablo staple but i don’t know anyone who actually likes this ability. Its random and completely unpredictable. I don’t think anybody would care if it disappeared.

Chain lightning: i loved chain lightning. It bounced well and did decent damage but i was always oom. At 35 mana i got 3 casts and then i had to kite for 3-4 seconds between each additional cast while waiting for mana. You really need to double the mana regen. I should be kiting mobs to avoid overwhelming damage and attacks, not because I got ambushed and instantly went oom.

Teleport: this is NOT a defensive option. We already have a dodge. Teleport is an offensive spell. Why don’t we have a lightning barrier or other lightning defensive spell like mana shield?

Lightning spear: this was cool but it hit like a wet noodle even with 7 points invested into it. Not really worth a 20 second CD.

Ball Lightning: The damage is lower than chain lightning, the ball travels too slow and its area effect is is too small. To make it worse it costs 50 mana so 2 casts and I’m oom. I casted it 2 or 3 times, discovered how bad it was and immediately respecced out of it.

Crackling energy: i liked the Crackling energy mechanic except for the fact that it spawned where the enemy dies. Needing to run over to pick them up, sometimes 2 screens away because of chain lightning bounces got old real fast. It also made the enchantment for lightning spear crap because instead of proccing during combat i would get that 10% proc after everyone was already dead and I’m just running around doing cleanup. Crackling energy should proc on you and not be a pickup at all. Just fill up the charges instead of spawning something you have to run over to get. It was so bad when they spawned while i was oom and swarmed because i had to charge into the enemy packs just to get them. Its also impossible to predict when they will spawn which is very frustrating. I’ve done 1/2 a dungeon with no spawns and had 5 spawn from a single pack. Needs more consistency.

Enchantments: as far as i can tell the enchantment system for the sorc is total crap. I tried very one of the lightning skills in the enchanment slot and I didn’t notice any changes in gameplay in any way. They made absolutely no impact to my play. Many never even procced or procced at very bad times.


Use enhancements to swap between single target boss fights and general AoE. Another example of enhancements being good is if you played hardcore the fire shield activates when you take a killing blow. Enhancements are pretty great!

Use frost shield. I get that there’s also fire shield and not an energy shield but there is teleport and you could use it defensively or offensively. I don’t think energy shield would be nice to have given your mana issues

There is a talent I believe to have cracklings give mana back when you pick them up I’m pretty sure. They are a bit weird w/ consistency though I agree

There are plenty of ways to get mana back on every sorc build. Use them (: you don’t need your base ability for most of the good builds. Take a look at what others are coming up with if you haven’t found a way to do it

Later on there will be resource regen, items that give resource stats, etc. can’t base all these things on first 25 levels

I totally agree with you, I too have always played lightning (D3) and there I was, a little disappointed for D4.

It is true that we are very quickly OOM → Chain of lightning + Lightning spear and more mana. That’s a lot of damage; but you must be very mobile with this specialization, I have been OS several times. It lacks a defensive spell style lightning shield as in D3 for example. Well, my character didn’t have the best equipment either. It was made of cardboard, but I managed anyway.

I played Lightning Sorc and had a great time. Never felt weak or ineffective.

There was this guy, a few threads ago, that asked for lighting to be nerfed…i think it`s a skill/build issue.

I had two separate lightning sorc builds that both played differently and felt fun. I can’t wait for more skill points and a second enchantment to really bring the distinctness of the builds to life. I think you must have played a different game than I did.

The point is that i am NOT using any fire or frost abilities. I should be able to play just fine without them if bliz did their job right.

"Later on there will be resource regen, items that give resource stats, etc. can’t base all these things on first 25 levels"

How do you know this?
I was wondering if there are other kinds of stats on gear, but i only saw the same ones up till 25.

I’m honestly curious, cause i really hate the way mana works on Sorceress…

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agreed. be nice if basic skills increased regen too

good feedback but most the problems will be fixed with level 50 gear passives and paragons. dont let low level make you feel sad about it. I think will be s tier but I wish there was a spec like nova sorc in d2

Having mana problems at low level, and it not getting fixed until endgame is bad design. That means I have to slaugh through slow boring and frustrating content because if I do it’ll eventually become more fun. Thats crap. Needs to be fun from level 1 or there is no hook, no motivation to keep playing. Why would I waste my time being bored or frustrated when I could just go play something else and have fun from the start?

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Being always OOM is just how Sorceress plays in Diablo 4.

Personally I think it is time to retire resource management. It isn’t fun and serves no valid purpose. There is not a good reason why Sorceress shouldn’t be able to always cast every spell whenever she wants.

Plus the generator spells have the most lame animations I have ever seen. You can barely even see them they are so tiny and you can barely hear them the sound is so lame and quiet.

Lost Ark’s base spell looks better, a big ball of wind energy, works better as pushes mobs backwards AND does good damage, and sounds better because Lost Ark’s spell sound design is superb.


Blizzard gives abilities which enhance mana recovery: Check
Player ignores abilities to fit personal theme: Check
Player blames Blizzard for not enabling skipping powers which improve QoL: -sigh-

“My personal theme is only taking spells which start with the letter [Q]. If Blizzard did their job right, I could play, but it sucks having no abilities.”

Sounds like operator error, not design error.

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thats just how mages are in every game dating back to table top games. you need to wait to cast op spells

pretty much this. happens all the time