Level scaling sucks

Yeah but like no one asked for your opinion. You are not entitled to your opinion when no one on the forums asked for it

So who is the player base…you and no one else?

yeah level scaling sucks and doesn’t even seem to be working properly because the items don’t actually drop at your proper level. they messed something up. Level 35 and I only get level 25 drops, so I’m constantly getting outscaled by enemies. yet somehow if i go to a level 45 area the enemies seem to be no different than in the level 35 zones.


This is a good point as well. It makes it extra complicated if there is an issue, and you don’t easily know what is going on. What level should the loot be? Does it scale to the same level, or does it have a different scaling path? Also, do they scale on more than just levels? Will they scale to gear and paragon points? All of that becomes extra questionable once you add scaling.

Keep it simple, really works sometimes.

Enemy level scaling being used as of writing this is not being used in Diablo 4 in a good way.

Level scaling overall is not necessarily a bad mechanic. I will do my best to explain this view point and you can agree or disagree. If you do disagree try to explain your view point, I don’t mind at all. This opinion is coming from playing each character to around 15-20 in the beta and now having a level 30 necromancer summoner focus. I do understand people are saying that world tier matters and once you get past 50 things change as that is the cap on world tier 1 and 2; I will address this more later.

  • No Sense of Progression: As stated above I have been playing a minion-based necromancer and I don’t feel any sense of progression what so ever. Each area I go to feels like the last. Each minion I unlock or summon is just as effective as the last. I’m only level 30 and it’s felt like a grind with no gains since level 10. I understand that maybe when I get to 50 and the world tier cap is hit that might make me feel like I have a better sense of progression but the early levels should be exciting also and not feel like a grind to 50.
  • Environment Exploration: I don’t care where I go and have no hesitation or excitement when going somewhere new because I know it’s not going to be any easier or harder than the last area.
  • Living Word: In contrast with the Diablo 2 enemies felt like they had a hierarchy. You didn’t want to fight some enemies if you were under leveled. You sharpened your skills on what you could handle before progressing to the next area. This game doesn’t have a feeling of each enemy having some story or place in the hierarchy. I never have the excitement to see how tough a new enemy type is because they won’t be any stronger than the last one. Each enemy might have some type of gimmick but it doesn’t make them harder and at the most it makes it take longer.

Overall, the entire sense of progression and drive for me to see the next area or enemy and see how strong they are is destroyed. The game feels shallow and catered to a different breed of gamer than what the original Diablo games were designed for. How would I fix this? Since I didn’t work on the game that’s not an easy answer. The game could have hard limitations in its design that might make some alterations very difficult. Since I don’t know the limitations ill speak as to what I think would be the least invasive.

  • Region scaling: Make regions scale to a degree. Each region should have a more unique feel and idea that if you progress to an area, you don’t know it could end poorly. For example, an early game starting region would be infested with fallen and the game would cap the enemies between 1-10. Once you got past 10 the enemies would never scale up further and you could / should be able to easily roll over them. Another area would be capped at 5-20 and mainly contain bandits. You get the idea…
  • Dungeons scaling: This is where I would say the game should scale to the player. By this I don’t simply mean the enemies should be set to your level but the enemies themselves would adjust to your level also. For example, you go in to a dungeon at level 5 and its full of fallen and fallen shaman. If you went in to the same dungeon at 50+ it would be full of Balrog and greater demons.

As it is now, I will play the game to 50 and see how I feel then. I must say I’m not enjoying it nearly as much as I would like. I feel the scaling is the main culprit. If I don’t think the scaling is going to get adjusted / improved ill probably be done with this game sadly.


Level scaling is boring and makes every encounter generic. That enemy that took 5 hits at lvl 1 still takes 5 hits at lvl 50. Nothing changed. No progress was made.
It takes away those tense situations when you struggle through content that is higher lvl than you or those chill situations when content is lower than you. Everything just ends up feeling exactly the same.


Went from over 8 hours a day since Friday to zero hours since two days, because you have fun slashing, build works perfect and stuff goes butter smooth in dungeon. Oops oh no, i finally came to Tier 4, lvl 70, mobs harder than ever, okay maybe dial back to Tier 3, oh no didn’t work thanks to scaling, so now you’re build is working less effective despite getting better items, is really demotivating, lost hope to progress further sorry boring. Getting punished for having more passives, skill points, extra uniques or good sacred/ancestral items, nah, you’re now performing worse with your build than on lvl 20!

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Diablo 3 had level scaling too but solve this problem with more difficulties. T10 too hard? Drop to T7 and you are fine. I think in D4 Adventurer should be 2x easier than it is now. It feels too grindy for casual players

Or they can introduce Monster Power which could have 5-10 steps to increase / decrease difficulty, saying 5 is default. It worked really well for D3 Vanilla. Up to day I think D3 was in the best spot with Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Inferno + 10 Monster Power level select on each difficulty. Would allow users to choose their experience



Kripp picked up on the topic and gives examples on why level scaling makes absolutely zero sense and needs to be entirely re-done.


Here’s a story to illustrate why level scaling is trash, no matter how it’s done.

You start off in Starter Zone at level 1. You fight level 1 gobbie. You survive the fight with half your health because you lack the gear and skills (like class skills), so it’s a pretty evenly matched fight. But you’re the hero, so you won, even if you’re now banged up.
Fast forward 80 levels. You return to Starter Zone after having vanquished the Gods of Darkness and Despair, you’ve toppled entire nations, defeated Elder Dragongods, and have claimed mythical armor and weapons believed to be nothing more than fantastical items in dusty old tomes of ages long past. You stroll into the zone and are met with a … level 80 gobbie, among a field of level 1 farmers in rags just starting their epic journey like you did. You fight the gobbie and walk away with half health. In the Starter Zone. Wearing gear that has let you defeat godly beings.

It absolutely destroys any sense of progression. There’s no right way to do it. With lowering a player’s power to their friend’s level, you can at least pretend that you’re holding back your unfathomable power to help them train. But that destruction of the sense of progression is what makes it bad.


This is exactly the feedback and the point that was made to devs in BETA and they completely ignored it. Fact is the scaling was a horrible idea from the start.


i agree its bad.

but level scaling WT to certain levels would be nice, like WT1 scales to 40, WT2 scales to 50, WT3 scaling to 60 and WT4 scaling to 80 would be nice.

No, you don’t because now you have abilities, crowd control, max ranks of your spells.

You’re as useless as your namesake

It’s an example, not an exact retelling of events. But you’ll do anything to defend a trash system.


Level scaling =/= power scaling.

They inextricably tied to each other.

Right, I forgot that Diablo doesn’t invest power into gear, glyph level, and gems.

The exact thing level scaling is designed to counter. But hey, thanks for showing you don’t understand what level scaling is or why it exists.

Mobs scale linearly, you scale exponentially you absolute silly goose. That is why you slaughter Level 70 mobs at 70 a lot easier than you slaughtered Level 20 mobs at 20.