Level Scaling Isnt Good

you know an idea no ones really thrown out there, should just have set levels until the campaign is completed and then that unlocks open world scaling ( sorta like bounties mode in D3).

then once you finish the campaign on one char open world scaling would be unlocked and a choice for the rest of your chars. this would at least give you that weaker / stronger feeling from mobs with at least one playthrough


Level scaling is absolutely essential to Diablo 4, because of the nonlinearity of the open world and quest progression.

Without level scaling, you would be forced to take linear paths to do certain quests, dungeons and content, because they offer better exp and loot, but once you finish those content, there is less or no incentive to do content below player level, because they will offer less or no exp and worse loot.

With level scaling, you can go anywhere, kill any monsters, do any dungeons or quests, and be assured that the exp and loot will always be appropriate and sufficient for consistent level and gear progression.

With level scaling, you can decide to stick to one zone, complete it, then move on to another, or even do a bit of each zone here and there, and not finish any particular one before starting another. This is possible because all enemies would provide enough exp and loot so there is player choice in where to go and what to do.

Without level scaling, the player would play linearly, only going to areas with enemies that are neither too powerful nor too weak, and meaning the player is always stuck trying to find the best area to do content based on their level to optimize exp and loot gain, instead of going anywhere they want in whatever order they choose.


I wouldnā€™t mind the level scaling if it werenā€™t so aggressive.

Like, back off on how scaled the mobs are, but add more of them.


Ya Iā€™m not even going to kill mobs on the way to quest objectives until i finish the story line.


Level-Scaling definitely makes gaining levels a pointless endeavor. Scaling levels undermines leveling, so why even have it? I prefer gaining levels, revisiting lower-level creatures, and feeling bullyā€¦ Powerful. That is what makes power-fantasy worthwhile, and what makes gaining levels fun. Level-scaling is dumb. They see other mmos do it, so golly, we should too. Level-scaling is a downside in otherwise good games. Guild Wars 2, for example. You beat dragons, you beat gods. But thanks to level-scaling, a f-ing frog man with a dart gun can easily one-shot you in the woods. Level 80? No prob. This level 30 bandit boss will kick your asterisk right soundly. Just one hit. Never-mind you have defeated gods, and out-level it by 50. Any developer that agrees to put leveling, and level-scaling together in their game is a dev that should never be allowed to work in the industry again.


The inclusion of an open world in Diablo 4 has led to the implementation of scaling, which is causing several issues. This focus on open world elements seems to prioritize profit over gameplay, potentially harming the gameā€™s overall quality. The traditional gameplay experience of dungeon crawling and loot acquisition is hindered by the open world. The concept of a global scaling system, altar collection, and focus on cosmetics distracts from the gameā€™s core features and makes the game worse. Ultimately, many players may not want or expect this type of open world in a Diablo game, Iā€™m one of those.


Iā€™m on the fence about it ā€“ the way the whole thing is set up, I highly doubt they will be able to balance this game without level-scaling. I felt the trade-off was that you gain new abilities as you grow stronger that add a new flavour to previous combat encounters ā€“ eg, youā€™ve new moves etc.

So itā€™s not ā€˜pointlessā€™ to level ā€“ you gain a new arsenal of attacks that gives you an advantage. Yeah, the mobs have more HP as you level, but otherwise they donā€™t gain new abilities as you do. So you gain combo-potential, whereas the mobs just gain more hit points.

Personally, I would also like to see the mobs gain more abilities as you level, so that levelling is more about gaining new techniques to chain together, adding complexity to the combat.


Is this scaling the reason Iā€™m lvl 25 and only see items drop that are lvl 17 or lower. Iā€™ve tried killing in every dungeon at every location on the map and all the mobs drop 8-10 levels lower gear.

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Right now this definitely feels like the largest issue in the beta outside of any technical issue. Scaling feels bad, almost always especially in the primary game. I think we should have full scaling starting at say tier 3, and should never be scaled to our gear, only to our level. You should always be able to lower the tier and stomp if you feel like or progression is not meaningful and that breaks a game that is only based on progressing further once you are done with round 1.


So? Diablo 2 didnt have a problem.


I agree with what others have said. The elegant solution is to disable level scaling until the final story mission is complete. That includes disabling level scaling in dungeons too (they have higher difficulty dungeons that require keys have them scale with level).

Or hell if they want it to be a challengeā€¦ Disable level scaling for trash mobs and enable it for bosses and elites. That way thereā€™s also reduced reason to stay in a zone if your over leveled and will naturally move onto another. After the campaign concludes level scale everything so thereā€™s reason to go back to old zones.


I agree, at lvl 10 you are strong monsters die fast, at lvl 25 full legendary decked you feel really weak and it take ages to kill mobs.

I also hate that I cast 2-3 spells and out of mana, thats terrible gameplay really hate it. Thats D3 vanila gameplay, real trash.


I was noticing that too, my guess is thereā€™s built in breakpoints, or maybe its the fact were only playing on the second difficulty instead of highest

This is wrong. EverQuest folded endgame content into lower level areas to keep them relevant, for instance, and maintained the expansive feeling of progression and power.

Sacred actually had one of the coolest item abilities ever created in an ARPG - if you significantly outleveled the area mobs dropped dead when you got near them (getting hit could stun you which was really annoying). It was hilarious and so satisfying, and underscored your increase in power - one of the core character fantasies of any RPG, A or otherwise.

There are lots of alternatives to level scaling. Itā€™s a design issue, and a cheap production driven solution to a non-problem. Scaling is a perfect example of why coders should never be directly involved in design.


You just described level scaling; everywhere you go is the exact same difficulty except for some bosses which likely just have insane health points and recycled spells and attacks


why not to make zones for 1-20 21-40 41-60 lvls i think this way more fun i dont see any logic behind lvl 60 plays with lvl 8 in same dungeon unless he boosting him

My main problem was the gear not scaling up along with my level. I realized this when I kept getting one shot by bosses, and upon checking, I noticed that some of my gear was level 5 while I was at level 15. Because I see green on new gear, I equip it without any questions asked. Of Course I should have checked, but I shouldnā€™t have to think about gear at level 15. I am at level 25, I should not be receiving gear that is level 12. Even if it is considered trash, I should receive gear that is at level 20 or higher.

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The monster level scaling feels fine. Not sure why people are complaining about it.

Worried that you wonā€™t get your characters power leveled every 3 months? Good, the chat spam every single season in D3 for free power levels is getting out of hand anyway.

I say make the monsters scale even more, get rid of these leeches / keep them in D3.


Because it is. What are you going to do after 1 shooting whole screen with your lowest dmg ability? Stay still and admire scenery? Thanks to level scalling you get to farm mobs to drop items appropriate to your lvl.

Tbh I dont see any problem in it. Felt fine from 1 to 25 as a rogue on veteran. Still oneshotting large groups with around 2-3k hits. Bosses feel good since they require more movement. The only pain is the butcher which i couldnt defeat now.
Played a sorc on HC on Veteran. Easy. Just outrun the butcher.
To be fair: sorc felt so much easier to get around with ice. Lightning felt good but not as powerful.
Rogue required much more playing around. Melee just gets good with shadowimbue. Recommend range build till you have it.
Overall I felt fine with scaling. Nothing felt to challenging, even easy most of the time.
But I get it that players who arent familiar with diablo will struggle.

And btw. D3 was a pain when it released. Especially Belial was a bi*** Now its just freeloot. Bounties are boring on T16 since they dont scale higher.

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