Level Scaling Isnt Good

This level scaling really like eh! I didn’t notice it till I went backwards and was like… why the heck are these guys same level as me after spending 10 minutes progressing forward. Then I went back to the first dungeon thinking it would be easier but come to find out I leveled twice in the dungeon but didn’t pick up any gear that made my character better. Then I get to the boss and it’s almost unbeatable because my gear isn’t up to par with my level…. SMH not a fan of this scaled leveling. My goal now is to get to level 25, the cap for beta, as fast as possible so I can stay at that level and get better gear so I can actually enjoy the game. Not even sure the purpose of leveling as it really doesn’t pay off to level. Why level if you don’t really get stronger? The purpose of leveling has nothing to do with getting strong and everything to do with just getting more skill points.


At least in dark souls and elden ring you can level and kill things easier. Zero purpose grinding here.


After giving it some thought, there is zero grind element to this game. The best thing to do is progress through the story and ignore leveling because the whole purpose of leveling is somewhat irrelevant. Complete opposite affect of what was intended I believe.

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Exactly. This isn’t a story-based roleplaying game… it’s a live-service game.

Be sure you know what you’re getting into.

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The smarter hc players will abuse this lvl scaling system. Why bother pushing the story or side quests or dungeons, when they can just have a low lvl buddy carry them at the events spawn locations in the first zone. We will see massive chat spam of selling lvl services, and anyone will be able to do it since low lvls can carry.

Scaling doesn’t make it harder, it spoonfeeds progression instead of giving the player agency to take risks in how quickly they want to try and progress through the content.


Exactly. Character level is supposed to signify progress and scaling negates that. It’s a self defeating mechanic.


you are delusional to think that will be a thing. it would get patched. also some areas only scale at a certain level. and you need to be a certain level to access certain difficulties so you won’t be able to get uniques

Optimizing a character to a not fun mechanic, is not fun.

Your delusional to think it won’t be a thing. The only way they could fix it is to set a lvl range with the players in a shared world, and a lvl range of those in your party, and I don’t see that happening. And since the first zone scales it doesn’t matter. Players abusing this system won’t be behind in gear because they are farming the events and gambeling for gear.

i’ve never played a game that didn’t fix that quickly. also a lot of content is locked to low levels so it already can’t really happen

you can start farming map events as early as lvl 5 and invite people to your party at that point as well

level scaling is what turns d3 leveling into nonsense. Why not just start as max level? It just eat time to loop of dropping same items but higher level again and again, fighting monsters scaling always to your level.

I would like to have different level of content in the same areas, so i can get there back later, but not be annoyed by monsters and content i surpass long ago. There are must be dungeons, world bosses, rifts/maps etc for endgame content.
Even if location is low level it still can be a place for high-level event or dungeon. Or justinteresting NPC or object.
But scaling kills the feeling of progress, you cant get back in locations to feel the difference of how stronger you get. You have no common determinator for your character until you reach max level. It’s worst game design.

It needs to be part of the difficulty settings so it can be enable or disabled per user.

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Agree with ya that lvl scaling ruins the lvling experience. As I played the beta, lvling up felt quite pointless and stupid. In a lore kind of way it is also completely nonsensical. Watching low lvls with trash gear doing more damage to a monster that is of the same lvl as me felt stupid. I get that on paper its cute but there are too many sacrifices to the experience/story/lore. Like I cant get over the fact that wolves or bandits keep getting that much stronger (enough to equal beasts of hell). IMO certain species should be lvl capped or replaced by stronger demons as you progress in the story that is unfolding. Anyway not my job to figure it out but it currently feels quite silly and does not encourage me to play.


I find it humorous how much talk there is in here about how scaling keeps areas relevant. Folks, no matter what, there are going to be large parts of the world that you ignore. Even if everything is technically still relevant, other areas will grab your attention more or simply be more fun to play in.

I’m not crazy about level scaling in a Diablo game, at least not as part of the journey to endgame and max level.

the scaling doesn’t necessarily bother me as end-game is going to be level 70+ regardless.

Scaling only really affects the first playthrough experience negatively, in the end it isn’t going to matter much, but that’s an interpretation of what you think the game is about and how you play it, for me, its end-game unique hunting and pvp, so scaling doesn’t matter.

The funny thing is, you could level to like 7 going from the rogue encampment to the dark wood in d2. I don’t think there is enough mobs in the open world of an entire region to get to level 7 in this game.

The lack of enemies is more concerning to me. Too many of these little “events” scattered around and if someone already did the event in the area, all you’re doing is more running around.

I couldn’t agree more. Level scaling is a cancer in modern gaming. It robs progression of purpose. This a problem when the purpose of the game is progression…