Level cap increase will be a huge mistake

How about the devs just get rid of leveling? Everybody hates the leveling process from streamers to casuals. It serves no purpose. It’s literally just a fun-gate. The gearing process should be the main focus of the game. I hate wasting time at lower power that literally has no meaning for the rest of the game.

Well, how do the monsters get stronger? Item power level.

There aren’t even enough skills to put 10 more points into. Hopefully the classes are getting more skills.

There is another post talking about changing the level cap to 60 is a mistake.

How about we stop speculating and panicking over information that’s not been confirmed. With 2 very different level cap rumors going around they can’t both be right.

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You didnt explain why raising it would be a mistake and why you are against it. How is just adding more paragon points any different?

With that logic, its obvious the skill tree will get expanded

I assume mostly passive branches?

But considering we’ll get 10Ish + Skill points, Its fair to assume, the expanding of the skills could be larger than thought

Or They could simply raise the maximum points put in a skill

Core skills could go to 10 , Passive could go to 5/6

Really curious what its gonna be =p

And if u cant put more points in initial skills, they will have obviously added a bunch of passive around

Would’nt make any sense to give more skill points, to have nowhere to put them at all =p

That’s fine, but not what your post said. None of us are community spokespersons (there isn’t one) and that’s what your post implied.

Given the current odd (no pun intended) max item gearing system, I think it would make sense to have max level be 125 to match the ‘25’ increment they use, e.g. with 925 item level as max level.

Is the power creep good or bad? I have no opinion. I only have an OCD inclination to harmonize the number scaling format.

Oh crap didnt think of being able to just add more points into skills.

Kinda meh

I bet they just do that :sob:

So instead new skills and more builds, we get more skillpoints?
Yet we keep the 4 + 2 skill slots?


Remember when a tier 100 dungeon was impossible for most players? Now its a joke.

level cap should be 1. yes level 1 is the cap, lets see those barbs clear a pit 200 at level 1, i know some streamer posted he did the capstone on hardcore with a sorc successfully at level 1.

That way when we create out next season characters will be at max level and can just get into the end game faster

After they lazily turned all my gear to legacy, even my few ubers, I stopped playing this trash. Now I only read the forum as it still hold some entertainment-value.

Would be nice if we didn’t have to restart every season. Maybe D4 can go the way of Lost Ark and change the formula.

You’re forgetting the Eternal players. We don’t want to grind 3GA new gear every season that is why we don’t play seasonal.

blizzard has just announced d4 as a season model…better inform yourself beforehand…

I’m with you on this, but I don’t understand how an increase in player level influences the gear in any way?
The gear will remain 925 as far we know, has nothing to do with player level.

Wut? That’s silly logic.

I’ve pre-ordered dozens of games without everything being known. In fact, I just pre-ordered Dragon Quest 3 remake (Nov release) and barely anything is known currently. All we know is that physical fighters will now have MP and abilities (unlike the original), a re-work of classes and abilities overall, expanded quests, and a more fleshed out story. OMG! JUST LIKE DIABLO4/VoH!!!

If you want full knowledge of games - don’t pre-order games.

Hard agree, at least for seasonal play. I see people posting about making endless paragon boards so you can forever level so theres no end game and that just sounds like hot garbage. People that start late or take a break would never be able to catch up, so leaderboards would be irrelevant to any sort of skill - just who can play the most. It also doesn’t fit the idea of seasons. Should be able to feel like you completed the season before it’s over.

I wouldn’t care if they put that in for eternal to give those players something to strive for.

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They don’t need to make more levels. They need to make the levels that exist more meaningful. Getting a bunch of micro-growths every level (or paragon level) just does not feel good, and it makes the whole leveling experience feel boring. The incremental changes felt throughout the game is just a bad deel, and a major part of why the game feels so bad to play.

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It could just be as simple as splitting paragon levels and normal levels, for increase in normal levels with expansions. So it’s almost exactly as it is now, only 60 regular levels, and 50 paragon levels (with 4 Paragon points per level) or 200 paragon level with each level being a quarter of what it had before.

As it is pre 50 and post 50 are completely different leveling systems, so splitting them formally into 2 sets of levels doesn’t change what is going on, except nomenclature.

They might do something else, but it just could be that same thing with new names, for later adjustment made easier by the decoupling.