Level cap increase will be a huge mistake

Increasing the level cap is going to be a mistake, we hate the arbitrary number increases. Keep level 100 max level, period. Make level 60-100 grant even more paragon points, and give us 10 extra skill points from 50-60.

Initially I thought we were going to have one time quests that gave us extra skill points, like in D2, which would have been awesome. Upping the level cap is something I’m adamantly against, and will permanently be a mark against this game for me, personally.


Powercreep has long since been established.
Sadly, it’s here to stay and is in-line with the design/dev “philosophy” of the game.
Some will blame ‘Players’ as the root cause…that’s inevitable and frankly that’s all They do.

Remember RF talking about “Player Expectations” - that goes hand in hand with what is given to the players. If players are given an overbloated Trillions and Blizzilions experience - that’s what they’ll expect - and if ONE dps less is given then RIOT. That’s what’s been delivered in stages patch by patchand Players have been trained pavlovian style to expect it & salivate in anticipation for it.

The “Team” has done nothing to TEMPER(tone down/mitigate) said “Expectations” except to maintain a steady, rapidly increasing upward power creep vs cracking down on it and adjusting the very core of the game to be one of Balance first, items enhancing skills second(not items that are BiS and 100-1000% stronger than skills - but items that Add flavor and expand upon the identity of Skills) and finally, Content third.

I mean at the end of the day 100 damage and 1,000,000,000,000+ damage is all relative.
It’s just sad that the game at large could have been in a much better spot than it is if a normalization of skill damage - not these absurd multipliers - had been established early on and then items are introduced to differentiate the playstyle of a single GIVEN skill vs its vanilla form - which should also be viable,
Instead it’s playdough big numbahs for the smoothies - they simply cannot see the market/playerbase any other way. It should be insulting but people keep asking for more so…I question whether or not it’s really the case.

Now more skill points, bigger NUMB-ers, lots of zeroes …it must be what their metrics spit out of the ticker tape machine.
Why make a GOOD game when you can make a McGame?


They didn’t say one way or the other about that. I think it’s more likely the new cap is 60 than that it’s 110.

Honestly, I’d like to see fewer levels that take a bit longer, AND meaningful paragon choices at each level.


I also hope they don’t start increase the levels of the characters. A well designed game with a level cap is much better than simply a game with infinite leveling


I dont want a paragon or infinite leveling system, or the level cap increased to 110. What would be even worse, is a meaningless item level increase making all of our current loot useless. Thats one awesome thing I loved about D2 was that my loot never became useless.

I hated when RoS came out and they increased item levels, making every single hour poured into the game prior obsolete. An item level increase, 2 seasons after making all of our loot useless with the loot reborn making items “legacy” (another word for useless/obsolete, due to no tempering/masterworking) would be very frustrating.

Blizzard, this isnt WoW, stop invalidating our time and loot in a loot hunting game because you keep making sweeping changes to your game that wasnt ready to be released yet. Its punishing to players who are passionate about the game and go out of their way to collect items for the long haul on eternal. Some of us actually care about our eternal characters.

End of rant, just my feedback.


I’d rather the max level stays the same so we don’t get skill bloat but I do hope we get a lot more paragon levels.


Where was it stated that the level cap was increasing?


Whats this “We” BS?
You got a mouse in your pocket?

End Paragon Oppression!
Free the Paragon Cap!


You are speaking for yourself.

Do not presume to speak for the “community.”

That being said, personally, I couldn’t give a crap about a level cap increase as long as items don’t get a higher tier than 925. I play eternal and the amount of time I’ve spent just to get what I have, I’m sorry, I’m not doing that again on the same character. The only reason it was okay in D3 was because with the expansion being right around the same time as the loot change up you needed new gear anyway (which of course Blizz screwed up by having the scaling turn exponential at that point.)

Honestly there’s no reason for either (new level cap or higher ilevel) since the game is built around seasons and starting over and the current progression really doesn’t need to change at all, the seasonal content alone should be exciting enough to keep people playing.

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There is no LV cap increase.


They decided on these things before D4 event went live. A bit late to complain, if in fact they are increasing level cap. More paragon points & skill points seem to already be in the expansion, if we can believe the things that was discovered in various trailers etc.

I guess we’ll find out in August when they announce all these things.

On Annacake’s dev Q & A video she recorded during her trip, she asked about paragon starting at level 60 and what that means in terms of a level cap, to which the dev responded with something like “Traditionally, in Diablo games, when we do an expansion, you’ve seen the level cap go up, so maybe that is something you can expect. We’re not talking about that today, but stay tuned for more info.”

Doesn’t confirm it but heavily hints at it imo. Or at least that level cap is changing in some way. It also could be that 60 is the new level cap for the expansion, with it being 50 for non expansion, and then an endless paragon system, as shown in the recent videos that show the XP bar with a level 60, but then the number “1” in brackets. I personally hate the endless paragon system of D3 but D4 continues to go more and more back to D3, so it wouldn’t surprise me.


Unfortunately I am feeling this hard with “nerf barb so they play spiritbourne”

Actually, Im speaking for myself and all of my friends that play this who also agree that doing so is a mistake. Not everyone frequents the forums, when I say “WE” I indeed am not only speaking for myself. I KNOW there are many other players that will really loathe a level cap/item level cap increase.

Agreed, its looking more and more likely, not guaranteed but some clarification would be awesome. Not sure why such a simple part of the expansion would be kept secret for so long? Other than them possibly not wanting to kill our enthusiasm for the loot hunt before expansion launches? Which is exactly what will happen if they do announce item level increase. I dont want to waste my time grinding only to have all my loot made obsolete either, though, lol.

10 lvl increase hardly matters and would be much needed if we get a new difficulty level, which is likely to be the case.

People are overblowing this.


Why these weird solutions ?

The simplest one is unlock earlier paragon

The other thing it could be is they’re changing the paragon system to some kind of endless paragon system. So that would mean 50 is the level cap for non-expansion and 60 would then be the level cap for expansion owners. Recent videos do show footage of the XP bar with a level 60 character and a “1” in brackets below it. This might not award endless paragon points though. And I hope it doesn’t, as endless power creep like that is terrible.

But yeah, kind of silly they release all these videos and playtests but then be so tight-lipped about so many features/changes, when many are visible to some extent in all of the footage/playtests.

It’s especially silly when they already opened preorders. At that point everything should be known.

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Even if they do increase the level to 110, that doesn’t mean they’re going to change the item level cap.

You can wear full 925 equipment at level 55, so why would you need a higher item level at 110?

The purpose of additional levels is to allow for additional skill points and/or paragon, so that you can gain more power. You don’t need new gear for that.

In all likelihood the level cap isn’t changing. How you earn paragon might be, but nothing in the content shown was ‘final’ or is necessarily making to live.

They might also purposely change things in these versions so that people go down rabbit holes speculating on things that are never going to happen. If this is the case here it is working beautifully.

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Yup, totally agree with you :slight_smile:

In all cases, they had to try to do adjustments to fit those extra skill points

Maybe it will be better

In any case, its obvious they have good intentions

Cant wait to find some legendary glyphs, I hope they are not easy to find :smiley:

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