Level 80 and no Umbral, Vasily's or Tempest?

Is my character cursed or am I the unluckiest guy in the world? I’m lvl 80 on my druid and I haven’t gotten a single Umbral legendary aspect (exept the default one from dungeon). On top of that I haven’t gotten one Vasily’s Prayer and no Tempest Roar (I know Tempest is supposed to be rare I guess, but no Vasily’s? Come on)

umbral and tempest are known to be super rare, but I feel like vasilys drops all the time at least on my playthrough

I found my first Umbral at level 86. 8 Vasily’s and zero (0) Tempest.

I’m in the same boat but lvl 90. It’s honestly why I stopped playing my Druid and am debating changing my class for S1. I love the Druid but the reliability on unique items not to make your build better but mandatory can be frustrating.

Now that the loot table for Druid is fixed I should probably try to get my helm again.

I had my best luck getting the umbral aspect from gambling. I got 3 of em at max roll and 2 at 3 per cc.

As for the helms, sadly all I can do is say good luck as it took me until lvl 96 to finally get tempest roar (and after trying wolfnado, it’s slower than pulverize for me cause I still don’t have a good dire wolf aspect or weapon/totem).

Took me a while for an umbral as well. Somewhere in the 80’s, had 4 max roll of it drop since. Twice from Obol gambler. Vasily I got late 70’s and two more since. No TR, but two sets of Temerity pants and 5 Crone staves.

It’s just RNG being RNG. Currently level 93, playing the game and not stressing the drops because I make my own builds.

Reached lv 100. 2 Umbrals (2 and 3 regen), 1 prayer, 0 roar. No idea if it’s just luck, but for what it’s worth you can take comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

I didn’t find my first umbral until I got to level 89 and switched from pulverize to tornado. It’s like the game instantly knew I was no longer interested in the umbral aspect and gave it out like candy :') I have now found 3 4/4 umbral aspects at level 90 and no longer have any interest in going back to pulverize sadly. Found 2 vasily’s at 85/87 and a tempest at 88.

Spam nightmare dungos and pray my guy!