Let's Talk About The Map/Mini-Map

So I have seen a lot of feedback here about similar things but I haven’t seen many people mention the map, so, here goes:

  • The way the map “uncovers” when you enter a sub-area is not ok. I can’t tell what I’ve truly explored and what I haven’t. For a game about exploration, the map is truly lacking in its current state.

  • The mini map needs at least two more options: First, a transparent overlay a la every other ARPG out there including Diablo/Diablo II. Second, we need scaling options and zoom options.



Agree. I keep instinctively trying to scroll the mouse wheel over the minimap to zoom out.

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Definitely agree on both of those points. Especially with the way the entire sub area uncovers itself immediately upon entering so you can’t easily tell where you’ve already explored. I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere else.


I’ll add to the list for feedback. These are most of my negatives.

  • The game guides you to EVERYTHING. This is basically blind guy with guide dog simulator. Map pins feature tells you the fastest path to walk. Map quest pins tell you exactly where to go to find the NPC or quest objective. Dungeons are tunnels and never are an “open” design. There is literally zero ADVENTURE in this ARPG. No vague quests of “Go to the oasis and seek out this person” where you need to explore a zone to find something. The map doesn’t tell you where to go, it shows you. And pins will walk you there. And then more pins will show you were to turn it in. And who to go to next. Etc. It’s too much guidance and zero adventure.
  • The entire UI is straight out of mobile and console games. Nothing about this game says it optimzied for PC (read: keyboard + mouse). The map take up the whole screen and is not transparent to show combat or movement happening while it is up. Every menu (like the social menu) takes up the ENTIRE screen. Why??? Right clicking a friend in the social menu brings up a submenu that also takes up the entire screen. Why??? Honestly the D3 UI was lightyears better than D4. And chats??? Chats don’t hover over any menus (map, skill tree, social menu, etc.). The character selection screen??? D2 had a better character selection screen. At least in D2 (and D3) you could chat while in the character selection screen. You could create parties. The D4 character selection screen is literally a mobile game screen. No chat available. Can’t make a party. No menus are accessible. It is literally click your character and click play. WTF is that. The D3 character selection was WAAAAY better. You could access all menus and chat and join parties.
    Also, why the hell is the chat box on the right side of the screen lul. Can’t even move it.
  • More about the map: it’s not useful in towns. The colors are so washed out you can barely see where there are corridors and exits and stairs, etc. At least for the minimap in Act I.

For the love of GOD devs if any of you see this, do something for PC gamers. Make the UI/UX better for keyboard and mouse users. Diablo is a franchise built on dedication, blood, sweat, and tears of PC keyboard+mouse players. Don’t optimize everything for controllers. We need some love too.

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Agreed on all your agreements :slight_smile:

The UI etc definitely does not feel like it’s been tweaked for PC at all. It’s very mobile/console centric which is fine, for console. Please, adjust the map, adjust the markers, let us actually explore instead of breadcrumbing everything a la Immortal.