Leaked sorcerer new aspects

firewall can now deal extra 100% dmg but also deal 200% dmg to caster

Using teleport grants 30% extra damage and grants 30% extra damage from monsters, because you aren’t dying in 1 hit enough as it is. Please enjoy.

Using teleport grants +10 to glass cannon for 6 seconds. You still won’t be doing as much damage as other classes, and you’ll die even faster. Please enjoy.

New sorcerer unique:
+3 rank to glass canon passive.
The glass canon passive is now called glass and only triples the damage taken instead.


Leaked Rogue asspecked:

You are now a Rouge and are unstoppable except by crowd-control effects.

not really, its the opposite u will more likely to wear dr chest from 55-70 because it will buff the heck out of ur defense. but u will be wearing raiment after 75, no amount of dr from chest will prevent u from being one shot. at that point, its cc the crap out of them and kill them before they kill u. any one who push to 100 use raiment for that reason, defense/dr is pointless at end game dungeon.

This is so original hahahhahahaha this for sure wasn’t copied from reddit hahahhaha

It wasnt, it was coppied from FB as I mentioned in comments.

Edgemaster’s and Condescending Aspects should be in a regular affix pool, I mean that much is kinda obvious, have rares have the ability to roll these two

  • Damage increased based on Resource amount
  • Damage increased while Barrier active

The more I think the more I get the obvious idea that the reason why D4 itemization is bad is mainly cause it doesn’t “evolve” enough (i.e. doesn’t change cycles, almost at all)

Like, affixes available at lvl50 are the same that are available at lvl75 (not sure about 100 but judging from people’s feedbacks seems to be the case so), and affixes available at lvl10 are the same that are available at lvl30

If there was a bit more change (and run it back if need be but, give that “oh look, now my Boots roll unstoppable but at a 10 Sec Evade CD now” or “oh look, my Ring no longer gives me Vulnerable damage but gives me increased spellpower per point of Int now” or “hey nice, now X% of my Thorns is added to all generators” or “now my Thorns is also added to Core skills”, or even the one that I had mentioned before “hey, now my Amulet/Ring can roll greater MINIMAL resource” (yes, minimal, like Fury can’t go below 5 or whatever)

Like, THAT’s something that the game really lacks in general

Lvl50 starts rolling “Poisoned enemies deal less damage”, “Slowed enemies deal less damage”, “Burned enemies deal less damage” i.e. start rewarding builds and stuff, but in general past lvl60 or so there’s literally nothing new added to be a roll

But again tbh - Edgemaster’s and Condescending aspects should be a baseline roll (if not on lvl10 say then from 30 onward…) :thinking: :slight_smile:

60% of the time, it works all the time

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Ice ultimate only generates a cool breeze because firewall now emits co2


Oh, that was copied from Reddit. The echo chamber continues.

We’re already there though with the ice ultimate, it gives enemies a chance to cool off a little from the summer heat in sanctuary.

What we need is this:

Deep freeze now activates a tray of ice cold lemonade that buffs enemies within range increasing their damage. If you are able to activate the lemonade before an enemy, you die instantly.


LMAO! This is so true, Sorc got it all, low dps, low def, low chance of skills working.

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HAHAHA :rofl:

Working as intended!!

But if the enemy drinks the lemonade, you get 5 gold like a lemonade stand

If they are able to fully drink a glass of lemonade, -1,000,000 gold from the player.

What is this +5 gold nonsense are we trying to make sorc OP here or what?

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OP, there’s already a game that’s full of bs like that. It’s called POE.
I honestly feel sorry for anyone who’s going to play it for the first time.
And I pity those that are still hooked on that shtshow even more.

at least that bs is fun and has an endgame🤣

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Lucky hit : UP to 100% that every unique drop turn to a razorplate (Sorcerer only)

Not so much. Once you’ve got a few toons to 100, and once you’ve done a couple 40/40, then you realize how boring POE actually is. But if you’re still on your way there and haven’t seen any of that, by all means keep wasting your time on the toxic mechanics, gameplay and trading. “Frustration” must be your second nature.

P.S. Btw, my first response here wasn’t meant to defend D4 or anything of that sort. I think, the post-campaign game experience in D4 is very bad at the moment, so I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone either.