Leaked sorcerer new aspects

Fixed to add a little pulp-fiction magic

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Yeah it is odd what they allow, and what normal people say and triggers a warning.

Thanks for the laugh OP.

That could actually be very useful with Raiment. Those terms are reasonable.

Actually maybe 85 you can survive level 75+ just a matter of skill not to get caught with your buffs down but not with a raiment.
Raiment not even more damage except for that first few seconds if the mobs survive they unstoppable and your dead. All that stun does is sets the mobs unstoppable faster. And since teleport is less than 3 second cd without raiment you also losing another 30 percent dr.

it doesn’t matter, dr is pointless once u hit those lvl. no amount of dr/defense will safe u from 1 hit. stun is there to proc ur aspect of control for the extra damage while group everything up for ur blizzard/ice shard to nuke, and technically speaking making ur teleport having cc on boss so they can stagger faster.

I used to think like u until I run higher level nm dungeon, until they address all the resist/armor issue raiment is bis for chest for high end lvl nm dungeon not some rare chest. kill them before they kill u and cc is ur only way to play at those lvl as a sorc.

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You do not group anything up. Frost novas radius just as big as that pull on chest. And YOU can not survive because you following some build online and have not learned the class properly. Sure i can still get 1 shot. But only because of dumb mistakes. You think going all damage zerg is the best because that was what you was told. I have tested just about every combo of builds and done t80s without raiment. I can comfortably run 70s without dying constantly though like you would be in raiment.
Raiment is garbage period.

thats ur opinion, lets just say me and a lot of the top nm dungeon pusher on youtube/maxroll have our own opinion to the matters.

hahahahahahahahahhahahah fantastic+

Aspect of One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Resistances now work at 11% of displayed effectiveness. This aspect may be worn in multiple slots…

Ice Armor, Frost Nova, & Blizzard will now all share the same cooldown. We feel this will make the gameplay experience for Sorcerers more challenging & fun.

Frost Shards will have its range increased by 100% but to balance this out its damage output will be reduced by 50%.

Shatter will now apply to all creatures within range, including the other players in your group. This interaction will cause Sorcerers to be much more cautious on using this spell, which in turn will cause greater team coordination.

Incinerate can now be cast while moving. It doesn’t deal damage, because you’re intended to use it as a flashlight.

Hydra has been removed from the Sorcerer’s skill tree, because we felt that we’ve nerfed it into oblivion so nobody’s using it anyway.

Firebolt will no longer do direct damage, but will instead cause enhanced burning over time. To compensate for this, its damage has been reduced by 20% on the first bolt cast, & further reduced by 5% for each additional bolt the player casts. Why are we doing this? Yea, we don’t know either.

I didn’t know there was more than one attack skill for Sorcerer lol

I believe your Fireball aspect is written incorrectly
it’s supposed to be "Fireball Does 50% more damage, but Fireball also does 50%[x] less damage.

I got banned for miss spelling a swear word. Just 24h

Blizzard dev reading this post:
I know this is supposed to be a meme post but these sound like good changes going into S1

  1. “Explosive Fireballs”: Fireballs now have a small chance to explode upon impact, creating a fireworks display that deals 0% damage to enemies and leaves a trail of confetti.

  2. “Summon Distracted Familiar”: The Sorceress can summon a familiar who constantly gets distracted by shiny objects, reducing enemy accuracy but also occasionally stealing the player’s gold.

  3. “Glacial Speed”: Casting the Frozen Orb skill now slows down time for everyone in the game, including the player, making combat extremely slow-motion.

  4. “Spell Mirror”: The Sorceress gains the ability to reflect spells back at enemies, but instead of being harmful, the reflected spells transform into harmless, colorful streamers and party balloons.

  5. “Teleport Party”: When casting Teleport, the Sorceress accidentally teleports all nearby players to a random location on the map, causing momentary chaos and confusion.

  6. “Meteor Shower of Puppies”: Instead of summoning deadly meteors, casting Meteor now summons a rain of adorable puppies that distract enemies with cuteness. Enemies may stop to pet the puppies instead of attacking.

  7. “Infinite Mana Tea”: The Sorceress gains the ability to summon a bottomless teapot that pours out infinite mana-restoring tea. However, the teapot occasionally malfunctions and squirts hot tea in the Sorceress’ face, stunning her momentarily.

Honestly ChatGPT should just write this entire game. Number 5 is the best


Do not forget the new class unique:

  • Frost nova also freezes you.

Hardcore only. Otherwise it’s too powerful :smiley:

I made one for Necro.

-3000% chance to obtain legendary/unique items. +3000% awareness that the game has none for sorc that are good anyway.

+1 on walking skills

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