Leaked sorcerer new aspects

When you put the d3 tal rasha meteor wizard side by side with the d4 meteor build it is so embarrassing for the sorcerer. The d3 wizard would definitely say for the sorcerer to go back to magic school lmao


Is this patch note real? The changes sound really weird to me and donā€™t make any sense. but you never know. Nothing in this game makes sense.


Yes this is real. Its me Blizzard alt account also Bobby is with me.

Hi its me Bobby.


What I saw in the leak, it says TP has no cooldown, but youā€™ll return to your original location every 1 second.


So you think ā€œOk, now my items are indestructibleā€¦ā€ Wrongā€¦ now each time you die they lose 9% durability instead of 10% because is 10% less of 10%, which is 1%.

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They will probably also nerf the duration on everything. Dr from teleport nerfed again from 3 secs to .1 sec to match the unstoppable that says 1 second but is really .1 seconds. Barriers now all last 1 second instead of the 2 seconds they do not because sorceress is not getting 1 shot enough.
Made a whole lot of sense to nerf the class that takes the biggest hit from resists being garbage in their defenses across the board.

Why nerf the teleport 3 second damage reduction when teleport also stun enemies for 3 seconds anyways

Aspect of friendship: Friendly fire from all spells and abilities is now a thing. Even to yourself.

7: Lucky Hit: 5% chance to double your +Overwhelm damage % for 2 seconds

Does not. That raiment is useless because we need that aspect and dr on chest to survive. What good does that extra damage do when you doing t50-60s and overkilling everything already? You not wearing that chest after t70 i guarantee you.

Dmg now scales off resists. Added more resists to paragon board. Blizzard is now a channeling skill but does 50% less dmg. Incinerate now causes tagets to do a feeling tickled emote. Fixed all aspects that worked to not work as intended

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Fire damage now counts as lightning damage if you look to the left, but if at the same time you evade while smiling cold damage is reduced by 71.5%

Yeahā€¦ most people donā€™t understand sarcasm, and when the comments explain how it is, they feel stupid and report.

Stupid people manā€¦

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Deal 1 percent additive damage per different stack of burning on the enemy

Just kidding around, as a sorc myself all of it made me sad. But then again i havent played in almost 3 weeksā€¦

Lets hope for a fun new season!

They need to re-evaluate this class as a whole, what a garbage, dogwater of a class this is

  1. Meteor deals 300% more damage but sometimes deletes payroll data
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My favorite new aspect is this wicked Druid one:

ā€œPulverize deals 80% more dmg, however all Sorcs deal 30% lessā€


Aspect of the Crying Man - Tears about D4 are frozen and have no effect

Frost Nova gains: Lucky Hit: 75% chance on hit to reduce armor to 0 and spawn The Butcher.

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