Lacking social system

Boomer level memeing. Stick to facebook.

Barrens chat 2.0, I do think it would be helpful to have a gen chat channel tho.

Your friends went to different games? How could anyone want to play something other than this well polished masterpiece?

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I am not too interested in making “friends” so much as I would just prefer to play on a team, to do coop, to do quests, Helltides, etc. in a group. Some of the best times I ever had online gaming was in Diablo 2 with a fresh new character joining a group and playing through. I once had the fortune to get a good group in Normal and play all the way through to Hell at the start of a ladder. It was especially good with the variety of characters and how they complimented each other when no godly level 90+ rusher was there.

My one sad experience was having to go to Discord, minimize the game and find a player in the Bnet app to add them as a “friend”. Huh? Are you serious Blizzard? I just wanted to join a “game”, not add people to a friends list, not have to go to Discord.

There are at least 2 instances when during Helltides that people have grouped up. Downside is the small party limit is a continued legacy of the disaster known as Diablo 3.

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I made a post on the same topic 6 days ago, see here:

I logged in a few hours ago and encountered the big notification about an official presence on Discord. I get that this discord presence is a potential intermediate step, but it is still quite an annoyance to use. This post and my post can’t be the first instances that brought up the lack of in-game LFG and community features. The devs announce that they are working on an expansion before the 6 month mark when the current live game was in a poor state and continues to be a poor state. As stated in my post I linked above, the devs have access to the WoW and D3 dev teams, and can easily get access to the D3 code. It is a copy and modify code job that one could get interns to bang out quickly. The same can be said about having online web profiles and the API that web character planners can use to import and inspect characters.

People won’t even party up for Legion or world bosses when you get free +5% xp…

I been saying this from day 1 it’s mind boggling that the simple systems from D3, for social channels, clans and LFG were not implemented here

do you have any idea wtf “honestly” means?

honestly as in whose honesty?

so what, we’re all lying because we want better social systems?
wth are you even saying?

“Group finders are for people that want social benefits without being social”.

This is the most hypocritical, senseless thing I’ve read in over 2 decades on the internet.

team work is useless for now
Currently, whether it’s skill collaboration or team rewards, players now prefer to play solo. This makes the outfits in the shop meaningless.
Except for fighting world bosses, players have no opportunities to “meet each other.”

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In Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 it’s a good change of pace when you get bored of farming solo to join a group and play with that dynamic. The more options the better. It can help keep things interesting.

Not to mention the overwhelming best leveling meta of the game is to play in a group.

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Is there any point of them doing anything because no matter what you are going to complain anyway
Besides, with everyone here saying the game is dead and noone plays, how are you supposed to find someone in the game to play with to start with

Games not dead and people do play. Are you ok in there?

Go back and read the forums from when the game released and see how many posts there are saying the game is dead and noone plays
and besides I’m only repeating what people are saying, doesn’t mean I believe them

I’d recommend seeking out a clan that shares your values, or create one. I created a clan for respectful adults, occasionally advertised it in the trade channel, and now we have almost 100 active and amazing people.

You can do it too, but it takes some effort.

It’s one of the strangest design choices coming from D3. In D3 you could just join random rift groups and play. In D4 it’s pretty much a solo game due to the lack of ability to jump into groups and play. Sure, there is an open world, but you don’t really team up with players there often.

Diablo Immortal is a great reference of how to socialize with other players…! Not saying Blizzard should “copy” it, but I would like more incentives and rewards to interact and play with other players, and actual Utility to Clans.

So true, I spent 30 minutes yesterday just trying to find some people to do the Uber with me. I saw several standing up in front of the gate but I couldn’t find a way to communicate or invite them to a party.
2025 and D4, so much worse than D3

The problem isn’t that social features are missing. The incentive to even play with others ingame is just not given.

If you find yourself in front of an Uber Boss Dungeon and see three other people, chances are very high they are just getting boosted by one player and they won’t invite you cause you didn’t pay in advance (for example D2JSP).
They might be players who are farming the boss together and sharing mats and won’t invite you because you might be a potential leecher.

How to fix this issue?
In order to spawn a boss, all players have to pay 2/2 body parts.


Because now people just keep playing solo. It wouldn’t benefit anyone to play with others anymore.

It’s very hard to balance solo and multiplayer without giving multiplayer too much advantage over solo players but also it is easy to nerf multiplayer too fast so it’s useless and most people won’t group up.

I don’t think it’s really possible to do so in an ARPG - looking back it has never been different. Most CS or Baal runs were run by a hammerding with enigma followed by a train of 7 leechers. It was a very sad multiplayer but it was good for its day and age.

How to fix properly?
→ We need a reason to group up with people and talk other than benefits from saving mats on Boss spawns
→ Balance has to be fair enough that solo players can keep up. It’s basically already unfair that 4 players can spawn a boss 4 times, while solo players need 8/8 mats for 4 spawns.

I’d honestly begin with following if I were to be in charge of this game:

  • Create Territorial Areas for Communitys and Clans
    → If you are in a Community you can see up to 120/120 players instead of 12/12 in a town currently
    → Add a better interface for chat (General Chat, Trading etc. exists) but it’s kind of random. How many people are in it? Why does no one chat in local?
    So fix that part
    → Add auto grouping that can be deactivated in the menu. Players can group up from 4 to 6 now in public zones
    → Zones should automatically group you with players of your country following by progression. If you are level 70 in a helltide you shouldn’t be carried by lvl 100s.

The shop actually did it’s part as well and it’s a point of no return.
I know for most people it didn’t matter and maybe I did when I was a kid, but if you see someone wearing the Illidans blades in Orgrimmar back in the day it was something special. Or for Diablo 2 looking back you see someone with a mageplate and green helm and a flail you know he has BiS items.
Now? I don’t care because everyone has transmogs that mean nothing. Items mean nothing. You can get them anywhere, everywhere.
No glowing armors for killing Uber Lilith, no nothing. I don’t even know why we have an inspect option in this game because I would never look at someones character.

No disrespect but it looks like you just posted a brain fart above. Ignoring legit requests for needed fundamental features just because someone (anyone) might complain?! I paid just like you paid so I get to voice my point of view. You can call that PoV an opinion or a complaint, but no matter how you label it, the lack of fundamental features persists. Completing the current D4 vanilla game is not a task of shutting players up, but a task of completing the product that customers paid for. Everyone paid and pre-ordered the game knew there would be needed fixes and the game would not be perfect at release so, implicitly grace was extended to Blizz and D4 dev team. Grace does not last for ever. Essentially Blizz and D4 dev team executed a “don’t worry be crappy” with the D4 release. However, the compliment to the above quoted reference is “better… better be coming and coming quickly.” So, its nearly a year since release and they didn’t bother to do a relatively simple copy and modify job? Come on man… wake up and smell the unfinished business before you.

Whether or not the game being dead, Blizz management made the choice to make an online only game that they touted would be kept up to date and maintained beyond the initial release. The above same referenced group went on to announce that they were going to be working on an expansion to the initial D4 game. Hold on. Stop the presses. Do not pass GO. Please redirect that effort into fixing and completing the original D4 game before any talk of expansions. They have no excuse. They have the talent, the infrastructure, and the money to get the job done. The inclusion of LFG and community related features need no wait until the next season. Get it done, test it, and patch it in. Those features do not affect game play, damage, defense, etc. and they are NOT QoL features they are needed fundamental features that were not included at release.